Part 9 - We Need An Idea For Our Drama Project

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Sunday, 21st of April, Same Day, At Dave's house, 4:45pm
Dave and Alvin had just come back home from the weekly shop and by this time, everyone else was back home too. Theodore and Eleanor were back from the gym, watching TV to relax and Simon and Jeanette were talking to each other about the movie they just saw and how much they both enjoyed it.
Dave was unpacking the shopping bags and Alvin grabbed the sweets Dave let him buy for him and Brittany. Alvin run upstairs and into the bedroom where Brittany was with their baby chipmunks
"Oh...hi Alvin, didn't hear you come in" called Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yea we are back, did you hear everyone else come in downstairs?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I had to let them in since Dave took the house keys" explained Brittany
"Anyway, I got us some sweets to share" said Alvin in a happy voice
Alvin sat on the bed with Brittany and gave her the tree bags of sweets. He had chosen 'Skittles' and a bar of chocolate
"Omg, you know I love Skittles and any kind of chocolate, thanks so much Alvin" said Brittany in a surprised but happy voice
"No problem, anything for you beautiful" replied Alvin with a smile
"What DVD did you choose for us then?" Asked Brittany
"I...didn't get one..." Said Alvin in a worried voice
"What? Why? What happened?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"It's nothing bad I did or anything, there was just no good DVD's to buy that's all, that's why Dave let me choose sweets for us" explained Alvin
"Oh right....well I'm happy with the sweets anyway, I was just worried something bad happened at the shop that's all" explained Brittany
"No nothing bad happened Brittany, but I did see I game I wanted instead" replied Alvin
"Oh wow, It's great when you get new games, I love to watch you play them too" said Brittany in an excited voice
"Well...I didn't get the new game neither, I wanted it but Dave said no cause I'm not 18 yet" explained Alvin
"What 18 age rated game was you wanting? I didn't think you like games about shooting people" asked Brittany in confusion
"No, it's not a shooting game, it's called 'South Park, The Fractured But Whole' it's a game with kids on the front dressed up as superhero's and it looks amazing, it is just rated 18 because it has bad language and violence in it" explained Alvin
"Oh right, well that game sounds cool, it's annoying that Dave said you couldn't have it though..." Replied Brittany
"Yea I know, I really wanted the game too" called Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany put her arm around Alvin's waist and pulled him closer to her
"Don't worry Alvin, we will see what never know, Dave might change his mind" said Brittany trying to cheer Alvin up and give him hope
Wednesday, 24th of April, At school, 11:20am
The chipmunks and chipettes were back at school again and they were all getting used to school now after the big change of doing revision most lessons
The chipettes were now going into there 3rd lesson Drama and they three of them really enjoyed this lesson, it broke the day up from been in a classroom all day
"Ok everyone sit down on the floor 5 minutes while I explain what your task over the next week will be" called the Drama teacher Miss Finch
Once the class had sat down, Miss Finch started explaining
"So to help you all pass your Drama course, you will need to make a video in groups of you all telling a story. I don't mean all of you sat reading a book, I mean make a story happened with the people in your groups as the main actors" explained Miss Finch
"So, do you mean we are making a movie? Something like Harry going to Pizza Hut and me and Ben help him eat the pizza?" Asked Kyle
"No, I want a bit more of a story then that, I will give you a few examples" replied Miss Finch
Miss Finch put on a PowerPoint and it gave a list of ideas, people had used in the past
"See everyone, these are some examples of what people did in the past, 'paranormal activity' 'karate' 'swimming races' as long as you make a short movie in your groups that lasts at least 20 minutes then I will be happy. You can't use any of these examples off the board though as that's cheating and you have to have a decent story not just going to a shop" explained Miss Finch in a grumpy voice
"Does everyone get what I am asking them to do?" Asked Miss Finch
"Yes Miss Finch" replied the class
"Ok, now get in groups and start putting together a plan" called Miss Finch
Everyone went off and sat in there groups in different places around the room and Brittany Jeanette and Eleanor all worked as one group and sat in the corner
"Ok, what's the plan girls?" Asked Jeanette
"I'm not sure, any ideas Brittany?" Asked Eleanor
"No sorry you two...I feel so stupid and mindless right now" replied Brittany in a sad voice
"Brittany, cheer up you have nothing to worry about, me and Jeanette don't have any ideas yet neither but we will think of something" explained Eleanor in a caring voice
"Hey, I wonder if the boys could help us..." Started Jeanette
"And be in our video with us" finished Brittany in an excited voice
"I did mean come up with an idea but it would be cool if the boys were in our video too" replied Jeanette
"Shall I ask if we are allowed?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure, just wait till Miss Finch comes round to us, she is going to every group and writing down our names for who is in each group" explained Jeanette
"I hope Alvin can be in the video with me, I would need rescuing from a monster and Alvin would save me any day" said Brittany starting to daydream
Jeanette and Eleanor giggled "What? Please tell me what's so funny!" Called Brittany in a confused voice
"Nothing....nothing at all" replied Jeanette
"Yea, don't worry sister, it's nothing to worry about" replied Eleanor
Just then Miss Finch came over to the chipettes
"So are you three is a group?" Asked Miss Finch
"Yea we are a group" replied Brittany
"Do you have an idea for your video yet or not?" asked Miss Finch
"No not yet, we are just thinking of ideas" replied Jeanette
"Miss Finch, can we put Alvin Simon and Theodore in our video with us too?" Asked Eleanor
"Yes of course you can, you can have anyone in your video but just remember, I will be watching you three on the video and your grade for this project will be based off how you three are acting in it" explained Miss Finch in a grumpy voice
"Ok, thanks" replied Eleanor quickly
Miss Finch walked along to the next group of students and Brittany got really excited
"Wow Brittany, calm down girl" called Jeanette quickly
"I'm so excited, Alvin and his brothers will be in a video with us for a school project, this is going to be amazing!" Squeaked Brittany in an excited and happy voice
"We will have to get the boys together with us when we go home and see if they have any ideas and if they want to be in our video with us" explained Jeanette
"Don't worry, I'm sure Theodore will want to join in our video and Brittany will drag Alvin into the video too" replied Eleanor
With that, the chipettes all discussed possible ideas together and we're all looking forward to having the chipmunk involved in their Drama project Video
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What idea do you think the chipmunks and chipettes will come up with? Do you think the chipmunks will agree to take part in the video with the chipettes? Also, who will do the video recording? Do you think the chipmunks and chipettes will get Dave to record them all?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
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Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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