Part 25 - Theodore! I'm so excited! It's my Birthday soon!

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Thursday, 2nd of May, Next Day, 12:20pm (dinner time), At school
Alvin, Brittany and Eleanor had just left there maths lesson and were making there way to the cafe to meet the others for dinner
"Oh...I hate maths, I just can't do it" called Brittany in a sad voice
"Don't worry Brittany, Jeanette will help us both out, she is amazing at maths" explained Eleanor in a happy voice
"I will try and help you too Brittany....but I might need Simon to help me with maths too" Alvin jumped in
"I don't know how I'm going to make it through the mok exams next week....or even the real exams for that matter" called Brittany in a sad voice again
"Don't worry Brittany, you will be fine" called Alvin with a smile
"Yea trust us sister, we are all worried and nervous about the mok exams next week and the real ones, but if we are calm in the exam then we have a better chance at passing it" explained Eleanor
The three of them were now in the cafe and they sat at the table with the others
"Hi everyone" called Theodore
"Hey Theodore, how was your lesson?" Asked Alvin
"Was ok was yours?" Asked Theodore
"Not too good....maths is just a bit too hard for us three" replied Alvin
"Don't give up on maths though Alvin, I will help you pass it" called Simon in a serious voice
"Yea, me and Simon are great at maths and we would be happy to help any of you" Jeanette jumped in
"Thanks you two your the best" called Brittany
"Eleanor, can we get food now?" Asked Theodore
"Yes of course we can....lets get in the line" replied Eleanor with a giggle
Theodore and Eleanor joined the line for dinner and Alvin and Brittany sat down at the table
"You two go and get your dinner first" called Alvin
"Are you sure?" Asked Simon
"Yea we are sure" replied Brittany quickly
Simon and Jeanette joined the line for dinner too. Now only Alvin and Brittany were at the table, they decided to talk about what Dave told them this morning
"We were really lucky with Dave this morning" called Brittany
"Yea I know, I'm surprised he didn't ground us or anything..." Replied Alvin
"I can't remember everything Dave said to us though..." Called Alvin
"I will quickly go over the talk he had with us this morning if you want?" Asked Brittany
"Yea please do, a reminder will jog my memory" joked Alvin
Earlier today, 6am, At Dave's house (Start of Flashback)
Dave walked into the living room and was surprised how warm the living room was. Dave turned off the fireplace after noticing it was left on and saw Alvin and Brittany asleep on the sofa together with not much clothes on. He decided to wake them up
"Alvin! Brittany! What happened in here?" Asked Dave in an annoyed voice
Alvin and Brittany slowly opened their eyes and saw Dave
"What? Dave?" Alvin asked himself
"Yes it's really me Alvin!" Called Dave in an angry voice
Alvin then remembered last night and sat up quickly
"What happened in here last night you two? I trusted you both" asked Dave
" know..." Started Alvin
"Dave, to be honest with you....I was cold and I asked Alvin to put the fireplace on to warm me up" explained Brittany
"So why don't you both have much clothes on? Where you doing others things last night?" Asked Dave
"What? No! We haven't done anything like that in a while..." Called Alvin
Brittany pretended to be surprised at her and Alvin not having much clothes on
"Alvin, why don't you have you jumper on?" Asked Brittany nudging Alvin slightly
"I was going to ask you the same thing Brittany, why was you sleeping with just your bra and panties on?" Asked Alvin
"Hold on, you two....neither of you remember seeing each other taking clothes off last night?" Asked Dave in a shocked voice
"Yea that's right Dave, the heat in the room made me fall asleep, I don't remember taking my jumper off though" replied Alvin
"Me neither, I think the heat made up both fall asleep. We must have just tossed our clothes off been too hot in the night" replied Brittany
"Ok fine, I will let you off this time, but if I catch you two like this again....there will be trouble!" Explained Dave
"We are sorry Dave" called Alvin and Brittany
"It's ok, I forgive you two....just don't put the fireplace on again, late at night" finished Dave going back upstairs
(End of Flashback) At the dinner table, At school
"Oh yea, I remember how it all went now, thanks for reminding me what he said Brittany, I forgot some of that" explained Alvin
"It's ok, don't worry about it, I'm glad the others don't know would be a little embarrassing" explained Brittany
"Yea I know what you mean...Simon would make fun of me for a few days if he knew" called Alvin
Theodore and Eleanor then came back to the table with a pizza and sat down
"Wow, that was quick" called Brittany
"Yea but that was only because we ordered a pizza at break time and we just had to pick it up" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Anyway, we will go in the line now too and get our dinner" called Alvin
"Ok, have fun" called Theodore in a happy voice
A few minutes went by and Eleanor was looking around the cafe
"What's wrong?" Asked Theodore
"Nothing....I was just looking for the others, if they were on their way to the table that's all" replied Eleanor
"Why? Don't you want them to sit with us?" Asked Theodore in confusion
"Yea of course I do silly, it's just I want to tell you something while they are not here that's all" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Oh...ok" replied Theodore
"Theodore, It's my Birthday soon! I'm so excited!" Called Eleanor in an excited voice
"Wow, that's amazing I love Birthdays....when is your Birthday?" Asked Theodore with a smile
"My Birthday on Sunday the 12th of it's a week on Sunday" replied Eleanor in an excited voice
"So it's after our week of mok exams?" Asked Theodore
"Yea that's right, but I'm so excited...I wonder what I will get this year" called Eleanor
"I don't know....what do you want?" Asked Theodore
"I'm not sure, I will let you know as soon as I think of something....I hope my sisters haven't forgot it's my Birthday soon" called Eleanor
"I don't think they will have....what makes you think that?" Asked Theodore
"Well they haven't mentioned anything about my Birthday that's all" replied Eleanor
"It could be a secret or a surprise for your Birthday" suggested Theodore
"Yea your right..." Called Eleanor
"Theodore, the others are coming.....don't say anything about my Birthday ok? I want to see if my sisters have remembered" explained Eleanor quickly
Theodore nodded and Simon and Jeanette sat down at the table
"Hi you two, that pizza looks nice" called Jeanette
"It is" called Theodore in a happy voice
"Thanks, your dinner looks nice too" replied Eleanor
"Aw thanks sister" replied Jeanette
"We have English after dinner don't we?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea that's right" called Simon
"Ok cool, thanks for reminding me, sexy Simon" replied Jeanette with a giggle
Simon started to blush and tried to hide it but Theodore and Eleanor started laughing anyway
Not long after, Alvin and Brittany came back to the table with their dinner too. Once everyone had eaten their dinner it was nearly time for the next lesson...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. It's Eleanor's Birthday soon! 🎉 Do you think Brittany and Jeanette will have remembered it's Eleanor's Birthday soon? Or do you think they will need reminding? 🤔
Also, with Eleanor's Birthday coming up soon, that means everyone will have to go shopping for her Birthday presents soon. What do you think the chipmunks, Brittany and Jeanette will buy Eleanor for her Birthday?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Also, I don't know if Eleanor has an official Birthday Day but for my story/book I am putting her Birthday on the 12th of May. If Any of the chipmunks or chipettes do have actual days for their Birthdays let me know....It would be something new to me and I'm always up for learning new things (especially from my readers 😉)
As always, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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