Part 34 - Someone Has Just Saved Me In School....

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Friday, 10th of May, 11am, At School, Outside The Gym
It was now Friday morning and the final mok exam had finished. The week of mok exams had finally done and everyone was let home early (dinner time, instead of 3:30pm) for a bit of a longer weekend....
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had just come out of the gym and they were all very happy with the mok exams finally been over and done with
"Hooray! We did it everyone!" Cheered Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea I know, am so happy....we get a little break off exams now" called Brittany
"Only till June, then at the start of June the real exams start" Simon pointed out
"I didn't think I would make it through all this week and all them mok exams" called Alvin in a surprised voice
"Alvin, don't be silly we all knew we would get through the mok exams" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"So what happens now?" Asked Theodore
"We go home...we have done this week at school now and get to go home for the weekend" called Jeanette
"Oh wow, but can we get some food first?....I'm starving" asked Theodore
Eleanor giggled and grabbed hold of Theodore
"We will meet you four at reception, me and Theodore are just going to get some food from the cafe" called Eleanor
There was a small silence with Alvin Brittany Simon and Jeanette....until Brittany spoke up
"Alvin, I need to go to the library" called Brittany quickly
"The library?" Asked Alvin and Jeanette at the same time
"Yes....the library, I need to return the book I borrowed the other day, will see you three at reception" called Brittany leaving the others
"Ok, see you soon!" called Alvin in a happy voice
"Won't be long..." Shouted Brittany
Alvin smiled as he watched Brittany go "Aw she is so cute, I love it when she remembers something stupid like taking a book back, she acts so different but funny at the same time" Alvin is thought to himself
"Shall we go and wait at reception now and wait for everyone to come?" Asked Simon
"Yea sure" replied Jeanette
On the way to reception, Jeanette spoke to Alvin
"Alvin, why didn't you follow Brittany to the library?" Asked Jeanette
"I don't go there, I hate the last time I went in the library, me and Theodore got kicked out for making too much noise" explained Alvin
"Alvin you are so unbelievable sometimes" joked Simon
Alvin Simon and Jeanette all waited at reception for everyone else to come
At the cafe
Theodore and Eleanor had just arrived at the cafe and were looking at what food they could choose from
"What shall we get you?" Asked Eleanor
"We could get a stuffed crust pizza for us to share, or a couple of burgers for me to have on the way home or...." Started Theodore before he was cut off
"Theodore! You have got great ideas and suggestions but all the food you just listed is bad for us....why don't we buy you a sandwich and a packet of crisp?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea, that sounds fine" replied Theodore in a happy voice
Theodore picked a sandwich and a packet of crisp up and Eleanor paid for them
After Theodore got his food, him and Eleanor started walking towards reception
At the library
Brittany had just got to the library. She made her way to the desk and spoke to the women there
"Hello, how may I help you?" Asked the women
"Hi, I'm just returning a book I borrowed last week" explained Brittany
"Ok, could you please tell me your name and the book you borrowed" asked the women
"My name is Brittany and 'A Street Cat named Bob' is the book I borrowed" replied Brittany
She went inside her bag and got the book out what she needed to return
"Ok, thanks for returning the book after a weeks use, I will write it on your record that you have returned the book you last borrowed on time" explained the women
"Thank you, see you later" called Brittany leaving the library
Brittany left the library but walked into someone on the way out
"Sorry..." Called Brittany rubbing he head
The girl got up and faced Brittany. Brittany then realised who is was and felt quite was the bully, Rebecca
"Hey! Your that girl from the other day....I let you off with a warning GIRL!" Shouted Rebecca
"Brittany took a few steps backwards but Rebecca followed and towered over her
"But now you have made me spill my drink and get in my way again! Time to teach you a lesson this time!" Shouted Rebecca in an angry voice
Brittany was now against the wall and Rebecca had her fist ready to swing
She tried punching Brittany but Brittany moved and Rebecca hit the wall
"You are so dead when I get hold of you" threatened Rebecca
At reception
"Oh come on...where is everyone?" Asked Alvin
"I don't know, they should be here soon" called Simon
Just then, Theodore and Eleanor came around the corner
"Hey you two" greeted Jeanette
"Did you see Brittany on the way here?" Asked Alvin
"No we didn't....sorry" replied Theodore
"We left her about 10-15 minutes ago and she was only dropping off a book" explained Eleanor in a worried voice
"Ok, I will go and look for her" said Jeanette in a serious voice
"I will go with you..." Called Alvin
"No Alvin, it's stay here with everyone else" replied Jeanette
"Hang on, Brittany is my..." Started Alvin before he was cut off
"I know she is....but trust me Alvin, Brittany will be ok....I will be back in a minute" called Jeanette quickly running towards the library
"I will check the other side of school then" called Alvin
"But we know she went to the library" Theodore pointed out
"Ok fine, I will wait here with you guys" replied Alvin in a worried voice
Outside the library
Rebecca was still after Brittany outside the library
Brittany had tried running away but Rebecca would block her path every time...she was trapped
"You have had your fun! Now I will beat the hell out of you!" Shouted Rebecca in an angry voice
Brittany was pushed into a corner and she had no where to go. Rebecca kept walking towards her and Brittany started to panic with fear
Just then, someone jumped in front of Brittany. It was Mysterion
"Why don't you find another girl to pick on" called Mysterion
"Stay out of my business, freak!" shouted Rebecca
"I will give you one more chance, turn away or face your doom!" Threatened Mysterion
Rebecca didn't listen, she walked closer and was ready to swing her fist at Mysterion
"Don't say I didn't warn you!" Shouted Mysterion
Mysterion jumped and punched Rebecca a few times and then kicked Rebecca in the face
Rebecca was knocked backwards and was a little shocked at what just happened
Rebecca charged for Mysterion but Mysterion jumped off the wall and kicked Rebecca in the stomach, sending her flying down the corridor
Rebecca was down for the count, she was too injured to fight back...
Mysterion then grabbed hold of Rebecca's hair and spoke up
"Brittany is off limits! Leave her alone from now on or things will get much worse!" Explained Mysterion in a serious voice
Mysterion let go of Rebecca and Rebecca stood up and run off
Mysterion then returned to Brittany
"Are you ok Brittany?" Asked Mysterion
"Yea I'm fine....but who are you? How do you know my name?" Asked Brittany
"I can't reveal my identity but let's just say I am a hero that watches over people in this school and protects kids from bully's like her" replied Mysterion
"Oh right....well thanks anyway" replied Brittany
"No problem, if you ever need me, trust me....I will be looking out for you" called Mysterion
Mysterion then climbed out of a window and run off, out of sight
Brittany then started walking to reception and only one thought was in her head
"Who was that? Why did they save me? I must find out..." Brittany thought to herself
Brittany got to reception and Alvin Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor were there waiting for her
She heard them all talking and listened a few seconds before Alvin saw her
"What do you mean you couldn't find her?" Asked Alvin
"I looked for her at the library and she wasn't there" replied Jeanette
Alvin then saw Brittany and gave a sigh of relief
"There you are, what took you so long?" Asked Alvin
"I...I was been threatened by a bully, but this superhero came in and saved me" replied Brittany
Everyone looked confused
"Are you ok? Are you sure you was not seeing things?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I'm ok....and I'm positive a superhero just saved me" replied Brittany
"We need to get her to Dave" called Jeanette
"Dave is probably sick of waiting for us now anyway" called Theodore
The six of them walked down the steps and to Dave's car
"Brittany, are you sure your ok? Did you really see a superhero? Your not making this up are you?" Asked Alvin
"Alvin! I'm been serious, I saw a superhero....I was saved by someone and I wouldn't lie to you about anything like this" replied Brittany
"Ok...I believe you, at least you are with us now, we will look after you" called Alvin in a caring voice
With that, the Chipmunks and Chipettes all got in Dave's car and Dave took them all home....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Who is Mysterion? Do you think Mysterion will show up again at school to look out for the other school kids? Do you think Brittany will find out Mysterion's identity?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Am just going to let you all know, I personally really like superhero films 😋 any kind of film that has a superhero fighting a villain is my kinda film, I guess I just like seeing good defeat evil or any kind of action scenes in films 👍
Anyway, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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