Part 30 - The Shopping Is Finally Finished!

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Saturday, 4th of May, 1pm, At The Shopping Mall
Alvin Brittany Jeanette and Theodore had been in the mall a couple of hours now.....but they hadn't done any shopping for Eleanor's birthday presents in that time
On there walk to Primark, Alvin wanted to go in HMV, Jeanette wanted to buy a book from WHSmiths and Theodore was hungry since it had just gone dinner the four of them stopped for food
After all these distractions, they finally got to Primark
"Ok, let's start shopping for Eleanor's birthday presents now" called Brittany in a tired voice
"We need to find the girls clothes" called Theodore
"Let's look at that sign over there" suggested Jeanette pointing at the sign on the wall
"It looks like Women's clothes are on the 1st floor and Men's and children's clothes are on the 2nd floor" explained Brittany
"Well we are on the 1st floor now" Alvin pointed out
"Hold on everyone!" Called Jeanette
"What?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"Are we getting Eleanor girls clothes or women's clothes?" Asked Jeanette
"I'm not sure....what do you think Theodore?" Asked Brittany
"Do you know what size clothes Eleanor wears?" Asked Alvin
"I know what size clothes Eleanor wears, yea....she probably needs a small in women's clothes" replied Theodore
The four of them then walked over to the women's clothes and looked for dresses
"I found the dresses guys" called Jeanette
"Any you want to buy? Or like the look of?" Brittany asked Theodore
"That green and white dress looks nice.....and that light and dark green dress too" replied Theodore
Theodore told Brittany and Jeanette the size Eleanor was and they found that size for each of the dresses
"I don't know which to get her....I like them both" called Theodore
"Why don't you get them both then?" Suggested Alvin
"Yea, I think I will do that" called Theodore
"Let's check the price first" said Jeanette quickly
Jeanette checked the prices and jumped backwards in surprise
"Theodore! They are £20 each!" Called Jeanette in a surprised voice
"Do you think that's a lot?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
Jeanette was about to speak but Brittany spoke first
"They are a little expensive.....but if that's what you want to buy Eleanor, then you can buy them" explained Brittany
"Oh....ok, I will buy them" replied Theodore in a happy voice
Brittany and Theodore got in the line to pay and Alvin and Jeanette waited for them nearby
"I can't believe Brittany told Theodore that he could spend £40 on two dresses!" Called Jeanette in an annoyed voice
"Don't worry about it, I just tend to agree with Brittany to save arguments" joked Alvin
"Eleanor will like the dresses but I'm not sure Dave will be happy" explained Jeanette
"Jeanette, please cheer up and stop's Eleanor's birthday and we all get a birthday once a year, everything will be fine" explained Alvin in a serious voice
"If you say so..." Replied Jeanette
While waiting in the line, Theodore was talking to Brittany
"Hey Brittany, do you think Eleanor will like these dresses too?" Asked Theodore
"Theodore, don't ask silly questions....Eleanor is your girlfriend, I'm sure she will like anything you buy her" replied Brittany in a caring voice
"Yea, I guess your right....I just wanted to ask you and make know cause you her sister" explained Theodore
"Aw, yea but even though I'm her sister, your her me she will like all the birthday presents you buy her" replied Brittany
Brittany and Theodore paid for the dresses and walked over to the Alvin and Jeanette
"Ok, off to the pet shop now!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Yay! I hope they have a pet cat for Eleanor" Theodore jumped in
Brittany and Jeanette both shook there heads and followed Alvin and Theodore
After a couple of minutes of walking, they were finally at the pet shop
Alvin and Theodore run straight in and looked around the pet shop at all the pets/animals
Brittany and Jeanette came in the pet shop too and found Alvin and Theodore in seconds, due to them both making a lot of noise
"Could you two be any louder?" Asked Jeanette with sarcasm
"I could try if you wanted?" Joked Alvin
"Don't even think about it" said Brittany in a serious voice
"Alvin! I found a cat!" Shouted Theodore in an excited voice
"Ok bro, I'm coming....just keep the noise down" replied Alvin
They all looked in the box where the cat was
The cat started meowing and Theodore smiled
"Alvin, it's perfect, can we buy him?" Asked Theodore
"Yea, of course we can....but how do you know the cat is a he?" Asked Alvin
"Because it's says so there on the tag outside the cage" replied Theodore
Alvin Brittany and Jeanette looked at the tag and Jeanette nearly passed out when she saw the price
"Um...Theodore....the cat costs £350" called Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yea I know.....but I really want to get Eleanor the cat, she asked me for a pet cat and I don't want to let her down" explained Theodore in a sad voice
"Come on girls, let's get the pet cat for Eleanor to please her and Theodore" called Alvin
"Alvin! Dave will definitely be mad at us if we spend that much money!" Shouted Jeanette
"You two, I'm sorry....we can't afford the cat" called Brittany in a sad voice
Theodore looked down at the ground with a sad face
"Ok...I guess your both right....lets go then..." Called Theodore in a sad voice
Tears then rolled down Theodore's face and Alvin looked at Brittany and Jeanette with a disgusted look on his face
Jeanette then looked over at Brittany
"We are going to have to buy the pet cat.....even if Dave grounds us or never trusts us with money again, I feel bad for upsetting Theodore" explained Jeanette
"Yea me too....we must be crazy, but let's go and with Theodore to pet shop assistant to buy the cat" called Brittany
"Theodore, you don't need to be upset....we are going to let you buy the cat for Eleanor's birthday" explained Brittany in a happy voice
"You...(sniff) are?" Asked Theodore still crying
"Yes Theodore, here is the credit card....lets go to the shop assistant together" called Brittany
Jeanette followed Theodore and Brittany to the till and Alvin smiled to himself
"See Theodore, I told you I would get you a pet cat for Eleanor" Alvin thought to himself
10 minutes later, Brittany Jeanette and Theodore all met up with Alvin again
"Did you buy the cat?" Asked Alvin
"Yea we bought him" replied Theodore in a happy voice
"The shop assistant said the cat will get delivered to our house within the next 3 days" explained Jeanette
"And we got a phone number for here too....just incase the cat doesn't arrive for any reason" called Brittany
"Where shall we go next?" Asked Theodore
"Well if we have done all the shopping and got all Eleanor's birthday presents from you Theodore, I think we should go home" explained Jeanette
"Ok....that's fine with me" replied Theodore
"Do we have any wrapping paper at home?" Asked Alvin
"I think so Alvin....but we better go to Poundland and get some incase..." Replied Brittany with a smile
With that, Alvin Brittany Jeanette and Theodore had been shopping and Theodore had bought all the presents he was getting Eleanor. The four of them went to Poundland and bought some wrapped paper, then they all made there way back home before it went dark outside....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Eleanor will like the presents Theodore has bought her? Do you think she will be surprised but happy when she finds out about her new pet cat from Theodore?
Also, what do you think Dave will do/say when he finds out Alvin Brittany Jeanette and Theodore paid £350 for a cat? Do you think he will ground them and give them a punishment?
Let me know what you all think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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