Part 60 - We Have Arrived in New York! But Where's Dave and The Others?

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Wednesday, 26th of June, 10am, At The Hotel
Dave, The Chipmunks and Chipettes had all arrived at the airport in New York at 2am this morning and got to the hotel at 3:30am
Everyone was tired after the long plane journey and the early time in the morning to get to the hotel, but we're just having a lazy morning to rest and recover
Dave also showed some trust and let everyone sleep in pairs in the bedrooms at the hotel while in New York
So Alvin and Brittany stopped in one bedroom (along with their baby chipmunks), Simon and Jeanette in another bedroom and Theodore and Eleanor in another bedroom
In Alvin and Brittany's hotel room
Brittany opened her eyes and looked around the bedroom
"Wow, this is a posh room, I didn't really look around when we first entered....I just told Alvin to drop the bags and lock the door so we could sleep" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany got out of bed, had a quick stretch and went to the bathroom
She looked in the mirror and rubbed her eyes
"I'm so tired....I hope I can have an afternoon nap at some point today" Brittany said to herself
Brittany used the toilet while she was in the bathroom and then made her way back to the bed
As soon as Brittany sat on the bed, Alvin sat up and called her name
"Morning Brittany, how are you today?" Asked Alvin
"Tired...very tired" replied Brittany
"Oh right...yea, me too...." Said Alvin with a yawn
"Am happy to be here though and am excited to preform on Friday, will be an amazing time" Brittany pointed out
"Yea your right, it has been a bit of a while since we all preformed on stage....but I think that is due to us been at school and doing our exams" explained Alvin
"Anyway, I think we better get ready and go downstairs, you know to join the others before Dave comes to us" explained Brittany
"Yea your right, don't want Dave getting any bad ideas" replied Alvin
"I will start unpacking while you take a shower, then when you are out of the shower you can get ready" explained Brittany
"Ok, sounds fine with me" replied Alvin
Alvin got in the shower will Brittany started to unpack
She got out some clothes for her and Alvin to wear today and also got out their swimming costumes and towels.....just incase they went to the swimming pool
20 minutes later...
Once Alvin and Brittany were ready to go, they put their baby chipmunks in a small pram and made there way to the lift to go downstairs
Alvin and Brittany got out of the lift at reception and looked around but couldn't see Dave or any of there siblings
"Where do you think they are?" Asked Alvin
"I'm not sure, maybe they have all gone around the pool" suggested Brittany
"You might be right, let's go and check" replied Alvin
They got outside and decided to have a walk around the pool. On the way around, they came across Dave who was sunbathing
"There you two are! I didn't think you were ever getting up" joked Dave
"Sorry we are a little late Dave" called Brittany
"It's not a problem you two" replied Dave
"So where is everyone else? Have you seen them this morning?" Asked Alvin
"Simon and Jeanette have gone for a walk around New York and I told them to be back at the hotel by 4pm at the latest and Theodore and Eleanor have gone across the road to the 'all you can eat' restaurant" explained Dave
"Wow, sounds like Theodore" said Alvin with a small laugh
"Oh right, thanks for telling us Dave" called Brittany
"No problem you two, so what are you doing today? Are you staying in the hotel or do you want to go off for a walk?" Asked Dave
Alvin looked at Brittany and Brittany spoke up
"I think we will go for a walk Dave, what time shall we come back?" Asked Brittany
"About 4pm like I told Simon and Jeanette" replied Dave
"Ok, see you later Dave" said Alvin
"Oh you two, I will give you 100 dollars incase you want to buy anything while your out" called Dave
Brittany went back for the money and thanked Dave before going back to pushing the pram
Alvin and Brittany left the hotel and Brittany continued to push the pram for a while
"Wow, it's warm here" said Alvin
Brittany giggled "I know it's warm Alvin, but we are away from home and anywhere is warmer then home" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea your right, I guess I'm not used to this heat" said Alvin
After a bit of walking, Alvin and Brittany stopped outside a shop
"Alvin let's have a look around that shop, there are three floors of clothes" called Brittany in a happy voice
"Ok you can if you want to.....but I will keep walking and..." Started Alvin before he was cut off
"I don't think so Alvin, if you don't want to come in that's fine but you have to wait for me outside this shop please" said Brittany in a serious voice
Alvin sighed "Ok, I will push the pram around the shop and follow you while you look around" replied Alvin
"Thanks Alvin" squeaked Brittany in a happy voice
2 hours later...
Brittany came out of the shop and jumping around like an excited kid that had just been given candy
"Alvin that was an amazing shop....we didn't spend too much did we?" Asked Brittany
Alvin walked out of the shop pushing the pram while carrying four bags of clothes on his arms
"No I don't think we spent too much" said Alvin with sarcasm
"Can you push the pram of I'm going to carry four bags of clothes around please?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, I guess it's only fair" replied Brittany
Alvin and Brittany did some more walking around and when they got past the buildings and near the sea, they saw the Statue of Liberty
"Wow, that is beautiful and quite big too" said Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yea I know, I can't believe the size of it neither" replied Alvin
Brittany then sat all five baby chipmunks on top of the pram so they could see the Statue of Liberty too
The five of them laughed and poked each other
"Mummy" called Emma
"Yea what's wrong dear?" Asked Brittany
"Who....that...big women?" Asked Emma
"That's call the Statue of Liberty" replied Brittany
Lucas laughed and fell back into the pram
"Starch...of...Celery" said Lucas in a happy voice
Alvin and Brittany smiled at Lucas, attempting to say 'Statue of Liberty'
Brittany then put the other baby chipmunks back in the pram and started walking back towards the hotel
On the way back, they saw a building that they didn't see coming and Alvin knew what it was called
"Look at that building Brittany, that's the Empire State Building" Alvin pointed out
"Oh yea, I don't really remember that building....has it been on TV or something?" Asked Brittany
"Well it was on Doctor Who one time, when the Daleks invaded it and used it know to kill the Doctor" replied Alvin
"Oh Alvin, you and your sci-fi programs" called Brittany with a giggle
"They didn't kill the Doctor the Daleks though Brittany, in fact it was very much the opposite" explained Alvin
"Ok Alvin, please stop talking about Doctor Who are starting to sound like Jeanette" joked Brittany
"I don't sound like Jeanette....I'm not a smart person like her or Simon" replied Alvin
"Alvin it was only a joke. Now let's get back to the hotel and see Dave" called Brittany
With that, Alvin and Brittany made there way back to the hotel, just before 4pm, and went to find Dave so he knew they were back at the hotel and were safe...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Alvin and Brittany enjoyed their day walking around and exploring New York? Was taking the baby chipmunks around New York a good thing for Alvin and Brittany or did it cause some issues while walking? (Things like taking turns to push the pram)
Also, Do you think Simon and Jeanette will have enjoyed their walk around New York too? Do you think Theodore and Eleanor will have eaten a lot at the 'all you can eat' place across the road from the hotel? If so, do you think Dave will be mad at Theodore and Eleanor or do you think he will be fine as long as they eat dinner later?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, have any of you readers seen Doctor Who? I saw it growing up from the 9th Doctor onwards and the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) is still my favourite Doctor
Let me know that in the comments too 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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