Part 5 - School Take's a Turn For The Worst

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It has been just over a week since Alvin and Brittany had the argument and things have been very different ever since. Alvin and Brittany had not spoken to each other since the argument and the others could tell that something was wrong, but they both denied anything was wrong between them.
In the daytime Alvin and Brittany would sit in different rooms to each other e.g. Alvin in the bedroom and Brittany in the living room. The only time they were in the same room was meal times at home (they had to sit at the table with everyone) and in lessons at school. At night time, Brittany would bring the baby chipmunks to bed and she would sleep downstairs on her own on the sofa with a blanket. Brittany had also been keeping out of Alvin's way and avoiding him as much as she could, without making it too obvious to Alvin or the others.
Alvin was not too bothered that Brittany has not been speaking to him at first, but now a week has just gone by he is starting to feel sad and depressed and wants Brittany to talk to him again. His life was boring without Brittany been there to talk too and laugh with and his 30 minutes of revision was nearly impossible for him right now, he just couldn't concentrate or anything.
Tuesday, 16th of April, 9:30am, at school
Alvin Brittany and Simon were in there first lesson, English but Mr Parry could tell something was wrong
"Ok everyone, have you got your anthologies?" Asked Mr Parry
Everyone replied "yes" aside from Alvin and Brittany
"I have one spare anthology, would you two like to share?" Asked Mr Parry
"No thanks I'm fine without one, let Brittany have it" called Alvin
"Are you sure? You can work together today if you wanted?" Asked Mr Parry in shock
"No it's fine, let Brittany have the anthology.....I won't need one anyway" replied Alvin in a sad voice
Mr Parry gave Brittany the anthology "Thanks Mr Parry" replied Brittany trying to sound happy
"Alvin you will have to share with someone, you need to see the poem I'm going to read you" explained Mr Parry
Alvin sighed "Ok, who wants to share with me?" Asked Alvin looking around the classroom
No one answered
"It's ok Mr Parry, I won't do much good with this poem anyway" called Alvin
"Harry, can you share with Susan and let Alvin share with Simon?" Asked Mr Parry
"Yea sure" replied Harry moving across the classroom
Alvin then moved and sat with Simon
Mr Parry started reading a poem from the anthology and Alvin just sighed and looked down at the table
Simon was about to talk to Alvin but he decided against it for now
30 minutes later...
Ring! Ring!
"Ok class, this lesson has finished so you can go to your next lesson now" called Mr Parry
Everyone started leaving the classroom and Theodore and Eleanor waited for Brittany for P.E.
"Hey Brittany" called Theodore in a happy voice
"Hi...Shall we go to P.E. then" asked Brittany in a sad voice
"Yea sure..." Replied Eleanor in a sad voice
Brittany Eleanor and Theodore set off to the gym for P.E. and Alvin sighed as he watched Brittany go off to her 2nd lesson
"I wish she would come back to me, be her normal loving and happy self, I miss her so much...." Alvin thought to himself
On the way down to the gym, Eleanor slowed Theodore down so she could talk to him......hopefully without Brittany hearing
"Theodore, I'm really worried about Brittany" whispered Eleanor
"Why? I think she is just tired that's all" replied Theodore
"No, I'm sure that her and Alvin had an argument and it is tearing them apart, not just from been with each other but it is emotionally destroying them, they are both really depressed" explained Eleanor
"Well, what can we do?" Asked Theodore
"I'm not sure...hopefully her or Alvin will talk to us soon and let us know what we can help them out" replied Eleanor
Once they got to the gym for P.E. Brittany turned around and looked at Eleanor
"So, what were you and Theodore talking about on the way to the gym?" Asked Brittany
"Nothing really....just about what we are going to get for dinner today" lied Eleanor
"Don't lie to me sister, I heard you say my name a few times" replied Brittany
"I'm not telling you lies Brittany, we mentioned your name a few times sit with us at dinner, as well as Alvin Simon and Jeanette" said Eleanor quickly
Brittany then sighed out loud "What's wrong Brittany?" Asked Theodore
"Nothing....I'm just...missing something" Replied Brittany in a sad voice
"Do you mean something like your science book?" Asked Theodore
"Never mind Theodore, don't worry about me...." Called Brittany
Everyone went in the gym and got changed for P.E. in the changing rooms
After Eleanor was changed into her swimming costume, she looked over at Brittany who was looking quite sad
Eleanor went over to Brittany and gave her a hug and smiled at her. Brittany hugged Eleanor back, then put her swimming costume on and walked out of the changing room
Eleanor followed and stood with Brittany and Theodore beside the swimming pool
"Hey girls, can we all have a swimming race this week at the gym?" Asked Theodore
"Yea sure" replied Eleanor
"Yea if you want too..." Replied Brittany
The three of them jumped in the swimming pool and they all set off racing each other
Brittany was too distracted by her thoughts and wasn't thinking about swimming. Brittany then stopped swimming and began to sink, which made Eleanor to panic
Eleanor went under the water and grabbed Brittany, she pulled her safely to the side of the pool and sat her in the steps
"Brittany, what happened? Are you sure you are ok to swim?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"No....I guess not, my thoughts were two keep swimming though, I will watch you both" replied Brittany trying to sound happy again
Eleanor made sure Brittany was ok before joining Theodore again for more swimming
In the R.E. Lesson
Alvin had R.E. as his 2nd lesson and normally he would be very loud and distracting but today was different. Alvin was quiet and looked really sad
"Have you answered the questions on the board?" Mr Falkner asked Alvin
"What?...oh right, no sorry....I wasn't thinking straight" replied Alvin in a sad voice
"Are you ok? You seem a little down" asked Mr Falkner
"Yea...I'm fine" lied Alvin
"If you need to leave the classroom at any time, give me a shout and I will let you go" called Mr Falkner before walking away
"Ok, will do.." replied Alvin
"This has to be the worst time I have ever had in school, I have never felt this before...." Alvin thought to himself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. This argument has had a really bad effect on both Alvin and Brittany. Everyone else, including the teachers, is starting to notice a difference in them both too.
How long do you think it will be till Alvin and Brittany talk and fix things? Will the others (Simon, Jeanette, Theodore and Eleanor) get involved? If so, how will they get involved? Will they have to talk to Alvin and Brittany or will Alvin and/or Brittany talk to them for advice?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
A/N: I'm sorry the the dark/sad part, I just needed to get across to you all that Alvin and Brittany are upset and depressed with what has happened but they don't know what to do or how to work round it to fix it by themselves. I will make the next part a happier part, I promise 🤗🎉
If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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