Part 3 - Working With Jeanette Isn't Too Bad

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Monday, 8th of April, Same Day, 1:20pm, at school
In the History Lesson
"Ok everyone, now your in groups, I will put four time periods up on the board and together you must put them in order ok?" Asked Mr Garason
"Yes Sir, we understand" everyone replied
Mr Garason wrote four time periods on the the board: Pre-History, Egyptian Empire, Greek Empire and Hippocrates/the Four Humours
As soon as Mr Garason wrote the four time periods on the board, everyone started talking in there pairs
"Right, I think I know this Jeanette" called Alvin
" tell me what you think it is and I will tell you what I think it is afterwards" replied Jeanette
Alvin wrote down, Pre-History then Greek Empire then Egyptian Empire and Hippocrates/the four Humours last
"Wow, that's nearly the same as what I thought, except I think the Egyptian Empire and Greek Empire need switching around" explained Jeanette
"I don't think they do Jeanette, I'm sure that's how they go" replied Alvin
"Yea but without the Egyptian Empire, then the Greek Empire wouldn't be able to do some of stuff they were able to do" persuaded Jeanette 
"Jeanette, please trust me on this, I'm sure this is right" replied Alvin with a smile
"I am almost positive I have got it right but I won't argue with him....I will just have to agree" Jeanette thought to herself
"Oh yeah, I think your right Alvin....I'm sorry I doubted you" called Jeanette
"It's no problem, we all make mistakes" replied Alvin
After 5 minutes, Mr Garason got everyone's attention back
"Ok, here is the answer" called Mr Garason
Jeanette was right, the Egyptian Empire did go before the Greek Empire
"Oh you got it right Jeanette....well done I guess, God I'm so stupid" Alvin said to Jeanette in a sad voice
"Alvin, it's ok, don't worry about it, honestly it's not a problem and we are all here to learn and help each other, your not stupid trust me" explained Jeanette in a caring voice
"Are you telling me the truth? You don't think I'm stupid?" Asked Alvin in confusion
"Yes I'm telling you the truth Alvin, you are a smart person....well chipmunk and we can't get everything right" replied Jeanette in a caring voice
"Aw thanks Jeanette" replied Alvin blushing a little
"Now, I will give you all a different time period each and I want you to do a poster on that time period for the rest of this lesson and get it finished for next lesson on Thursday ok?" Explained Mr Garason
"Yes we understand" everyone replied again
Mr Garason walked around the classroom and gave everyone a piece of A3 paper and told them a time period to do. Alvin and Jeanette had been given the Egyptian period
"Ok, shall I draw some pyramids in the top right corner?" Asked Alvin
"Not yet, let's plan our poster our first in my sketch book and then we will do the real thing with no mistakes" replied Jeanette
Jeanette started drawing boxes and other shapes in her sketch book and Alvin watched her in amazement
"Wow, her drawings skills are great, I wish I could draw like her and she is really smart too...I'm not surprised Simon fell for her" Alvin thought to himself
"Alvin? Alvin?" Called Jeanette
Alvin's thoughts then come back to him and he looked at Jeanette a little confused
"What?" Asked Alvin
"I said, I have made a plan for our poster, do you think that's ok?" Asked Jeanette showing Alvin her sketch book
Alvin looked and was still amazed by Jeanette's drawing skills
"Yea I think it's great, your drawing is great too" replied Alvin starting to blush again
"Thanks Alvin, I will let you draw a few pyramids here if you want?" Asked Jeanette
"Are you sure? I don't want to ruin the poster" joked Alvin
"Yes I'm sure, now go ahead and I will start adding some text to the poster too" replied Jeanette
After 30 more minutes, the lesson was finished
"Ok everyone, don't forget to finish your poster in pairs by next lesson, see you all on Thursday" shouted Mr Garason as the class was leaving the classroom
"Yeah! Only one lesson left and then it's home time" Alvin said to himself
1 Hour Later, 3pm, end of the school day
Alvin, Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor all walked out of the science classroom and were all going to the exit to meet Dave
"Today has been a long day" said Alvin in a tired voice
"I know but we have got homework to do at some point before Friday Alvin, we have that maths paper to do" reminded Brittany
"Oh god....don't remind me of that, I think when we have done that we will check each other's answers and see if we get the same" explained Alvin
"Yea, that's a good idea" replied Brittany
"Am glad you have cheered up a bit now too from this morning" said Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea me too, it's all you though Alvin, without you I would be sad all the time" replied Brittany in a caring voice
"I wonder what our baby chipmunks have been doing all day?" Asked Brittany
"I'm not sure....probably sleeping and pooping I guess" joked Alvin
"Hey Alvin, don't you have a detention to go too?" Asked Eleanor
"Dammit, yea I do Eleanor....thanks for reminding me I nearly forgot, I would have been in more trouble if I didn't turn up for that" called Alvin
"Guys, I have a 30 minute detention with my History teacher, tell Dave where I am please" shouted Alvin to Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor
"We will do" replied Theodore in a worried voice
Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor went outside and met Simon and Jeanette
"Ok? Are we ready to go?" Asked Jeanette
"Wait a minute! Where is Alvin?" Asked Simon
"Jeanette told me on the way to our science lessons, he had a detention so I just reminded him now" explained Eleanor
"Oh dear...Dave won't be happy when he here's this" said Simon in a worried voice
The five of them got in the car and Dave looked around for Alvin
"Where is Alvin?" Asked Dave
"He has a detention for not doing his History Homework" replied Jeanette
"Oh no...not again, I have had enough of Alvin getting detentions now, especially in these last two months before your exams" shouted Dave in an angry voice
Dave started the car and began the drive home
"I will have to pick Alvin up later, how long is his detention Jeanette?" Asked Dave
"30 minutes I think" replied Jeanette
"Ok.....thanks for letting me know" replied Dave
10 minutes later...
Dave had just got back home and everyone got out of the car and went in the house
Simon and Jeanette went to the table and got out there science books to start doing revision. Theodore and Eleanor went in the fridge and got out some snacks and put the TV on. Brittany went upstairs and into her and Alvin's room
All 5 baby chipmunks were on the bed asleep in fluffy blankets
"Aw look at you guys, you all look so cute!" Brittany said to herself in a happy voice
Brittany then laid down on the bed next to the baby chipmunks and watched them sleep peacefully
"Oh...I wish Alvin was here to see them all sleep, I miss him not been here with me and our kids. I need to talk to him later and see if I can persuade him to do him homework with me and get it handed in on time. If he keeps getting detentions then Dave is going to kill him..." Brittany thought to herself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. When will Alvin and Jeanette get time to do their poster for History? Will they do it after school one night? Or will they do it at dinner time one day at school? Also, Do you think Brittany will be able to persuade Alvin to do homework with her and get it done on time?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, this is a bit of a random question to ask but I will ask you all anyway...Would you like me to write a few parts much later on in the book (around part 18) with the chipmunks and chipettes dressed up and acting/playing as superhero's?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Sorry it has taken me a while to update again, I try to update on Monday's, Thursday's and Friday's (if possible) but I was busy yesterday and a lot of today. I hope you all understand 🤔
If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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