Part 55 - OMG, The School Prom is Next Week!

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Thursday, 20th of June, 10:30am, At Dave's House
It was the next day after the leavers assembly and while everyone was a kinda happy about leaving school, they still had lots of memories there over the five years and will all definitely miss it
Everyone was doing there own thing now they didn't have to get up for school
Alvin and Brittany were still asleep in bed, Simon and Jeanette were downstairs watching a science documentary with Dave and Theodore and Eleanor were watching a film in their bedroom
Alvin opened his eyes, sat up and had a stretch and looked around the bedroom
He then looked over at Brittany and she was waking up too
"Morning dear" greeted Alvin
"Morning Alvin" replied Brittany after yawning
"What time is it?" Asked Alvin
"I don't know, let me check" replied Brittany
Brittany turned the bed side clock around so she could read the time and was a little surprised
"Alvin, it's 10:30am and we are still in bed" called Brittany in a surprised voice
"Wow, that's a little late....we should get up and join the others" replied Alvin
Brittany nodded and got out of bed
"Do you want to feed our kids this morning? Or do you want me too?" Asked Brittany
"I will feed them, you go and get your breakfast" called Alvin in a caring voice
"Thanks Alvin, will see you downstairs in about 10 minutes or so then, I will get you something for your breakfast too" explained Brittany on her way out of the bedroom
Brittany got to the top of the stairs but she heard noise from the other bedroom
Brittany knocked on the bedroom door and entered
She saw Theodore and Eleanor watching a film but they turned their heads when Brittany came in
"Oh, morning Brittany" called Theodore
"Morning Theodore, morning Eleanor" called Brittany with a smile
"Am glad to see you are finally awake" joked Eleanor
"Yea...I guess me and Alvin were just tired this morning" replied Brittany
"Anyway, I'm going downstairs to get me and Alvin some breakfast, see you two later" called Brittany leaving the bedroom
"Bye Brittany" called Theodore and Eleanor
Brittany went downstairs and into the kitchen. She took out some bread and hopped onto the side so she could put the bread in the toaster
Before Brittany was able to put the bread in the toaster, Brittany heard Dave call her name
"What does Dave want? He doesn't normally shout me" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany went into the living room and went to find Dave
Jeanette was sat on the sofa so Brittany joined her
"What's this all about?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"I don't know, but Dave sent Simon to go and get everyone else too" replied Jeanette
"I will tell you in a minute..." Dave jumped in
Just then, Alvin Simon Theodore and Eleanor came into the living room and all sat on the sofa with Brittany and Jeanette
"I have just got an email from school...." Started Dave
"Oh god! Not school again! Do they want us to go back?" Asked Alvin
"No but they have told me something else" replied Dave
Everyone looked surprised
"What has school told you?" Asked Jeanette
"Is it something good?" Asked Theodore
"Yes it is something good, school has told me when your school prom is!" Called Dave in a happy voice
The Chipettes squeaked in excitement while the Chipmunks didn't seem too bothered
"This is amazing! I'm so excited for the school prom!" Called Eleanor in an excited voice
"Yea me too! I completely forgot about the school prom....the teachers told us it was after the exams but I completely forgot" explained Jeanette
"This means we can go shopping! We need to go and buy some new clothes!" Called Brittany in a happy voice
"Oh god....please don't take us clothes shopping Dave" called Alvin
"I'm not going to take you shopping, unless you ask me to take you" said Dave with a smile
"When is the school prom Dave? Is it next week?" Asked Jeanette
"It is next week on Monday, the date will be 24th of June" replied Dave
"Omg, this is so exciting! I can't wait to go shopping this weekend girls!" Called Brittany
"Me neither, us three girls haven't gone shopping for clothes together for a while now" Eleanor pointed out
"Dave, can you take us three shopping on Saturday please?" Asked Brittany
"Yea of course I will girls....just tell me where you want to go and a time you want me to pick you up at" replied Dave
The Chipettes squeaked in excitement again
"Wow, the girls are really excited about this" said Simon
"Yea I know, I didn't think the school prom was this big of a deal" called Alvin
"Guy's, what's the school prom about? Is it just a night out where we are partying and dancing?" Asked Theodore
"Yea pretty's a party to celebrate us leaving school" replied Simon
"So why has school organised this party then?" Asked Theodore in confusion
"Because it's the last time we will see everyone from school again" replied Alvin
"Oh right....I guess that makes sense..." Called Theodore
"Alvin, should we go clothes shopping too?" Asked Simon
"What? Are you nuts? We are boys Simon, we are not supposed to care about what we wear" replied Alvin in a shocked voice
Theodore gave a little laugh "Hey that rhymes, was you supposed to make that rhyme?" Asked Theodore
"No...well yes....if it proves my point" replied Alvin
"Look Simon, we will just make sure we wear some posh clothes and the Chipettes already like us and our we have nothing to worry about" explained Alvin
"Yea I guess your right...I just want to show a good impression for Jeanette" Replied Simon in a nervous voice
"I'm sure you will bro" called Alvin in a happy voice
"Don't we have to ask the Chipettes out to the prom?" Asked Theodore
"Yea we do, I mean they are our girlfriends but we still have to ask them" explained Simon
"That won't be an issue for and Brittany get on great together and I ask her anything these days" called Alvin
"I'm not quite sure what to say to Eleanor when I ask her....can you two help me out?" Asked Theodore
"Yea of course me and Simon will, Theodore" replied Alvin
"Um....Alvin....I'm a little nervous, can you give me advice on what to say and do?" Asked Simon
"Oh boy....yes I will help you two out with advice, what to say and do and stuff" replied Alvin
Brittany then tapped Alvin on the shoulder
"Oh hey Brittany, so are you going shopping with your sisters this weekend?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I can't wait! Me and my sisters going clothes shopping is one of my favourite things to do!" Replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Anyway, I haven't made our breakfast yet" Brittany pointed out
"Have you feed our kids?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I have feed them all" replied Alvin
Brittany smiled at Alvin and kissed him on his cheek
"Thanks Alvin, shall we go and get breakfast together?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure" replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany then left the living room and went into the kitchen
They both hopped onto the side and Brittany put two bread in the toaster
"Alvin, are you not excited for the school prom?" Asked Brittany
"Yea, of course I am....I just don't see the big deal about it" replied Alvin
Brittany shook her head in disappointment "Oh boys..." said Brittany in a tired voice
"Don't worry though Brittany, I will still dress and look good for the prom, I will make sure you have the best time ever" Alvin pointed out
Brittany then turned and smiled at Alvin
"Aw thanks Alvin your the best" said Brittany in a caring voice
Once the toast was done, Alvin passed Brittany the butter and she buttered the toast
They both went to the kitchen table and had breakfast there
With that, Alvin and Brittany had breakfast while Jeanette and Eleanor were planning on where the three of them will go shopping on Saturday
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. How do you think the weekend will go for the Chipmunks and Chipettes? Do you think Simon will still be nervous to ask Jeanette to the prom? And Theodore not been 100% sure what to say to Eleanor? Do you think Alvin will be able to help them both out?
Also, how do you think the shopping will go on Saturday for the Chipettes? Do you think they will find what they want?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Last Few Months Of School Where stories live. Discover now