Part 66 - Ned Passes Alvin a Note and He Has To Keep It Secret...

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Sunday, 28th of July, Same Day, 6pm, At Dave's House
After the Chipmunks, Chipettes and Dave had been back home from the park a couple of hours, Alvin went to find Eleanor to talk to her about earlier today at the the park
Alvin told Eleanor everything that had gone off at the park, that Brittany saw a boy called Kenny and it freaked her out and that Alvin stood up for Brittany and made Kenny leave them alone
Alvin also mentioned that Brittany was worried about Kenny coming for her, even though she said she hadn't done anything wrong, which is another reason she is sad and worried
After the talk was done, Eleanor thanked Alvin for filling her in on everything and said she would keep an eye on Brittany the next few days, see if she cheered up or not
Friday, 2nd of August, 2:30pm, At Dave's House
The Chipmunks and Chipettes were now at home, all helping each other out build the Lego 'Simpsons House'
Alvin and Eleanor were happy to see Brittany happy again and not worried about what happened at the park last week
Brittany had been a lot happier and it stop everyone worrying about her, especially Alvin and her sisters
"Wow, there sure are a lot of pieces in this" said Theodore in a surprised voice
"I know, we are only on bag 3 at the moment and there are 7 bags to do" explained Jeanette
"So how many pieces is there in total?" Asked Alvin
"Around 2500 pieces, don't know the exact number without looking it up online" replied Simon
"2500! We will be here all day!" Called Brittany in a surprised voice
"Don't worry Brittany, we will get it done by the end of today....I'm sure of it" said Eleanor with a giggle
After 5 minutes or so, Brittany spoke up
"Where are we going to keep this when it is finished?" Asked Brittany
"I'm not sure, Dave never said when we bought it" replied Jeanette
"It can live in mine and Brittany's bedroom then" Alvin jumped in
"No it can't Alvin, our kids are still young and could choke on the small bricks if any fall off" explained Brittany in a serious voice
"So can we keep it in our room?" Asked Theodore
"We could....but I don't know where we would put it, our room is quite full" said Simon
Just then, there was a knock at the door
"Guy's! Can someone answer the door! I'm in the bathroom!" Shouted Dave from upstairs
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all looked at each other till one of them volunteered
"I will get it" called Alvin
"Thanks Alvin" said Brittany
"No problem....but if it's cake or sweets, you guys can't have any" joked Alvin
Alvin left the living room and opened the door and was surprised to see who was there. It was Ned
"Ned? What are you doing here?" Asked Alvin in confusion
"I just come to tell you something....and drop off this letter" replied Ned
"Has something happened with you and Wendy? Do you need our help?" Asked Alvin
"No, it's nothing to do with me and Wendy....have a look at the letter first then I will explain" replied Ned
Alvin opened the letter up
It said:
Hello Alvin
I want to discuss something private and personal with you and Brittany tomorrow afternoon
I can't say what it is through this letter but need to see you two urgently
Also, I found out from one of your friends that you have a family with Brittany now too, would be nice to see you both and your kids
Bring yourself, Brittany and your kids tomorrow afternoon at 4:30pm to the warehouse next to the cookie shop
If you don't turn up by 5pm tomorrow, then I will find out where you live and come after you all!
See you soon
After Alvin had finished reading the letter he looked at Ned with a worried face
"Why does he want to see me and Brittany? And our kids?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"I don't know, he didn't tell me" said Ned in a sad voice
"But the message I have got to tell you now you have red the letter can't tell anyone, not even Brittany, about this" explained Ned
"What? Why?" Asked Alvin
"I'm not sure on that neither, he just told me to give you the letter and to tell you not to tell Brittany or anyone about's a secret you have to keep to yourself till tomorrow night" replied Ned
"Are you with him too! Are you helping him?" Asked Alvin
"No I'm not with him....he just asked me if I knew you guys I said yes and he said to deliver the letter and pass on a message, I'm not in on anything with him....I'm just the delivery guy" explained Ned
"Ah right, I believe you Ned, I just can't believe he has called me and Brittany out like this" said Alvin in a worried voice
"Alvin! Are you coming back in to help us or not?" Shouted Brittany from the living room
"I got to go...see you later Ned" said Alvin quickly
Ned turned around and walked away, while Alvin shut the door
Alvin out the letter in his hoodie and went back into the living room
"There you are Alvin, what took you so long?" Asked Brittany with sarcasm
"Sorry, I just got talking..." Replied Alvin with a fake smile
"Who was at the door? Was it anyone for us? Or was it one of Dave's friends?" Asked Simon
"It was just Ned, he come to tell me about things...just stuff in general" called Alvin
"Ah right, anyway we are on bag 4 now, you can help us find that 2 by 4 green brick...we can't see it" said Eleanor with a giggle
"Well, six pairs of eyes is better then five" joked Alvin
5 hours later...
It was now 7:30pm and the Lego 'Simpsons House' was finally finished
"I can't believe we finished that today" called Jeanette
"Me neither, we did have a 20 minute break too for tea" Simon pointed out
"Yea the pie and peas was great" Theodore jumped in
Alvin looked at the ground and sighed
"Alvin? What's wrong?" Asked Eleanor
"Nothing, I'm fine....just tired" replied Alvin
"Already! It's only just gone 7:30pm!" Called Simon in a surprised voice
"Yea, I think I will go to bed, night everyone" said Alvin with a fake yawn afterwards
"Night Alvin" everyone replied
"See you tomorrow morning" called Theodore
Alvin left the living room and Dave had just come downstairs
"Hey Alvin, were are you going?" Asked Dave
"I'm going to bed, I'm tired at the minute" replied Alvin
"Tired? It's only just gone 7:30pm" Dave pointed out
"Yea I know, but I didn't get much sleep last night" said Alvin quickly
"Ok, night Alvin" said Dave in a worried voice
After Alvin had walked upstairs, Dave went into the living room
"Does anyone know what is wrong with Alvin?" Asked Dave in a worried voice
"No, he just said he was tired" replied Theodore
"He looked quite sad and down though after tea" Jeanette pointed out
"This is just very odd for Alvin to go to bed this early....I'm quite concerned" explained Dave
"I will go and see him, see if he will tell me what's really going on. Alvin talks to me about anything" called Brittany in a serious voice
"Thanks Brittany, let us know what is wrong if you find anything out" said Eleanor
Brittany then left the living room and went upstairs into her and Alvin's bedroom
She knocked on the door before entering and then called "Alvin"
"Brittany?" Alvin replied
"Hey Alvin, it's only me...I just wanted to come and see you" said Brittany in a caring voice
"Aw thanks Brittany, what's wrong?" Asked Alvin
"Everyone is worried about you, they think something is wrong with you going to bed this early" explained Brittany
"Nothing is wrong, I would tell you if something was wrong.....I'm just tired like I said downstairs" replied Alvin
"Oh ok...just promise me you will talk to me if something is bothering you" begged Brittany
"I promise Brittany, I will talk to you if anything is wrong" replied Alvin giving Brittany a hug
"Thanks Alvin, sleep well anyway....I will be up in a couple of hours" called Brittany in a happier and more convinced voice
Alvin then let go of Brittany and gave her a quick kiss before she left the bedroom
Brittany was still confused though....she knew something was wrong, but Alvin wouldn't tell her. She was convinced Alvin wasn't totally down in the dumps but she felt he was hiding something
Brittany then decided to go downstairs with the others and see what Alvin was like tomorrow morning...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think will happen tomorrow with Alvin, Brittany and their kids when they go to see Kenny? What do you think Kenny will tell Alvin and Brittany? Do you think he will try to split them up? Or do you think Kenny will say something to Alvin and Brittany that was supposed to be kept secret?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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