Part 62 - We Are On a Planet Created By My Drawings!

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Sunday, 30th of June, 10:30am, At Dave's House
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had been home nearly two days now since they had been at New York and were now relaxing in the living room
The Chipmunks were all fighting each other on 'Super Smash Bros' while the Chipettes watched and giggled
The girls found it funny when the boys were shouting at the TV and getting a bit competitive with each other
However, after Alvin lost a few battles, he got angry so Brittany took him into the kitchen to calm him down
"Alvin, it's fine to get a bit of competition on with your brothers but if you all start fighting in person, that's when it needs to stop" explained Brittany in a serious voice
"I know....I'm sorry...I...I'm just going outside to get some air and my thoughts back..." Replied Alvin
Alvin went outside alone and sat on the bench. He looked around the garden and then down at the ground
Just then, Alvin heard a noise coming from the shed
Alvin stared at the shed a few seconds and the noise was definitely coming from there
Alvin walked to the shed and opened the door and was surprised at what he saw
Inside the shed was a portal
Alvin was about to go through the portal but decided to call the others first....incase it was dangerous
Alvin stood outside the shed and shouted "BRITTANY! SIMON! THEODORE! JEANETTE! ELEANOR!"
Within a few minutes, the five of them came outside
"What's wrong Alvin?" Asked Brittany
"Has something bad happened?" Asked Eleanor
"No guys....take a look in the shed" called Alvin
"Why? There is only the lawnmower in there" called Theodore
"No guys, look inside....there is a portal in there" said Alvin
"That's funny Alvin, you just want to lock us inside or something..." Replied Simon
Theodore run to Alvin and Brittany followed. Jeanette and Eleanor then followed
Simon sighed and went after everyone else
Once everyone was in the shed, they all looked at the portal and were as surprised as Alvin was
"Wow! Alvin wasn't trying to lie to us" called Simon in a surprised voice
"Where does it go?" Asked Theodore
"I don't know....that's why I called you guys here first" replied Alvin
"Well let's go though and find out" called Theodore
Simon tried to grab Theodore to stop him going in the portal but he was a bit too slow, Theodore had already gone though the portal
"Theodore! Are you ok?" Asked Eleanor
There was no reply
"I'm going after him" called Eleanor going through the portal
Alvin then followed and went through the portal too and Brittany followed after Alvin
"Should we go and get Dave?" Asked Simon
"I don't fact, I'm going after my sisters" replied Jeanette after a few seconds of thinking
Jeanette went through the portal and Simon followed her
WhamDoodle Planet
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had all made it through the portal and had arrived somewhere they had never seen before...somewhere very colourful
"Where are we?" Asked Brittany
"I don't know, I never seen this place before" replied Alvin
"It sure is bright and colourful though" replied Theodore
Just then, a group of chipmunks walked by and said a quick "Hello" on the way past
"Did them chipmunks just say hello to us?" Asked Eleanor in a shocked voice
"Yea they did, I didn't think there was any other chipmunks that could talk other then us" replied Simon
"I have seen them before" Called Jeanette
Everyone turned and looked at Jeanette
"What? You have seen them before?" Asked Brittany in shock
"Yea, I drew some chipmunks that look exactly like them we just saw, in my notebook" explained Jeanette
Jeanette then started walking down the road and looking around
"Jeanette? Where are you going?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"That green house over there, I drew a house like that too....and that ice cream truck coming past" explained Jeanette
"Jeanette, please snap out of it....your worrying me" said Eleanor in a worried voice
Jeanette then stopped walking and looked over at a chipmunk that had big muscles and had obviously been working out
"Hold on you everyone, that guy over there....that's my drawing of Simon, I mean my dream version of Simon" called Jeanette in a surprised voice
"Me? Your dream drawing of me? That looks nothing like me" Simon jumped in
"Of course it doesn't, it's my dream version of you Simon" replied Jeanette
Jeanette then approached her dream version of Simon and spoke to him
"Oh, hey Jeanette! Am glad you could make it!" Said the dream version Simon
"Omg, you know my name?!" Replied Jeanette in a shocked voice
"Of course I do, you drew fact you drew everything on this planet" explained the dream version Simon
"What? That doesn't even make sense?" Eleanor pointed out
"Your telling me" said Alvin
"Jeanette this is your planet, everything on this planet you have drawn and has come to life here" explained the dream version Simon
"So what's it called Jeanette? This planet?" Asked Brittany
"I didn't think of a name for this world of drawings" replied Jeanette
"Well in that case....why don't we call it WhamDoodle planet?" Asked the dream version Simon
"Yea that sounds great" replied Jeanette with a smile
"That's it, I'm going home and away from this crazy planet" replied Simon
"Hey Simon, hold up" said Theodore
Theodore grabbed hold of Simon and Simon shook his head
"Please don't go home, I want to explore here a bit" said Theodore
"Ok fine, I will stop....just keep that other Simon away from me" replied Simon
Once Simon and Theodore joined the group again, the dream version Simon said a quick bye to Jeanette and walked on
"I can't believe a planet exists with my drawings, it's amazing!" Called Jeanette in a happy voice
"Yea I know, I think your drawing is amazing Jeanette" Alvin jumped in
"So can we continue exploring?" Asked Theodore
"Yea sure, Jeanette you lead the way..." Replied Brittany
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all walked around for the next 40 minutes
"Oh look guys, that's the shopping centre I drew and the bus next to it" called Jeanette
"Your drawing really is impressive Jeanette" Simon jumped in
"Thanks Simon, am glad you are here never really took notice of my drawing before" explained Jeanette with a giggle
"He will definitely notice now" joked Eleanor
"Yea I know" replied Jeanette
"If he doesn't, just get his attention and he should listen then" joked Brittany
The six of them all came to a stop, when they saw something that looked a little odd....a group of five animals
"Why, hello everybody!" Called Beary the Bear
"Um...hi, who are you guys?" Asked Jeanette
"Why, we are the Woodland Critters!" Replied Deery the Deer
"Your who? The Woodland Critters?" Asked Eleanor in confusion
"Yea that's right, we all have names too, I'm Beary the Bear, that's Deery the Deer, over there is Foxy the Fox, that one down there is Rabbity the Rabbit and her next to Rabbity is called Porcupiney the Porcupine" explained Beary the Bear
"Oh wow...they are creative names..." Called Brittany with sarcasm
"I don't remember drawing you did you get here?" Asked Jeanette
"We are just passing by...this is a great place by the way" replied Porcupiney the Porcupine
"Yea it is....anyway we better be going, see you Woodland Critters later..." Said Brittany starting to walk away
As the Chipmunks and Chipettes walked away, the Woodland Critters all moved closer to each other
"We can't let anything get in our way, this place is perfect for our Lord and saviour" explained Rabbity the Rabbit
"Yea, even if that means hurting people with our powers" called Foxy the Fox
With that, the Chipmunks and Chipettes continued to explore the planet that was created by Jeanette's drawings while the Woodland Critters were making a plan together....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes like this planet made by Jeanette's drawings? How long do you think they will stay and explore there? What other things do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will come across while on this planet?
Also, what do you think the Woodland Critters are planning to do? Do you think they will try to destroy this planet and make it theres for them and their Lord and saviour? Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will have to stop them?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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