Part 14 - Once Night Time Fall's, superhero's rise! (Part 2)

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Monday, 29th of April, 11:50pm
Alvin and Theodore were dressed up in their superhero costumes that they wore for the video. Alvin was 'The Coon' again and Theodore was 'Human Kite' again. They had finally made it to Town and were looking to see if anyone needed help or any crime was happening
"I can't see anything bad happening here Alvin" called Theodore
"No, no, Theodore we have to call each other by our superhero names so our identity is secret, so call me the Coon if you want to talk to me, ok sidekick?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Theodore
"Just so you know, I will refer to you as Human Kite ok? So when I shout Human Kite, I'm talking to you....just so you know" explained Alvin
"I get that....I guess?" Replied Theodore a little confused
"Anyway, let's keep looking around the city....there has to be some crime somewhere" said Alvin starting to explore with Theodore
They both run around town for a while and still found nothing
"Wow, no crime or anything....been a superhero is boring" called Alvin
"So, shall we go back home then? We could always be superhero's another day" suggested Theodore
"Yea let's go...." Started Alvin before someone caught his attention
Alvin watched two men dressed in black, throw a brick into a toy store and setting off the alarm. Both men ran in through the broken window and started putting toys in there bags
"Come on Human Kite, our first superhero mission is about to unfold!" Called Alvin as he and Theodore run towards the toy store
Alvin and Theodore entered the toy store and Alvin rung the bell on the counter to get the men's attention
"Stand down, you two....put the toys back or things will get ugly!" Shouted Alvin
"Ha, what are you supposed to be? A superhero?" Said one of the men laughing
"What you going to do to us? Growl and hiss?" Said the other man laughing
The men took no notice of Alvin and Theodore and continued putting toys in bags
"Ok Human Kite, it looks like we need to leap into action!" Called Alvin
Alvin jumped onto the floor, dashed towards the men and jumped up at one of the men and scratched him in the face. The scratch caused the man to bleed and it looked painful
"Ow, that hurt! You dirty little!..." Shouted the man in anger running after Alvin
Alvin jumped onto a shelf and up to the next shelf. The man started climbing after Alvin but the man weighed a lot more then Alvin and brought the shelf down on himself. Luckily, Alvin got out of the way in time before the shelf fell on him
Theodore then picked up a basketball and tossed it at the other man, making him fall backwards and onto the floor
"Yay! I did it! Look Coon, I took that man down!" Shouted Theodore in a happy voice
"Human Kite, look out!" Called Alvin
The man was back up off the floor and pulled out a gun. He started firing his gun at Theodore but he missed and Theodore looked for a safe lace to hide.
Alvin run around all the toys that were on the floor and made his way towards the man, without been noticed. Alvin then scratched the mans leg and made him fall to the ground and drop his gun. Alvin kicked the gun away from the man and stood in front of him, with a baseball bat
"You have been defeated, you will stay down till the police arrive!" Called Alvin in a serious voice
Just then, the other man grabbed Alvin and thrown him out of the broken shop window. Alvin landed in the middle of the road so he got up quickly and made it to the path
"Come on, let's grab what we bagged and get out of here!" Called one of the men
The other man nodded and lit a match. He tossed the match on the floor and the toy store started to catch fire.
"No! Theodore!" Shouted Alvin in a worried voice
Alvin run in the burning toy store and called his brother several times
Just then, he heard Theodore's voice and went to find him. A box had fell on Theodore and it was too heavy for him to move by himself
"Ok, you push when I do and then move as quick as possible" explained Alvin
Theodore nodded and they both started pushing against the box. It was too heavy, even for them both pushing it together
"What are we going to do? The fire is getting worse" called Theodore in a worried voice
Just then, another person appeared and started pushing the box. Alvin helped the person push the box and Theodore got out
"Come on!" Called the stranger
Alvin and Theodore followed and all three of them got across the road to be safe from the toy store
The stranger then removed the black coat and it was revealed to be Brittany
"Brittany? What are you doing here? How did you find us?" Asked Alvin
"Well you wasn't in bed and you wasn't in the bathroom, or the house for that matter, so I checked the wardrobe and found your superhero costume was gone so I guessed you went down town to be a superhero since you mentioned it to me earlier" explained Brittany
"But how did you find us?" Asked Theodore
"I heard Alvin calling for you Theodore and that's what made me find you both....but Alvin you need to be more careful, without me, you and Theodore could have died in there" explained Brittany
"Yea I know....I'm sorry Brittany, I wasn't really thinking straight, I just thought been a superhero would be easy and fun and no one would get hurt" replied Alvin in a sad voice
"Guys, we have to catch them criminals, they are getting away" called Theodore
Alvin, Brittany and Theodore run after the two men and chased them down street. Brittany then tossed a water balloon at one of the men and they both stopped and turned around to face her.
Brittany then took off her black coat and she had also come out in her superhero costume
"You will never get away from me, Wonder Tweek or my friends, The Coon and Human Kite" called Brittany in a serious voice
"Not another stupid superhero" complained one of the men
"That's it, I'm gonna shoot them and kill them all" called the other man
The man grabbed his gun out of his pocket again and was about to fire but Brittany tossed another water balloon and made him fall backwards and drop his gun. Brittany then tossed a few more water balloons and the two men were drenched and were on the floor. Brittany then finished the job by pulling out a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mustard, she squirted both me with ketchup and mustard and they were in a mess.
The two men got up and were going to run the other way but the police grabbed them both and arrested them
"Great work, you three kids, you managed to stop these guys from getting away" said the policeman in a happy voice
"No problem officer, it's what us superhero's do" Replied Alvin
"What are your names? I would like to mention you three on TV on the news" explained the policeman
Brittany looked at Alvin and Theodore and Alvin nodded as if to say "go ahead, it's fine"
My name is Wonder Tweek, this is The Coon and this is Human Kite" replied Brittany
The policeman wrote the names on in his notebook and then spoke again
"Wow, they are great names, good luck out there kids....just be careful ok? We wouldn't like any of you getting hurt" explained the policeman before walking back to his car
After the police had gone, Alvin and Brittany looked at each other
"Thanks Brittany, we couldn't have stopped them without you" called Alvin with a smile
"No problem, I was just lucky to find you both in time....Alvin, I know you want to be a real superhero and I admit that tonight was really fun, but can we wait till after we have finished our exams for school?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure, then can we all go out together as superhero's, all six of us?" Asked Alvin
Brittany giggled "Yea sure Alvin, you, me, your brothers and my sisters will all dress up as superhero's again and we can all fight crime together one time" replied Brittany
"Thanks Brittany, I am really looking forward to that time....but from now on I promise that I won't be a superhero anymore until we have finished school" explained Alvin
Brittany pulled Alvin closer to her and kissed him on the lips. After their kiss Brittany spoke up
"Thanks Alvin, your the best and I'm glad you understand that school is more important right now" called Brittany
"Aw your better then me Brittany" joked Alvin
"I don't know....our kids will have to decide who is better when they grow up a little more" explained Brittany
"Come on then you two, let's go home and get some rest for school" called Theodore
With that, Alvin Brittany and Theodore went back home and they could only have around 6 hours sleep before they had to get up again for school....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you like this part. When Alvin, Brittany and Theodore's superhero names get mentioned on TV, what do you think Dave and the others will say? Do you think Simon, Jeanette or Eleanor will find out that Alvin, Brittany and Theodore were out in the night? Also, with Alvin, Brittany and Theodore not going to bed till late and not having much sleep that night, how will it effect the the next day at school?
Let me know your answers to all these questions in the comments below 👇
As Always, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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