Part 18 - The Bus Ride...

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Tuesday, 30th of April, 4:20pm, Same Day, At The Bus Stop
The chipmunks and chipettes were now waiting at the bus stop and had been waiting a good 10 minutes for a bus now. Some of them stayed calm and patient while others like Alvin and Eleanor were not that patient and were getting quite annoyed
" much longer for the bus?" Asked Alvin in a grumpy voice
"Yea I have had enough of waiting, can't we walk home!" Complained Eleanor
"Chill out you two, the bus will be here anytime soon, one is due at 4:22pm" explained Jeanette
"I hope the bus comes soon, I'm tired hungry and am sweating with the heat from the sun" complained Alvin
"Don't worry Alvin, we will get back home soon....and trust me the bus will be here any minute" called Brittany trying to calm Alvin down
Alvin put his back against the brick wall next to the bus stop and sighed out loud
"Eleanor, what time does the cooking program start again?" Asked Theodore
"It starts at 4:45pm....but we might not get back in time at this rate" complained Eleanor again
"Don't worry Eleanor, I'm sure we will" replied Theodore with a smile
Eleanor smiled back at Theodore and they gave each other a hug
Just then, a bus came around the corner and Alvin and Eleanor jumped around in excitement
"Quick, stop the Bus! Stop the Bus!" Shouted Alvin
Simon stopped the bus and got on first with Jeanette
"Wow, it's a double decker, can we sit upstairs Brittany? Please?" Begged Alvin
"Ok we can sit upstairs but I don't want you complaining and saying your scared of heights" joked Brittany with a giggle afterwards
"Ha ha, very funny, you know I'm not scared of heights Brittany...that's why we went on the big wheel that time in Skegness" explained Alvin
Simon and Jeanette paid 80p each to the bus driver and they both sat downstairs, near the front of the bus. Jeanette saw quite a few old people on the bus and sat away from them know....(old people smell)
"Thanks for sitting downstairs with me Simon, I get a little worried when I sit upstairs" called Jeanette
"No problem, anything for you" replied Simon
Alvin and Brittany got on the bus and paid 80p each too and then they went upstairs
"Come on Alvin, on the front row!" Called Brittany
Alvin and Brittany took the two seats on the front row of the bus upstairs and they both smiled with amazement
Theodore and Eleanor got on the bus and paid 80p each too and they went upstairs but they sat towards the back of the bus upstairs
Once the bus set off, Simon spoke to Jeanette
"My god, Alvin needs to grow up and stop been such a baby" said Simon in an angry voice
"Simon, he is just stressed out, we all get stressed out by different we don't normally get the bus so that probably has a big effect on him as he is used to been picked up and took home in 10 minutes" explained Jeanette
"Yea...I guess your right, I can't believe he is the oldest out of us three boys" replied Simon
"Me neither...I mean I can't believe Brittany is the oldest out of us three girls, she can be a bit bossy at times" explained Jeanette
"Well....if I'm been honest Jeanette, I'm kinda bossy with Alvin sometimes...I hope he understands" called Simon in a worried voice
"I'm sure he does...even if he didn't he has Brittany to talk too and they get on great together, I can't believe how much they love each other" explained Jeanette
Upstairs, Alvin and Brittany were having a great time on the bus
"Wow, what a great view" called Brittany
"Yea I know, it's amazing....I just wish the sun would go down quicker and it wasn't so hot" replied Alvin
"I like the sun though Alvin, it has a warm and well....happy feeling when it's on your body" explained Brittany
"What do you mean?" Asked Alvin in confusion
"Just sit back and close your eyes and let the heat from sun touch your body" replied Brittany
Brittany sat backwards, closed her eyes and let the heat of the sun touch her body
"This is amazing, I feel like I'm in a dream or in heaven....the sun is so warm and relaxing, I wish this moment lasted longer and we didn't have to get off the bus so soon" Brittany thought to herself
Alvin sat backwards and closed his eyes too but he didn't see the benefit of the sun been on him
"Um....Brittany, I will admit the sun is warm but I don't see the big deal about it" explained Alvin
"Shush...keep quiet Alvin just for a few minutes, I'm in the moment" called Brittany in a happy voice
Alvin shrugged his shoulder and watched Brittany shine in the sunlight
Meanwhile at the back of the bus, Theodore and Eleanor were talking to each other about school
"I can't believe we have P.E. tomorrow, I like that lesson a lot since your in it with me" explained Theodore
"Aw thanks Theodore, I would say the same thing, I love been with you" replied Eleanor with a giggle
There was a small silence till Eleanor spoke up again
"Hey Theodore can I ask you something?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure...anything" replied Theodore
"How would you like to go on a date with me?" Asked Eleanor
"A date? Do you mean what is today's date? It's the..." Started Theodore before he was cute off
"No silly, a date with me....its when a couple have a meal together" explained Eleanor
"Don't we do that with Dave and the others at tea time?" Asked Theodore
"Yea we do but the difference is, a date with me it would be really romantic and cute and it could....well....possibly help our relationship to expand and grow" explained Eleanor
"Yea but you know I love you a lot already, I don't see how a date would help us" replied Theodore still a little confused
"Theodore, just trust me...a date with you would make me so happy and I would love to have a date with you" explained Eleanor in a happy voice
"So...what do you say?" Asked Eleanor
"I don't know...I'm still not too sure what a date is" replied Theodore
"Please Theodore, I know you love me so much and I love you so please, for one time, go on this date with me and I will be the happiest girl in the world" explained Eleanor in a caring voice
"Ok, if that's what you want, I will do it for you....can you just guide me along the way?" Asked Theodore
"Yes! Thanks so much Theodore, your the best....just dress up in some posh clothes and meet me in our bedroom tonight at 7pm and I will guide you through our date to start with and you will get the hang of it after a few me, we will both have an amazing time together" explained Eleanor
"Oh...ok" replied Theodore with a smile
"Ok everyone, it's time to get off the bus!" Shouted Simon from downstairs
Alvin, Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor got off the bus after Simon and Jeanette and were making there way to Dave's house
"Eleanor? Are you ok? You look a little red like you have been blushing" asked Brittany
"Yea I'm fine sister....I just had to explain something private to Theodore that's all" replied Eleanor quickly
They all made it to Dave's house and Simon moved the plant outside Dave's house and used the spare key to get in the house
Eleanor was making her way upstairs to the bedroom till Theodore called her
"Oh...what does he want now? I was going to change the bedroom round a bit for our date later" Eleanor thought to herself
"Eleanor, the cooking show is on in 5 minutes, can we watch it together?" Asked Theodore
"Ok yea, sure I'm coming back downstairs now" replied Eleanor
Theodore and Eleanor sat on the sofa and Theodore switched on the TV on. Alvin and Brittany went upstairs to there bedroom and sat with their baby chipmunks and Simon and Jeanette did some revision together in the living room with Theodore and Eleanor
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Simon is a little bossy to Alvin? If so, do you think Jeanette will try to help Simon out and make him not as harsh as he comes across to Alvin?
Also, How do you think the date will go with Theodore and Eleanor? Do you think it will go well or not? Do you think the others will find out about them having a date? What will the others say if they see Theodore and Eleanor having a date?
Let me know you answers in the comments below 👇
By the way, is it just me that can't stand old people on buses? I get on a bus with old people on it and they complain and moan about young people/young kids or they smell really bad and you want to get off the bus (or sometimes both). 🤔 Might just be me but I can't stand old people on buses 😷
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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