Part 64 - Results Day!

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6 weeks after the exams
Friday, 26th of July, 11am, At School
It had been 6 weeks now since the Chipmunks and Chipettes had done their exams at school and today was the day, they would go back to school to get their results
Dave, the Chipmunks and Chipettes all walked back into school and were now on there way to the hall
"Omg, I'm so scared Simon" called Jeanette in a worried voice
"I'm a little nervous actually but why are you scared? I think you will have done fine" replied Simon
"Because I don't want to look at my results and find out I have failed everything" explained Jeanette
"Don't worry sister, I think you will have done fine" Eleanor jumped in
"You too Simon, you two are really smart" Theodore pointed out
"Thanks you two, that's really kind of you to say" said Simon with a smile
"I'm sure you two will have done great too....I mean we all did lots of revision the past few months before the exams" explained Jeanette
"Alvin, do you think we will have done ok with our exams?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"I'm sure we will have Brittany, no need to worry" replied Alvin
"I think we will have done fine too....I'm just a little worried about if failed Maths and English" called Brittany
"What? Why? I know they are important but why just those two?" Asked Alvin in confusion
"Because if we have failed Maths and English, we have to re-sit them at some stage in our life" explained Brittany
"Oh god, I definitely don't want to have failed them then, I don't want to re-sit any exams" called Alvin
Dave, the Chipmunks and Chipettes were all at the hall now and they all entered
The six of them looked around the hall for their form teacher, Miss Wood
"Anyone see her?" Asked Eleanor
"No not at the moment..." Replied Alvin
"Oh look, over there" called Simon
The seven of them started walking towards Miss Wood, but on there way they bumped into someone
"Oh hi Ned" called Simon
"Hey Simon, hey you have your results yet?" Asked Ned
"No not about you?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I have my results, I got a grade C in Maths, English and Science and a grade D in everything else" explained Ned
"Wow, that's amazing" called Alvin
"Thanks Alvin, hope you six get good results too" replied Ned making his way out of the hall
"Ned did quite good you guys" called Brittany
"Yea I know, he surprised me" said Jeanette
The Chipmunks and Chipettes then continued walking across the hall, hopped onto the desk and said hello to Miss Wood
"There you six are, I have been looking out for you all" called Miss Wood
"Aw thanks, that's kind of you" said Theodore with a smile
"Here is everyone's results" said Miss Wood passing six envelopes to Dave
"Thanks Miss Wood, for everything you have done" said Dave in a serious voice
"No problem Mr Seville" replied Miss Wood
"Come on then Dave! Let's sit down and look at what results we all got!" Begged Alvin
"Ok, calm down Alvin...we will sit down in the cafe and I will let you all look at your results" explained Dave
The six of them cheered with happiness
Dave, the Chipmunks and Chipettes all went into the cafe and all sat at a table
Once everyone was seated, Dave passed everyone an envelope each
Theodore and Eleanor looked at their results first
"Wow, I did better then expected....I got a grade B in English and Spanish, a grade C in Maths Science and ICT and a grade D for everything else" explained Eleanor in a surprised voice
"Wow that's amazing Eleanor!" Called Dave
"How about you Theodore?" Asked Dave
"I got a grade C in Maths English and R.E. but got a grade D in everything else" replied Theodore
"They are ok grades least you passed Maths and English, they are really important" called Eleanor
" got next" called Jeanette
"What? Why me?" Asked Simon
"Because I asked you go on" replied Jeanette with a giggle
Simon opened his envelope and let everyone know his results
"I got a grade A in Maths and Science, a grade B in everything else aside from English...I got a grade C in English" explained Simon
"That's really good bro" said Alvin in amazement
"That's amazing sexy Simon" called Jeanette
"Aw thanks you two" said Simon with a smile
Jeanette then looked and told everyone her results
"Omg! I did so much better then I thought I would!" Called Jeanette in a happy voice
"That sounds like good news sister, what did you get?" Asked Brittany
"I got a grade A in Maths English and Science and a grade B in everything else" called Jeanette in a happy voice
"They are great grades Jeanette, well done" called Simon
"Alvin, Brittany....just you two now" said Dave looking over at them
" you want to share your results first?" Asked Alvin nervously
"Y-Yea...sure..." Replied Brittany in a worried voice
Brittany opened her envelope and looked at her results. She gave a sigh of relief
"I didn't do the best....but at least I passed Maths and English" called Brittany in a happy voice
"So what grades did you get in everything?" Asked Theodore
"We know you passed Maths and English, did you pass everything else?" Asked Alvin
"I got a grade C in Maths English Music and Science....of all things and got a grade D in everything else" replied Brittany in an excited voice
"Well done sister you did amazing!" Called Jeanette and Eleanor
"Yea great job Brittany! I'm so proud of you!" Said Alvin in a happy voice
"Well go on then Alvin" called Theodore
"What?" Asked Alvin
"Tell us your results too" replied Theodore in an excited voice
Alvin looked at his results and had a shocked face
"Alvin? What's wrong?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"I actually passed a few subjects" replied Alvin in a surprised voice
"I got a grade C in Maths English Science and ICT and a grade D in everything else aside from R.E. that's a grade E" explained Alvin
"Wow Alvin they are great grades" called Brittany
"Yea well done Alvin, am happy you passed Maths and English bro" Simon jumped in
"Thanks guys" replied Alvin with a smile
"So Dave, since we all did well in our exams..." Started Eleanor
"Can we go out for a meal to celebrate?" Finished Theodore
Dave gave a small laugh and then replied
"Ok, I am so proud of you all! You all got amazing results and deserve a meal out" explained Dave
"Where would you all like to go?" Asked Dave
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all looked at each other and then back at Dave
"Dave, can we go to Pizza Hut?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, if that's where you want to go I will take you" replied Dave in a happy voice
"Yay, thanks Dave" called Theodore
Dave, the Chipmunks and Chipettes all left the hall and was out of reception a few minutes after
Once they were all outside school, the Chipmunks and Chipettes turned around to look at school for the very last time
Then Dave got in the car and the six of them followed and jumped in the car with Dave
"Ok, has everyone got their results and seatbelt on?" Asked Dave
"Yes Dave" they all replied
"Ok then, off we go everyone!" Called Dave in a happy voice
Dave started the car and drove off away from school
"Hey Brittany, am glad you have cheered up" called Alvin
"What do you mean? I wasn't sad....was I?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"Well, you was a little sad in New York but you have cheered up now we are home and you have your results" replied Alvin
"Oh right...yea the dream, sorry about that Alvin" said Brittany in a sad voice
"Don't worry Brittany, like I said I am happy that you have cheered up now" replied Alvin in a caring voice
With that, Dave drove everyone back home and in a few hours time (some time like 6:30pm) they would all be going to Pizza Hut for tea
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes were happy with their results from the exams? How do you think the six of them are feeling, walking out and away from school forever? Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will miss school?
Also, do you think Brittany will talk to Alvin at some point about the dream she had in New York that scared her a little?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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