Part 2 - Odd Pairing in The Next Lesson

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Monday, 8th of April, Same Day, 12:30pm Dinner time at school
Alvin, Brittany and Eleanor had just finished there maths lesson and were making there way the dinner hall to meet the others
"I can't believe we have a full maths paper to complete by Wednesday" said Brittany in a sad voice
"I know, it's not very long to complete a full maths paper" replied Alvin
"Don't worry guys, I am ok with maths, I can help you both out if you need it?" Asked Eleanor
"Thanks Eleanor" replied Brittany with a smile
"Why are you and Jeanette so smart and I'm so stupid?" asked Brittany in a sad voice
"Brittany, your not stupid!" Alvin called
"I'm not much smarter then you Brittany, if anything you are smarter then me" said Eleanor trying to cheer Brittany up
"I know but I...I just can't do maths" said Brittany in a sad voice again
"Don't worry Brittany, me and Jeanette will help you and I'm sure Alvin will too" explained Eleanor in a caring voice
They all made it to the table where the others were sitting
"Hi everyone!" Called Alvin
"Hi Bro, hey Brittany and Eleanor" replied Simon
"Thank god your here Eleanor! I am starving!" Cried Theodore
Eleanor giggled and pulled Theodore up by his arms
"Come on then, I know you don't care about me, you only care about food" joked Eleanor
"You know I love you more then food" replied Theodore with a smile
"Um...Alvin, do you mind if me and Jeanette go and get food before you and Brittany?" Asked Simon
"Of course not bro, you two go ahead" replied Alvin in a happy voice
Theodore and Eleanor got in the line for food and Simon and Jeanette followed
Alvin then sat down at the table and Brittany looked sad
"Brittany, please cheer up a little....I hate to see you sad and down" asked Alvin in a caring voice
"I will try too Alvin....I'm just disappointed in myself for been bad at maths" replied Brittany
Alvin moved round the table and sat next to Brittany. He put one of his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him
"Brittany, don't worry....we will get through this together, I know what will cheer you up" whispered Alvin
"What?" Asked Brittany in a confused voice
"You just need a quick tickle!" Said Alvin starting to tickle Brittany
Brittany couldn't stop laughing or wriggling around
"Alvin....please....stop....Alvin!" Called Brittany between laughing
"I will if you promise to cheer up" said Alvin in a happy voice
"Ok...I will....please!" Replied Brittany through laughing
Alvin stopped and Brittany had a smile on her face
"See, I told you I could cheer you up" replied Alvin with a smile
" got me, I promise to cheer up from now on" replied Brittany with a giggle
Alvin then hugged Brittany "Thanks Brittany, I never like to see you sad and I know we are not the best at maths but we will get better before the exams, trust me on that" said Alvin in a caring voice
Theodore then come back and sat at the table with Eleanor following him with two plates of pasta
"Here Theodore, please grab your food off me" called Eleanor
Theodore grabbed a plate of pasta and sat back down at the table. Once Eleanor sat down at the table, Alvin persuaded Brittany to go with him to the line for food
Brittany nodded and followed Alvin to the line for food. While in the line, they saw Simon and Jeanette walk past them, making there way back to the table
"What do you want to eat?" Asked Alvin
"I don't mind, you order something for me and I will have it" replied Brittany
"Are you sure? I ordered us food last time" asked Alvin
"Yea I'm sure Alvin, you order us food and I will eat whatever you pick" replied Brittany
"Ok, I will get us a pizza....but we can't tell Dave, he get's mad at us for eating too much junk food" joked Alvin
Alvin ordered the pizza and he and Brittany made there way back to the table to the others
20 minutes later....
The chipmunks and chipettes had just finished eating their food and it was nearly time for the afternoon lessons
"Guy's, we should be heading off to lessons soon" called Jeanette
"Omg, your right it's nearly 1pm, Theodore are you ready to go?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I will be, just give me a second..." Called Theodore putting his hands on his belly
"I hope you have a good lesson next Jeanette, I will see you later in science" explained Simon
"Aw, thanks sexy Simon" joked Jeanette "I hope you have a good lesson too, will see you later in science" replied Jeanette with a giggle
"I will see you later Alvin, I hate not been in all your lessons" called Brittany
"Well, you didn't want to do History as one of your opinions" replied Alvin
"I know....but I know Jeanette did and you get to spend the next hour with her" said Brittany with a giggle
"I know Jeanette is in my History class but I don't work with her" replied Alvin
"Anyway, I will see you later" said Brittany walking in a different direction
"Brittany wait! We are in your lesson too!" Shouted Eleanor
Eleanor looked at Theodore and he got the message that Eleanor wanted him to go
"Ok I'm coming now" said Theodore standing up and walking with Eleanor
Simon watched Alvin and Jeanette walk upstairs and then he went after the others to his lesson
Once Alvin and Jeanette were outside the classroom, Jeanette spoke up
"Alvin, did you do your homework for Mr Garason?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea...well no...kind of....I had a go at it but it was a bit of a challenge" replied Alvin nervously
Jeanette sighed "How does Brittany cope with you, I can't do with people that don't do there homework on time or don't ask others for help with makes me and Simon look like nerds" Jeanette thought to herself
"Don't worry I won't say anything to Mr Garason, just ask me for help with your History homework next time ok?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea sure, thanks" replied Alvin looking outside the window
Just then, Mr Garason walked down the corridor and opened the door to the classroom
"Ok, come on in class" called Mr Garason
Once everyone took there seats Mr Garason asked everyone for their homework. He walked around the classroom and got to Alvin and didn't see anything on his desk
"Alvin? Have you not done your homework again?" Asked Mr Garason
"No I'm so sorry sir....I just have a lot going off at home with my family and girlfriend and stuff" replied Alvin
The whole class, aside from Jeanette and a few others, started laughing
"Hey class stop laughing" called Mr Garason
Mr Garason then looked back at Alvin "You have a 30 minutes detention after school, make sure you come back here at 3pm, otherwise your punishment will be worse" explained Mr Garason
After walking around the classroom and giving another two boys a Detention too, the teacher started his lesson plan
"Ok, I am going to put you in pairs for this next activity" called Mr Garason
"Can I work with..." started Alvin
"No, I will be pairing you all up myself with a boy and a girl in each pair" Mr Garason jumped in
"Ok, here are the groups" said Mr Garason writing a list of names on the board
Alvin looked for his name and he was a bit surprised at who he was working with
"Omg, I'm working with Jeanette?! Oh boy, this won't be easy, I don't think she likes me that much...." Alvin thought to himself
Jeanette looked for her name and saw she was working with Alvin
"Oh gosh, I'm working with Alvin....this might be a challenge, he tends to goof off a lot in lessons and asks me for help sometimes, now I'm doing work with him in a pair....well, I don't hate Alvin, I just wish he took school more seriously and didn't mess around so much" Jeanette thought to herself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Alvin and Jeanette will work well together? Or do you think they will drive each other crazy and cause issues with each other?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, I am letting you know I will be starting part 3 off from here just so I can expand a little more on this idea of Alvin and Jeanette working together in class. I know that starting part 3 from this point will mean I will have talked about the same day in 3 parts/chapters now but don't worry, I won't talk about every day in 3 parts/chapters 😕
I will get the story going a little faster as I write more parts/chapters, don't worry 🤔
If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
I hope you like the book so far.... 🤗
Thanks again for reading everyone will update again as soon as possible 😋

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