Part 27 - The Museum School Trip (Part 1)

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What happened at Dave's House last night...
Last night, Brittany got to talk to Jeanette on her own ask her if she remembered Eleanor's birthday and Jeanette was the same as Brittany. She knew it was soon but with the exams coming soon too, she was a little distracted...
Brittany then asked Jeanette if her and Simon would like to go shopping on Saturday with her, Alvin and Theodore. Jeanette agreed but Simon was not bothered...he just asked Jeanette to let him sign a card and he would give her money
Friday, 3rd of May, 9:30am, At School, In The Hall
It was the next Day/Morning and the Chipmunks and Chipettes were quite excited for school today. They knew that today was the day they was going to the Museum
The Chipmunks and Chipettes and the rest of their class were now waiting in the Hall for the teacher to take the register and tell them to get on the minibus
"Ok everyone, the register is nearly done, until then can you keep it down please!" called Miss Wood
Everyone sat quietly, eventually, and the register got done
"Ok everyone, make sure you don't get lost while at the Museum, if you do look for your group or the other group, understand" explained Miss Wood
"Yes Miss Wood" replied the class
"Wait! Another Group is going with us?" asked Alvin
"Yes Alvin, Miss Jones class is going with us" replied Miss Wood
"Hey Simon, isn't Ned in that class?" asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Yea that's right" replied Simon
Alvin, Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor sighed in disappointment
"What's wrong guys?" asked Simon
"Nothing....just please say he won't be with us all day" called Brittany
"I don't know depends if he wants to go around the Museum with us" replied Simon  
"I hope not..." Eleanor whispered to Theodore
"It's not a problem Ned been with us is it?" asked Simon
"No...just make sure he talks to you most of the time Simon, ok?" asked Alvin trying to sound happy
Miss Jones class came into the Hall and told her class to sit down. Then she talked to Miss Wood for a few minutes about the school trip
While the teachers were talking, students from both classes moved to the other to talk to there friends
Ned went over to the Chipmunks and Chipettes and sat next to Simon
"H-Hey Simon....can I go around the M-Museum....with you and your friends?" asked Ned in a nervous voice
Simon looked over at the others and they didn't look to happy
"Jeanette, is it ok if me you and Ned stay as a group, while we are at the Museum?" asked Simon
Jeanette sighed and nodded "Yea...that's fine..." replied Jeanette
"W-What about everyone else?....Would y-you like to go with us...too?" asked Ned nervously
"Excuse me! Simon gave you a reply, you are going with..." started Brittany before she was cut off
"Yes, we will all go around with you Ned....if that will make you happy" Eleanor jumped in quickly
"W-Well...I would like t-that, thanks" replied Ned in a nervous voice
Britany was about to speak but Miss Wood began talking to everyone
"Ok, all my class start making your way onto the minibus outside please" explained Miss Wood
Miss Wood's class all left there seats and made there way outside to the minibus. Brittany and Eleanor walked quite a distance away from Simon and Jeanette and Brittany spoke up
"Why did you say that! Now we are all stuck with Ned all day!" complained Brittany
"I'm sorry Brittany, I kinda had too though...I was worried that he would get upset or something if I we told him no" replied Eleanor in a sad voice
The Chipmunks and Chipettes got on the minibus and all sat together, near the back
"How is everyone going to fit on the minibus?" Asked Theodore
"I'm not sure, the minibus only takes 34 people and there are at least 60 of us going to the Museum" explained Simon
"Maybe another minibus will come for the other class" called Jeanette
Once all Miss Woods class was on the minibus, another minibus arrived to take the other class to the Museum
"Hey Jeanette, you were right" called Eleanor with a giggle
Miss Jones class got on the 2nd minibus. Once the class was on, both minibuses left school and were on there way to the Museum
At the Museum
Both minibuses parked up outside the Museum and all the students, on Miss Wood's minibus, were begging to get off
"I need to get off, I can't take it anymore" called Alvin
"Me too, my bum has gone numb after the long journey" explained Brittany
"Stop over exaggerating you two, it only took 30 minutes" called Eleanor with a giggle
"It would have took less time if there was no road works" explained Simon
"Ok everyone, you can get off the minibus.....but you all have to wait in reception for me" explained Miss Wood
Everyone jumped out of there seats and pushed past Miss Wood to get off the minibus
"Wow, thank god that's over" called Alvin
"We only have to do it again later" called Theodore
"Why? Are you kidding me?" Asked Alvin
"No silly....he isn't Alvin, he is just reminding you we have to get the minibus back to school later" explained Jeanette
"Oh nuts, your right..." Replied Alvin
The Chipmunks and Chipettes followed the rest of the class into reception and waited for the teacher
Miss Jones and her class eventually came into reception and Miss Wood followed
"Ok listen up everyone! There are a lot of you students here today in the Museum, so can you all keep the noise down and stay together" explained Miss Wood
"Can we go around in groups?" Asked Wendy, one of the girls in Miss Jones class
"Yes of course, as long as you behave..." Replied Miss Jones
"Here are some booklets to fill in while at the Museum, answer as many questions as possible please" explained Miss Wood
"Once you have your booklet, you are free to explore the Museum in groups" called Miss Jones
Miss Wood and Miss Jones passed booklets around and then let the students explore the Museum
Ned found the Chipmunks and Chipettes and joined them while going around the Museum
"Oh man, I thought we lost him...." Brittany whispered to Alvin
"S-So where shall we....start first....everyone?" Asked Ned in a nervous voice
No one replied
"Let's check a map" called Simon quickly
They all followed Simon to a map and Simon and Jeanette had a good read of it
"We could start in the ancient artefacts section of the Museum" called Simon
"Y-Yea, that's....f-fine with me..." Replied Ned in a nervous voice
The Chipmunks, Chipettes and Ned all went into the ancient artefacts part of the Museum and looked at the questions in the booklet
On the way to the ancient artefacts, Theodore saw something that caught his eyes
"Hey look guys! The gift shop!" Called Theodore in an excited voice
"Theodore, we can go later....I promise" called Eleanor
"We can go now if you want?" Asked Brittany
"Yea, let's do that...." called Alvin quickly
Simon stopped walking and looked at the others
"What are you four doing?" Asked Simon
"We are just going to check out the gift shop Simon, don't worry....we will catch you three up later" explained Alvin
"Ok bro, just don't get into any trouble" replied Simon in a worried voice
Alvin, Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor all went into the gift shop. While Simon, Jeanette and Ned made there way to the ancient artefacts part of the Museum
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. How do you think the rest of the Museum school trip will go? What kind of things do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will see in the Museum? Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will enjoy the Museum and get along better with Ned? Or do you think they will hate the Museum and find it boring?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
This is kinda a spoiler....but I will let you all know anyway 😉 in the next part/part 28, I will be giving you all a backstory behind Ned...why he is so nervous and doesn't have many friends. I hope you will all like the backstory I have thought of for Ned anyway 😋
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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