Part 8 - A Cute/Romantic Moment With Alvin and Brittany

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Sunday, 21st of April, At Dave's house, 2:40pm
The chipmunks and chipettes had been doing revision most of the morning and Dave was really proud of everyone so he decided that they could do what they wanted in the afternoon as a break for them all
Theodore and Eleanor had gone out to the gym, to the swimming pool to do some swimming to try and keep them both fit and healthy
Simon and Jeanette had gone out to the cinema, since Jeanette wanted to see a new movie and Simon got dragged along to it
Meanwhile, Alvin and Brittany stayed in the house and spent some time with each other and their baby chipmunks in the bedroom
Alvin and Brittany had just fed the baby chipmunks and Brittany was quite tired with the hard week of revision. She laid down on the bed and relaxed her body
"Oh gosh, I'm so tired" said Brittany in a tired voice
"Yea me too, I can't believe how drained I feel right now" replied Alvin
"I feel like I could go to sleep for a few more hours right now" called Brittany
"Don't do that, we don't get long enough at home together anymore, we are always at school or doing revision at home" explained Alvin in a worried voice
"Don't worry Alvin, I'm not going to go to sleep right now" replied Brittany with a giggle
Alvin picked up Musharna and started nursing her to sleep "Shall I put a game on? Or a film?" Asked Alvin
"No, not today Alvin....I just want to rest right now and listening to your voice is so smoothing" explained Brittany in a happy voice
"Aw thanks Brittany, but I love hearing your voice too, you make me so happy when I listen to you" replied Alvin
Alvin put Musharna down once she had fell asleep and he moved closer to Brittany. Alvin laid down next to Brittany and they looked at each other
"Brittany, your so beautiful" said Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany started blushing and then replied "Aw thanks, your so sweet Alvin"
Alvin then moved closer to Brittany and slowly got on top of her
"Alvin? What are you doing?" Asked Brittany with sarcasm
"Just giving you a hug that's all" replied Alvin with a smile
"As much as I love your body been on mine, can you please get off me incase Dave comes in.....he will think we are doing something else together and we will probably get grounded" asked Brittany in a caring voice
"Are you sure you don't want to do 'it' again?" Joked Alvin
"Yes, I'm sure Alvin....maybe another time but not right now" replied Brittany
Alvin gave Brittany a hug and a long kiss and then after a minute had passed he got off of her
"ALVIN!!!" Shouted Dave from downstairs
"Oh no, what have I done now?" Alvin said to Brittany
"Not sure...I don't remember you doing anything wrong" replied Brittany
Alvin left the bedroom and went downstairs to find Dave. Alvin found Dave in the kitchen
"Hi Dave, what have I done now?" Asked Alvin in confusion
Dave started laughing to himself
"What?" Asked Alvin
"You haven't done anything wrong Alvin, I was just going to ask you if you and Brittany wanted to come to Asda with me for the weekly shop that's all" replied Dave
"Oh right...I thought I did something wrong" said Alvin with a small laugh afterwards
"No, you haven't done anything wrong, by the way.....since you have all done some revision this weekend, I will treat you and let you pick a DVD" called Dave
"For real?" Asked Alvin in a shocked voice
"Yes for real Alvin, you and Brittany can choose a DVD if you want to come shopping with me.....I am saying you two cause everyone else is out" explained Dave
"I will ask Brittany now" said Alvin before going back upstairs
Alvin went back in the bedroom and Brittany was sat up waiting for Alvin
"So...what did Dave say?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Nothing to worry about Brittany, he just asked me if you and me would like to go with him to Asda to do the weekly shop and pick a DVD" replied Alvin
"Omg, are you serious? Dave doesn't let us pick a DVD to buy that often" asked Brittany in shock
"Yes I'm been serious, so shall we go shopping with Dave?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, let's go" replied Brittany
Alvin and Brittany left the bedroom but before they went downstairs, Brittany spoke up
"Alvin, we can't both go with Dave" called Brittany
"What? Why not?" Asked Alvin
"Because at least one person....or chipmunk needs to be in the house to look after our baby chipmunks" explained Brittany
"But Dave leaves them in the house for 10-15 minutes when he drops us off at school" replied Alvin
"Yea but that's 15 minutes, the shopping trip takes around 1 hour to do..." Explained Brittany in a sad voice
"I guess your right, I will stay here then and let you go shopping with Dave" called Alvin
"No, Alvin it's ok I will stop and look after them" replied Brittany
"Are you sure that's ok? I will stop in if you want me to babysit?" Asked Alvin
"Honestly Alvin, it's fine you go shopping with Dave and I will have a rest and babysit" explained Brittany
"Ok, I will go with Dave but you will only babysit till I get back, then I will take over for a bit" replied Alvin before going downstairs
"Ok, bye lovely have fun!" Called Brittany as Alvin was making his way downstairs
Alvin went to Dave in the kitchen
"Hi, I will go shopping with you but Brittany said she wants a rest" explained Alvin
"Ok that's fine with me, let's get going" called Dave
Alvin and Dave got in the car and set off to Asda
20 minutes later...
Alvin and Dave got to Asda and Dave had just parked up and got a trolley
"Dave, can we see the DVD's section first? Please?" Begged Alvin
"Ok, we will do....just this once" replied Dave
Alvin and Dave went over to the DVD's and games section and Alvin looked around
"Oh man, these DVD's suck....I don't really like the look of any of these" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin then looked over at the games and one of them caught his attention
"Wow, this game looks amazing!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
Dave picked up the game and looked at the title and age rating
"Alvin, this game is called 'South Park, The Fractured But Whole' and it's aged 18" explained Dave
" Can you buy me that? It looks amazing" Asked Alvin
"No I'm sorry Alvin, your not 18 and it says the game has bad language and violence, I don't want you hearing and using swear words at school" explained Dave
"Aw, but Dave, please....I don't really like any of the DVD's that are out" begged Alvin
"I'm sorry Alvin, but I'm not buying an 18 age rated game or an 18 age rated DVD for that matter" replied Dave
"Can't you buy it and give it me in 2 or 3 years time?" Asked Alvin
"ALVIN, the answer is no! Please do not beg me anymore, I don't want to be mad at any of you after all the hard work you have done this weekend" replied Dave
"Ok...sorry Dave" called Alvin
"It's no problem Alvin, I will let you buy some sweets for you and Brittany but don't tell the others ok?" Asked Dave
"Yea that's cool, thanks Dave" replied Alvin putting on a smile
Dave then turned the trolley around and made his way to the vegetables lane
Alvin looked up at the game on the shelf and then walked after Dave with a sad look on his face
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Dave did the right thing not buying the 'South Park' game for Alvin or not? Also, Do you think Dave will buy Alvin the 'South Park' game Alvin want's soon, like in a few weeks? Or do you think Alvin will have to wait a few years first until he is 18?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
By the way, did you all like the beginning of this chapter/part with Alvin and Brittany? If you liked the cute/romantic beginning of this part, let me know in the comments below too and I will try to include more parts with Alvin and Brittany like that in future parts (and maybe with Simon and Jeanette and Theodore and Eleanor)
If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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