Part 42 - Civil War 2, Going Down!

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Tuesday, 14th of May, 4pm, At Dave's house
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had been home from school about 30 minutes now, and while they have been home they have all been upstairs in Alvin and Brittany's bedroom
Alvin had just explained the plan what he had, to get involved in the fight but without been in trouble at school tomorrow
"Ok, now everyone knows the everyone ready to go to the park and back up Ned?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I'm ready" called Brittany
"Me too" Jeanette said quickly
"Jeanette, you can't agree with this plan...." Said Simon in a worried voice
"Simon, I completely agree with Alvin's plan and think it will work great, don't think you are getting out of this neither you are going with us" explained Jeanette
Alvin and Brittany looked over at Theodore and Eleanor and waited for there response
"I'm ready to go..." Called Theodore
"No Theodore, we are not going to the fight" whispered Eleanor to Theodore
"Alvin, me and Theodore can't go...." Said Eleanor in a sad voice
"What? Why not?" Asked Brittany in a shocked voice
"Me and Theodore don't want to get involved in the if you four are out of the house, me and Theodore can distract and talk Dave" explained Eleanor
"Oh...ok then, I guess we will see you two later then" replied Alvin
"Yea you will see us later, bye everyone hope everything goes well" called Eleanor with a smile
With that, Simon and Jeanette went back to the bedroom they both shared with Theodore and Eleanor and grabbed some things from the bedroom
Alvin and Brittany grabbed a few things from their bedroom too and went downstairs with Theodore and Eleanor
"Alvin, me and Theodore will keep Dave in the living four need to hurry to get out of the house" called Eleanor
Theodore and Eleanor then went into the living room and sat on the sofa with Dave
After a few minutes went by, Alvin Brittany Simon and Jeanette all left Dave's house and were on there way to the park...
At the Park, 15 minutes later...
Alvin Brittany Simon and Jeanette had finally arrived at the park and as soon as they got to the park, all four of them went into the toilets to get changed
The four of them had brought their superhero costumes with them and were going to join the fight alongside Ned against Harry as superhero's
Alvin was "The Coon", Brittany was "Wonder Tweek", Simon was "Toolshed" and Jeanette was "Mysterion"
Now the four of them were in their superhero costumes, they went to join Ned
Ned was sat at a bench in the park and the two Chipmunks and two Chipettes went over to him
"Hello Ned, we are a group of superhero's called 'Coon and Friends' and we heard that a fight was about to happen in the park" explained Alvin
"We came to help you out and make sure you are ok" called Brittany
"Oh wow, and Friends? Did I get the name right?" Asked Ned in a surprised voice
"Yea, you got the name right Ned" replied Simon
"Well, well....what do we have here?" Called Harry walking towards Ned and the group of superhero's
"We have a fight to settle Harry! You will pay for hitting a girl, especially Wendy" replied Ned in a serious voice
"Sadly for you, I have brought backup" called Harry, as four teenage boys (about the same age as Harry) appeared behind Harry
One was tall, another was small, one was chubby and the last boy was skinny
"Well I got a group of superhero's helping me too!" Ned fired back
"Ok...enough talk already, let's beat these losers up!" Called one the chubby boy
Alvin dashed for the small boy and slashed him a few times with his Coon claws
"Wow, great hit Coon!" Called Brittany
The small boy fell backwards, starting to bleed a little from his face
The tall boy came and kicked Alvin backwards
"Hey! Who said you could do that?" Asked Alvin
"You are out matched! Give up while you still can" Shouted Jeanette
Jeanette dashed towards the skinny boy and punched him in the face. She then rolled under his legs and kicked him in the back, making the skinny boy fall on his face
"Wow, that's some crazy and violent moves, Mysterion!" Called Alvin
The chubby boy then tried stepping on Jeanette but Jeanette moved out of the way
Harry then went for Ned. Harry got up close and kicked Ned in the stomach
Ned then got his own back by punching Harry and making him fall backwards
"Don't just stand there! get them!" Ordered Harry in an angry voice
The chubby boy and the tall boy were running for Wonder Tweek (Brittany) and Toolshed (Simon)
The two boys kicked Brittany and Simon backwards, knocking them both over. They both got back up and Simon pulled out a power drill from his belt
"Get drilled, losers!" Shouted Simon
Simon drilled the rubble ground and rocks began flying in the air. Simon then kicked the rocks at the two boys and they were knocked backwards and they fell to the floor
"Oh yes! That was awesome Toolshed!" Called Alvin in a happy voice "Nearly as good as my attacks" joked Alvin
Harry had lost his patience now and shouted for his friends to get up and fight
The four boys got back up but they all run off in the other direction, away from the fight
"Them kids, really are superhero's" called the chubby boy
"Let's get out of here" called the small boy
"Get back here! Cowards!" Shouted Harry in angry voice
Harry then turned around and faced Ned and the Coon and Friends
Harry pulled out some packets of sherbet (at least ten packets) and was going on the sugar rush
Alvin and Jeanette went to attack Harry but Harry grabbed them both and slammed them to the ground
Ned then charged for Harry and kicked one of his legs, causing Harry to wobble
Simon ran to Ned and got out his power drill but before he could use it, Harry grabbed hold of him and thrown him at Ned
"You need to cool off!" Called Brittany
Brittany dashed towards Harry and when she was near him, she tossed a bag of ice cubes at Harry
"I bet he is cold now, Wonder Tweek" called Jeanette
"Ok everyone, let's all attack Harry together and Ned, you can give him the final punch" explained Alvin
Everyone nodded and Harry looked angry
"That's it! I have hit it with you kids! I will tear you all apart and then I will beat the hell out of Ned!" Shouted Harry
Alvin jumped and slashed Harry with his Coon claws. Simon pulled out a screwdriver and crushed Harry's foot with the hard handle of the screwdriver. Brittany and Jeanette both jumped in the air together and kicked Harry in the stomach. Finally, Ned punched Harry a few more times and Harry fell to the ground and passed out
"Yes! We did it everyone! We won the fight!" Called Ned in a happy voice
"Yea I know" called Alvin
"We did amazing!" Called Brittany
"Well done everyone" called Jeanette
"I guess working as a team...worked out ok..." Said Simon in a surprised voice
"I just wish the Chipmunks and Chipettes were here, they all missed this amazing fight" called Ned in a sad voice
Brittany and Jeanette giggled
"I'm sure they weren't far away" called Brittany
"Anyway, thanks for your help...Coon and guys were amazing!" Called Ned in a happy voice
"No problem, you was amazing too Ned" replied Alvin
"Ok everyone, let's go back home" called Simon
"If you ever need us again, just call Alvin, he is great friends with the Coon" explained Brittany
"Thanks for letting me Tweek was it?" Asked Ned
"Yea Wonder Tweek and no problem" replied Brittany
With that, Alvin Brittany Simon and Jeanette all left Ned to go home on his own and the four of them started walking back to Dave's house...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Now Ned has won the fight against Harry, do you think Harry will leave Ned alone? Do you think Harry will be too embarrassed to turn up to school the next day? Also, do you think Wendy was secretly watching the fight? If so, do you think she will like Ned's fighting style and confidence and will want to be close friends with him again?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, do you all as readers like it when the Chipmunks and Chipettes dress up as superhero's? 🤔
Let me know your answer in the comments below too👇😋
Am sorry for not giving Harry's friends proper names too 😕 I was going to give them actual names like 'George' or 'Tom' but after I wrote this part, I felt the improper names like 'chubby boy' were more funny and worked better in this funny/exaggerated fight...
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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