Part 57 - Getting Ready For The Prom

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Monday, 24th of June, 6pm, At Dave's house
It was finally Monday night and the night of the school prom. Both the Chipmunks and Chipettes were really excited for the prom
However the Chipettes were getting a little worried about going with someone to the prom, the Chipmunks hadn't asked them yet and they were starting to have doubts
The Chipmunks were downstairs watching TV while the Chipettes were upstairs getting ready. They knew the girls would take a long time getting ready so they let them get ready first
Jeanette and Eleanor were in their bedroom and were just about ready to go, aside from putting their makeup on
"Hey Jeanette, do you think I look ok?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea you look amazing, I love your dress by the way" replied Jeanette
"Thanks sister, where is Brittany?" Asked Eleanor
Just then, the bedroom door opened and Brittany appeared with a towel around her waist
"There you are sister what took you so long?" Joked Eleanor
"Ha ha, very funny you sounded a little like Alvin just then" replied Brittany
"What? What do you mean I sounded like Alvin?" Asked Eleanor in confusion
"I mean Alvin asks me that question when I tell him I'm going to get in the shower, you can't rush the shower you know" explained Brittany
"Oh right, I guess not" called Eleanor
"Do you think....the boys already have dates for the prom?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"No, of course not...I'm pretty sure Alvin will go with me and his brothers will go with you two" Brittany pointed out
"Has Alvin asked you?" Asked Eleanor
"No not yet....but I'm sure he will soon" replied Brittany
"But the prom is in an hour or so and its a bit late to ask us, don't you think? I think the boys already have girls to go with" explained Jeanette in a worried voice
"Don't worry Jeanette, I'm sure they will ask us when they come upstairs to get ready" said Brittany in a happy voice
"I hope so....otherwise I have no one to go with" called Eleanor
"Jeanette, Eleanor, don't worry....everything will be fine" said Brittany in a serious voice
Brittany then left the bedroom and went into her and Alvin's bedroom to get ready
Downstairs in the living room
"How long are they going to be? We have to get ready too" said Alvin with sarcasm
"I don't know, they have been upstairs a while now..." Called Theodore
"There is nothing to worry about guys, they are girls and girls always take a while to get ready" explained Simon
"Shall I go and check on Brittany?" Asked Alvin
"Yea....make sure Eleanor is ok too" replied Theodore
Alvin was about to stand up but Simon put his arm out to stop him
"What are you doing?" Asked Alvin
"I think we should wait a bit longer, we don't want to walk in on the girls if they don't have anything on" explained Simon
"Simon, I have seen Brittany with no clothes on lots of times now, especially since we are parents and have agreed to get ready at the same time as each other in the same room" explained Alvin
"I think you are worried about asking Jeanette to the prom and are trying to delay it as long as possible" said Alvin with a smile
Simon went red in embarrassment "I am not!" Shouted Simon
"It's ok to admit stuff like that Simon, I'm a little worried about asking Eleanor too" Theodore jumped in
"Fine! To show you two I am not afraid, I will go and ask Jeanette now" said Simon in a serious voice
Simon left the living room and went upstairs. He was shaking in fear and panic, incase something went wrong...
Once Simon was outside the bedroom door, he knocked and waited
Eleanor opened the door and only popped her head round the door
"Hey Jeanette free? I mean...can she talk? To me...please?" Asked Simon in a nervous voice
Eleanor giggled at Simon's comment and nodded
"Yea I will get her for you, just wait a second" replied Eleanor going to grab Jeanette
"Jeanette, Simon wants to talk to you" called Eleanor
Jeanette turned her head quickly and faced Eleanor "Simon wants to talk to me? Is it about the prom?" Asked Jeanette
"I'm not sure, you should go and ask him yourself" replied Eleanor with a giggle
Jeanette left the bedroom and saw Simon waiting
"Hey Simon" greeted Jeanette
Simon stood in silence. He was amazed at what Jeanette was wearing!
"Simon? Is there something you wanted to talk about?" Asked Jeanette
"Oh right...yea, think you look amazing in that dress Jeanette! I think you are beautiful too!" Called Simon in amazement
Jeanette giggled and blushed a little at Simon's comment and spoke up
"Thanks Simon, have you come to see if we are ready? So you and your brothers can get ready too?" Asked Jeanette
"No...well yes...I mean I have, but I came to ask you something too..." Replied Simon
Jeanette squeaked with excitement and smiled at Simon
" you like to go to the prom with me?" Asked Simon
Jeanette nodded and hugged Simon
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course I will go with you Simon!" Replied Jeanette in excitement
Simon hugged Jeanette back and spoke up
"Thank you so much Jeanette....I have been meaning to ask you....I was just a little nervous to ask you" explained Simon in a happy voice
"Don't ever be nervous to ask me anything Simon, I'm your girlfriend and you can ask me anything" replied Jeanette
" that is sorted, can you give me a shout when you are ready?" Asked Simon
"Yea sure" replied Jeanette
Simon then went back downstairs and had a smile on his face when he went into the living room
"Did you ask her? Did Jeanette say yes?" Asked Theodore
"Yes! I asked her and she said Yes!" Replied Simon
"Hooray! Is Eleanor ready too? I need to ask her the question too" asked Theodore
"Not yet I don't think, give her a few minutes" replied Simon
"I will go and see Brittany then, see you two later" called Alvin making his way upstairs
Alvin went upstairs and went to his and Brittany's bedroom
Alvin knocked in the door and then entered
"Alvin? What are you doing here? I'm not ready yet" Asked Brittany
"Hey Brittany, I just wanted to check on you real quick" replied Alvin
Brittany smiled at Alvin and moved closer to him
"Are you sure that's all you came for.....just to check on me?" Asked Brittany with sarcasm
"Ok, fine you got me....I come to see you and ask you something" replied Alvin
Brittany nodded and waited for Alvin to speak
"Brittany, would you like to go to the prom with me?" Asked Alvin
"Yea of course I would!" Replied Brittany in a happy voice
"It's about time you asked me! You kept me waiting till the last minute and had me a little worried me" explained Brittany
"Aw, sorry Brittany....I didn't mean to worry you, I should have just asked you sooner" replied Alvin
"I know and you know now but don't worry, I would be more then happy to go with you to the prom, any day" explained Brittany in a happy voice
"Me too" replied Alvin with a smile
Just then, Alvin and Brittany heard footsteps close by
"Who's that?" Asked Brittany
"It must be Theodore, he hasn't asked Eleanor to the prom yet" replied Alvin
Theodore knocked on the other bedroom door and Jeanette came
"Hey Jeanette, is Eleanor there?" Asked Theodore
"Yea, she will be out in a minute.....I'm going to tell Simon I'm ready so he can get changed too" replied Jeanette making her way downstairs
Eleanor then left the bedroom and jumped in surprise at seeing Theodore
"Oh, hey can get ready now if you want" called Eleanor
"Thanks the way, that dress makes you look amazing!" Called Theodore
"Aw thanks Theodore" replied Eleanor in a happy voice
"So how has this morning been for you?" Asked Theodore
"What? This morning? I was with you silly" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Oh yea....silly me, we watched that Disney film together" explained Theodore
"Yea I know, I love Disney films. They have great songs in them" Eleanor pointed out
"By the way, I wanted to ask you....if you would like to go to the prom with me?" Asked Theodore
Eleanor giggled and then nodded
"Of course I will Theodore, I wanted to go with you from the moment we found out" replied Eleanor
"That's great news....why didn't you tell me though?" Asked Theodore in confusion
"Because I can't ask you to ask me to the prom silly, that's what your brothers are here for" explained Eleanor with a giggle
"Well I guess that makes so happy I can go with you tonight Eleanor" said Theodore in a happy voice
"Me too Theodore, I wouldn't want to go with anyone else" replied Eleanor
With that, Jeanette and Eleanor went downstairs and let Simon and Theodore know they could start getting ready now for the prom
Brittany was still getting ready for the prom but like Alvin said earlier to his brothers, he didn't mind getting ready in the same room as Brittany so the pair of them got ready for the prom together...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Now the Chipmunks have asked the Chipettes to the prom and the Chipettes have all agreed, the Chipmunks just have to have a great time with the Chipettes at the prom
Do you think the Chipmunks and asking the Chipettes to the prom went well? Do you think Brittany Jeanette and Eleanor were happy about been asked to go with Alvin Simon and Theodore?
What kind of things do you think will go off at the prom? Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will be dancing? Along side other kids from school? Do you think the Chipmunks and/or Chipettes will ask to sing as a group at the prom?
Also, what do you think the meal will be like at the prom? (There is a meal included at the school prom 😉) Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will enjoy the meal too?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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