Part 20 - You Need Some Help and Advice From "The Love Doctor"

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Tuesday, 30th of April, Same Day, At Dave's House (continuing on from part 19)
Theodore left the bedroom and called for Alvin. He walked around the bedroom Alvin and Brittany slept in and he tried the bathroom but it was locked
"Eleanor might be in the bathroom if it's locked" Theodore thought to himself
Theodore walked downstairs and into the living room and found the others
"Hi everyone" called Theodore
"Hey Bro, how is your....I mean how are you?" Asked Alvin quickly changing his question
"Not too good, I have upset Eleanor but I'm a little confused on how I did it" explained Theodore
Brittany and Jeanette looked worried. Simon walked over to Theodore and spoke up
"Well, what did you say?" Asked Simon
"Nothing bad....I think it was when I told Jeanette we was having a date" explained Theodore
Everyone put on surprised faces to play along with Jeanette (she told the others to pretend they hadn't heard anything)
"Aw that's so cute Theodore, I bet Eleanor was happy" called Brittany
"You should be with her now" called Alvin
"Well....Eleanor kinda flipped when I told Jeanette about the date and now she has locked herself in the bathroom....I think?" Explained Theodore
Brittany looked at Jeanette. "Shall I go and see her?" Asked Brittany
"One of us two needs to go and see Eleanor, and talk to her" explained Jeanette
"Ok, I will go....see if I can help her out" replied Brittany before leaving the living room
"What kind of things did you talk about on your date?" Asked Simon
"We talked about how we feel for each other but not much more" Explained Theodore
"Did you do the normal man stuff on the date, like the chair thing?" Asked Alvin
"Alvin means did you pull out Eleanor's chair when you got to the table" called Simon
"No....she didn't look happy about it neither, she had to gave me a hint before I did" replied Theodore
Alvin, Simon and Jeanette sighed
"What?" Asked Theodore
"Don't worry Theodore, you just need a bit of help on your relationship skills and I can give you that help" called Alvin
"What? You? What do you know about relationships?" Asked Simon
"I know lots about relationships because I'm the love Doctor" replied Alvin in a heroic voice
Simon put his hands over his face "oh boy...." Simon whispered to himself
"Wow, thanks Alvin, I need a love Doctor! Can I talk to you now? I need your assistance" called Theodore in an excited voice
"Yea sure....but I will need Simon and Jeanette to leave the room so we can talk alone....I don't do group chats" joked Alvin
"Alvin, are you sure this is a good idea?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea I'm sure, now you two go in the kitchen while I talk with Theodore" replied Alvin
Simon and Jeanette then left the living room and went and sat in the kitchen
"Ok, now we can begin our talk" called Alvin
Theodore nodded, sat down and listened to Alvin
"The first thing you need to know is how to talk and act around a women" started Alvin
"Don't you start with a hello and hug her?" Asked Theodore
" call her something cute like "sweet heart" or "sexy girl" things like that" explained Alvin
"Oh...I have never said anything like that before" replied Theodore in a surprised voice
"When you are around a women, you act really cool and show you are confident, girls like confidence" explained Alvin
"Wow, I didn't know that neither" replied Theodore
"Then, the second thing you need to know is how to hold a women, you walk up to her rub your hands up and down her waist then move slowly to her stomach and then take her off her legs and hold her in your arms" explained Alvin
"Ok? Is that easy?" Asked Theodore
"It's easier if she has had some alcohol but it's not required" joked Alvin
"Been honest Theodore, as long as you do it with the girl you love and the girl loves you back, then she will be fine with all this and will love your actions" explained Alvin
"I should be ok then....I guess" called Theodore in a bit if a worried voice
"Then once the women in in your arms, you give her a kiss, pull out a chair and sit her down" explained Alvin
"Oh, that's one of the main things I missed out, the chair thing" called Theodore
"Well the chair thing is always important, once the women in sat in her chair, make sure that you are giving her lots of compliments and are giving her plenty of glasses of wine.....well ignore the wine part" explained Alvin with a smile
"Wow, is that all? Them steps are all I need to remember for a successful date?" Asked Theodore
"Yes of course Theodore, don't worry you will be fine....I did all these steps with Brittany and we are still together" replied Alvin
"Yea but didn't you two love each other a lot already?" Asked Theodore
"Yea we did and still do but don't let that put you off, just follow my steps and you will be fine" replied Alvin
"Wow, thanks so much for explaining all this Alvin....I mean The Love Doctor, you have really helped me out" called Theodore in an excited voice
"No problem bro, anymore advice on relationships, just speak to me and I can help you" called Alvin in a happy voice
Upstairs outside the bathroom
Brittany knocked on the bathroom door and there was no answer. She tried the door and it was locked so she tried knocking again
"Theodore, go away!" Shouted Eleanor in a sad voice as if she was crying
"It's me Brittany, can I talk to you?" Asked Brittany
"No...not right now Brittany, I don't want to talk or see anyone right now" replied Eleanor
"Please sister, Theodore has kind of explained what happened and I want to help" begged Brittany
There was a silence between them for at least 15 seconds. Brittany sighed and started walking away from the bathroom until she heard her name
"Brittany, can we go to your bedroom and have a sister talk?" Asked Eleanor while crying
Brittany run to Eleanor and hugged her "Of course we can sister, we can have a sister talk anytime about anything" replied Brittany in a caring voice
Brittany and Eleanor went into Alvin and Brittany's room and sat on the bed
"Ok, could you tell me what made you mad with Theodore and I can help you from there" explained Brittany
"Yea sure, well what made me mad with Theodore was when he didn't know much about dates....he didn't ask me any romantic questions or do anything romantic and what really annoyed me was when he told Jeanette we was having a date! I bet you lot all started laughing when Jeanette told you and are going to make fun of us two now..." Explained Eleanor
"Jeanette didn't tell us, Theodore told us all and don't worry we won't make fun of you two for having a date" replied Brittany
"You won't? Are you sure?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"Yes I'm sure, I think we all know by now that we are all close friends now and we are all making our way into relationships, you and Theodore just tried to advance your relationship with a date, it's nothing to be embarrassed about" explained Brittany with a giggle
"Wow, yea....I guess that makes sense....I don't know why I was thinking you would all make fun of me" replied Eleanor
"And to be honest Eleanor.....please don't take this in the wrong way.....I don't think Theodore is ready for a date or to advance the relationship you two are in right now" called Brittany
"Do you think that's why he doesn't know much about dates and how a man treats a women?" Asked Eleanor
"Really, yes sister....I'm not telling you to leave him, I think he is perfect for you....just give your relationship time and when he seems ready, try another date with him" suggested Brittany
"This all makes sense, you have to be right Brittany, your an amazing sister, thanks so much for this talk" replied Eleanor in a happier voice
"No problem sister" replied Brittany in a happy voice giving Eleanor another hug
"I think I will have a quick talk to Theodore and put things right" called Eleanor
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think Theodore and Eleanor will say to each other to fix things? Do you think the talk Theodore got from Alvin/The Love Doctor has helped him with relationships? Do you think the talk Eleanor got from Brittany helped her understand Theodore's feelings and thoughts? And finally, Do you think they will have another date together, sometime in the future?
Let me know your answers to all these questions, in the comments below 👇
Just letting you all know, I feel I have covered a lot in this part, covering two important talks in one part has been quite a challenge for me. That's also why this part is a little longer then the other parts and why it has took me a bit more time to complete then normal... 🤔
Anyway, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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