Part 13 - Once Night Time Fall's, superhero's rise! (Part 1)

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(A/N: Hi everyone, before you read this part, am just letting you know I am continuing this superhero storyline for this part and the next 2 parts. I hope you are all ok with this and I hope you enjoy these next few parts 😋👍)
Monday, 29th of April, Same Day, At Dave's house, 6:30pm
The chipmunks, chipettes and Dave had just finished eating their tea and were now ready to relax for the night. Alvin, Brittany, Simon and Jeanette were living room talking to each other, while Dave watched TV
"Oh man, I'm so tired" said Simon
"Yea me too....I'm not looking forward to the mok exam we have in science on Thursday" Jeanette pointed out
"Me neither but we can do some revision for it together these next few nights" replied Simon
"Yea your right, I'm really worried though..." Said Jeanette in a sad voice
"Why? What's wrong? I think we will do fine in the science exam" asked Simon
"I'm just worried that I will mess up all my real exams, I don't know if I can pass everything or not....I just don't want to fail anything I'm good at" explained Jeanette
"Don't worry Jeanette you will do great in your exams" called Simon in a happier voice
Just then, Eleanor came in the living room and held the door open for Theodore. He had brought in two tubs of ice cream, three bags of crisp and a few bars of chocolate
"Thanks Eleanor...I really appreciate it" called Theodore
"Theodore? Didn't you eat all your tea?" Asked Dave
"Yea I ate all my tea but I'm still hungry" replied Theodore
"I can see that...." Joked Dave
"Are you sharing any of that with Eleanor?" Asked Dave
"I will if she asks me for any of it but she said no, she wasn't hungry in the kitchen" replied Theodore with a smile
Dave had a shocked look on his face "omg, Theodore ate all his tea and now he is having all that food too....I really need to talk to Eleanor about putting him on a diet" Dave thought to himself
"Ok fine, you can eat all the food you brought in but don't make yourself sick" said Dave
Theodore and Eleanor then sat down on the sofa and Eleanor looked over at Theodore
"Are you really going to eat all that?" Asked Eleanor
"Yes, of course I am" replied Theodore eating his ice cream
Alvin and Brittany had just finished talking to each other and were both starting to fall asleep after there long day. After a few minutes Brittany learned over and rested her head on Alvin's shoulder. Brittany then moved her legs and was pretty much laying on her side with her head on Alvin's shoulder
15 minutes later...
Alvin woke up from his small nap and found Brittany resting her head on his stomach. Alvin smiled at Brittany and started to rub her head
"Aw she is so cute, she makes my heart melt every time I'm with her and she looks so peaceful when she is sleeping" Alvin thought to himself
Brittany then woke up and sat up next to Alvin
"Sorry about that Alvin, I kinda fell on you while I was sleeping" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Don't worry about it, it's not a problem I thought it was quite cute to be honest" replied Alvin
Brittany smiled at Alvin "Aw thanks Alvin" called Brittany with a giggle
"If it was a problem I would have woke you up and told you..." Alvin pointed out
"Anyway, Brittany can I ask you something?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Brittany
"Why don't we be actual superhero's? I mean actually going out and saving people and stopping crime" asked Alvin
Brittany looked shocked "Alvin, we can't be superhero''s dangerous and we have the police and firefighters to save people" replied Brittany
"Yea but we have superhero costumes all ready and I think it's a great idea" explained Alvin
"No, trust me Alvin been a superhero is hard work and it's not as easy as you think. Maybe you should stop watching superhero movies if you think that you should be a superhero" suggested Brittany
Alvin sighed in disappointment "Ok yea I guess your right and I do kinda see where you are coming from" replied Alvin
"Don't be sad Alvin, you will always be my superhero" said Brittany trying to cheer Alvin up
Everyone stayed up watching TV and talking to each other, till 9pm and then Dave told everyone to go to bed for school tomorrow
Monday, 29th of April, 11:30pm
Everyone had been asleep now for around 2 hours aside from Alvin. He couldn't sleep, he was thinking about him, his brothers and the chipettes been superhero's
"I can't take this anymore, I'm going to make my dream of been a superhero...real!" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin crawled out of bed, without waking Brittany or the baby chipmunks up and made his way to the wardrobe. Alvin opened the wardrobe and quickly grabbed his superhero costume (The Coon costume he used in the video)
Alvin then left the bedroom with the costume and went into the other bedroom where everyone else sleeps. Alvin looked around the room and saw everyone asleep.
Just then, Theodore sat up and was getting out of bed. Alvin left the bedroom and watched where Theodore was going. Theodore went into the bathroom and waited for him to come out. Once Theodore came out of the bathroom Alvin grabbed hold of him
"Alvin? What are you doing up at this time? Are you waiting for me to leave the bathroom so you can use it?" Asked Theodore
"No, quiet down Theodore.....I need to tell you something" called Alvin
"Can't it wait till morning?" Asked Theodore
"I need you to grab your superhero costume quickly from the bedroom and come downstairs with me, we are going on patrol as superhero's tonight" explained Alvin in a serious voice
"We are? Is that safe?" Asked Theodore
"Yes of course it is, there is probably some kind of crime down town and we need to stop it, now come on Theodore you will enjoy this little adventure" said Alvin persuading Theodore
"Ok, I will grab my superhero costume and ask Dave if...." Started Theodore before he was cut off
"No, you don't need to ask Dave anything....I asked him already and he said we are fine to go out" lied Alvin
"Oh...Ok, I will get my superhero costume now then, see you downstairs" called Theodore
"Theodore, keep quiet and don't wake the others" called Alvin before going downstairs
After a few minutes, Theodore came downstairs with his superhero costume and him and Alvin put their costumes on and left Dave's house
"Ok Theodore, just a few things to cover" started Alvin
"I'm listening" replied Theodore
"One, we keep our identity know cause we are superhero's and two, we can't let the others know we are on patrol tonight, only me and you know about this" explained Alvin
"And Dave" Theodore pointed out
"Oh yea and Dave" replied Alvin
With that, Alvin and Theodore were making there way down to town to start there evening patrol over the city as superhero's.....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Alvin and Theodore are been real superhero's and hoping to help and save people. What do you think they will find when they get to town? Do you think they will find any crime to stop? If so, what do you think will happen to them both? What will they others say if they wake up in the night and find Alvin and Theodore missing?
Let me know your answers to all these questions in the comments below 👇
As Always, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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