Part 40 - Alvin! What Has Happened With Your Grades At School!

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Monday, 13th of May, 2:30pm, At School
Alvin Brittany Theodore and Eleanor were all in there last lesson of the day, Science. They knew home time was at 3pm and everyone was excited to go home
Except for Alvin, he was a little worried about what Dave would say about his mok exam results
"Ok everyone, we have just seen that video on the Earth and it's different layers, The Crust, The core etc..." Explained Mr Bangs
"Here are 12 questions about the video we just  watched and you need to answer all 12 questions before you leave" Called Mr Bangs
Everyone nodded and sighed, while Mr Bangs started handing out the sheet of questions
Mr Bangs got to Alvin and Brittany and gave them there sheet and at the table across from them, Theodore and Eleanor got there sheet too
"Ok, you can all talk among yourselves as long as the noise level doesn't get too high and I will walk round the classroom at 2:55 to see what question you are on" finished Mr Bangs
"Alvin, are you ok? You have been a little quiet all day since this morning" asked Brittany in a worried voice
"If I'm been I'm not ok really..." Replied Alvin in a sad voice
"Aw, why didn't you say something earlier? Please tell me what's wrong" asked Brittany in a caring voice
"Well at dinner time, I talked to know saying Ned feels sad and wants to be with you at school as friends and then her new boyfriend come Harry and he threatened me to keep away from Wendy at all times" explained Alvin
"Gosh, that's terrible! Alvin what were you thinking? If Ned wants Wendy to talk to him again, then you should let Ned sort his own problems out" replied Brittany
"Yea...but I just wanted to help....and I kinda failed Ned" called Alvin in a voice
Brittany gave Alvin a quick hug, let go of Alvin after a few seconds (because they were in a classroom and didn't want to embarrass each other) and spoke up
"Don't worry Alvin, I think you have done your best and haven't failed anyone, you tried to help Ned out but I don't want you interfering again or getting beat up by Harry" explained Brittany
"Aw thanks Brittany, I promise you, I won't get involved with Harry again" called Alvin
"Ahem! Alvin! Brittany! You have 12 questions to do before you leave today and I haven't seen you write an answer down yet!" Called Mr Bangs
Alvin and Brittany listened and started reading the questions and writing there answers down
After about 10 minutes, Alvin and Brittany had done 8 questions and Alvin spoke up
"Brittany, I'm also worried about what Dave will say to me later....about the mok exam results" called Alvin
"Omg, why didn't you tell me that neither.....if you have any problems Alvin just tell me, I'm your girlfriend and I'm sure you know you can trust me" replied Brittany in a serious voice
"I know I can trust you Brittany.....I just didn't know when to tell you, sorry I didn't tell you sooner..." Replied Alvin in a sad voice
"Apology accepted! Just please tell me any problems you have as soon as possible, I really care about you and want to help make things better for you" explained Brittany
"Aw thanks" replied Alvin blushing a little
After a 5 more minutes, Brittany spoke up
"Alvin?" Asked Brittany
"Yea?" Asked Alvin
"When you show Dave your mok exam results, I will go with you if you wanted?" Suggested Brittany
"Yea that's great, thank you so much! Your the best!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
It was now 2:55pm and Mr Bangs had started walking around the classroom. He got round to Theodore and Eleanor's desk
"We have done all 12 questions Mr Bangs" called Theodore
Theodore and Eleanor showed Mr Bangs there question sheet and he nodded and smiled
"Well done you two" called Mr Bangs
Mr Bangs then went over to Alvin and Brittany and looked at there question sheets
"We are almost done, we are doing question 12 now" called Alvin
"Ok, make sure it's done before you leave" replied Mr Bangs
"Hooray!" Shouted the whole class
"It's finally home time" called Theodore in a tired voice
"Yea I know, come on Theodore, Simon and Jeanette will be waiting for us downstairs" called Eleanor with a giggle
Eleanor then looked over at Alvin and Brittany
"Are you two ready to go?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea we are ready, we will follow you two" called Brittany
Eleanor looked a bit surprised, Alvin and Brittany were normally the leaders of the group, but this time they were following...
Once Alvin Brittany Theodore and Eleanor were at reception, they found Simon and Jeanette. Then the Chipmunks and Chipettes all left school together and went across the road into Dave's car
"Hey Dave" they all called
"Hey everyone, how was your day?" Asked Dave
"Was great Dave" called Eleanor with a giggle
"We got our mok exam results back today too" called Simon
"Oh wow, I will have to loom at them with you all when we get back home" called Dave
"Can I get some food first? I'm starving!" Called Theodore in a tired voice
Everyone laughed and Dave spoke up
"Of course you can get food Theodore" called Dave
10 minutes later, At Dave's House
Dave had just parked the car up and the Chipmunks and Chipettes got out of the car and waited for Dave to open the house
Once Dave opened the house he spoke up, before everyone run off
"Ok everyone, I want to see your mok exam results first before you all go and watch TV or play on your games" called Dave
"Or get food" called Theodore
The Chipmunks and Chipettes followed Dave into the kitchen and Dave sat at the table
Simon and Jeanette went first and Dave looked at their results
"Wow you two, you both did amazing! Grade C and Grade B for both of you in your results! Well done you two" called Dave in a happy voice
"Thanks Dave" called Simon
"Yea, thank you Dave" called Jeanette
Theodore and Eleanor went next and showed Dave their mok exam results
"You two did great too, you just both need to practice your Maths and English more and you should be ok and more prepared for them for the exams" explained Dave
"Yea we get you, thanks Dave" called Eleanor with a giggle
"We will do revision for Maths and English Dave....just might be in a couple of hours after food" called Theodore
Dave gave a small laugh and said bye to the two of them
Alvin and Brittany were last and Alvin looked worried
Dave looked at Brittany's first and was surprised with how well she did, she didn't get the best grades out of everyone but Dave was surprised with what she got
"Wow, Brittany, you did amazing! I didn't think you was going to do as well as you did! You have really surprised me! Well done! Just keep practicing Maths and English and you should be fine" Called Dave
Dave then looked at Alvin's results and his smile went away
"Alvin? What happened here? You got grades D and grades E in your results" asked Dave
"Well I did get a grade C for ICT" Alvin pointed out
"Do you think these school exams are a joke? You need to try and get your grades up! Big time! You need to aim for at least 5 grades at grade C and you MUST get Maths and English at a grade C to pass them both!" Shouted Dave
"Ok, I understand Dave...I don't think these exams are a joke at all....I know they have an impact on my future, just please don't shout at me anymore..." replied Alvin in a worried voice
"Alvin! If shouting makes you listen to me..." Started Dave before he was cut off
"Dave! Alvin told you to stop shouting! So please stop shouting at him!" Called Brittany
Dave looked at Brittany and back at Alvin
"Alvin, I'm sorry for shouting at's just a little frustrating from a fathers point if view when your son hasn't exactly done brilliant in their mok exams. I know you will have tried you best too....just please forgive me for shouting and promise to do more revision" asked Dave in a more calm voice
"I forgive you Dave and I promise to do more revision to push my grades up for the real exams" replied Alvin in a serious voice
"Thanks Alvin, I trust you and believe you will do more revision before the exams" said Dave in a happier voice
Dave then looked over at Brittany
"Brittany, can you do revision with Alvin and make sure you are both feeling more confident with Maths and English before the real exams?" Asked Dave
Brittany nodded and smiled
"Of course I will Dave, we are together and we look out for each other, help each other out" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Thanks you two, I will let you both go now and will call you back at tea time when tea is done" finished Dave
"Ok, thanks Dave" replied Alvin
With that, Alvin and Brittany left Dave at the kitchen table and went into the living room to join the others...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Now everyone has shown Dave their mok exams results, do you think Dave will let everyone do activities that they like to do in between school and revision? Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will do better in their real exams, then they have done in these mok exams?
Also, what do you think will happen with Ned, do you think Wendy will leave Harry to be with Ned again? If so, do you think they will get in a relationship and be more then close friends?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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