Part 68 - A Surprise Ending...

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Saturday, 3rd of August, 5:30pm, At Dave's House
Dave had just got back home and had no luck finding Eleanor's missing cat Daisy
He felt sad and defeated but he knew there was nothing more he could do
Just then, Simon and Jeanette came into the house
"Hey Dave...any luck with the cat?" Asked Simon
"No guys?" Asked Dave
"No...we didn't find Daisy neither" replied Jeanette
"I hope the others are having better luck" explained Dave
"We will just have to wait for them to return and hope they have good news" said Jeanette in a sad voice
With Alvin and Brittany
Alvin and Brittany were both in the warehouse, sat down on the chairs at the table and were waiting for Kenny to explain why he wanted to see them
"What do you want with me? Leave me alone!" Called Brittany in an angry voice
"What I want with you to reveal your story about our past to Alvin" replied Kenny
"What? No! Alvin can't find out! No one can ever know!" Explained Brittany in a worried voice
"I'm sorry...but it has to be done...Alvin listen closely" said Kenny in a serious voice
"A few years ago, me and Brittany were going out with each other boyfriend and girlfriend....but no one knew about, it was a secret just between us two. One night, Brittany came over to my house and we did 'it' with each other, resulting in Brittany getting pregnant" explained Kenny
"What? Are you been serious?" Asked Alvin in a surprised voice
"The story gets worse, since we had kept our relationship hidden from everyone Brittany didn't want anyone finding out that she was pregnant with me. So she had an abortion a few days later...and killed our child! It wasn't fair on our child, it didn't get a choice!" Explained Kenny in an angry voice
"I'm sorry I did that, but I couldn't let anyone....not even my sisters, find out I was pregnant or in a relationship" replied Brittany starting to cry
"YOU KILLED OUR CHILD! BEFORE IT WAS EVEN BORN!" Shouted Kenny in an angry voice
"I know I was wrong and cruel, I still feel guilty for it today....but you can't say you didn't do anything wrong neither" Brittany fired back
Kenny looked confused at Brittany
"You know what happened! After you found out about the abortion you came over to Miss Hobnob's house when I was in alone and tried to kill me! I had to phone the police and get you locked up! For threats and been violent against me" explained Brittany
"I was mad at you for what you did! To our child!" Replied Kenny
"That still doesn't mean you can come over to Miss Hobnob's house while her and my sisters were out shopping, to try to hurt and kill me" explained Brittany
"Hold on a second! Is all this true? Is this story really true about you two?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany turned and looked at Alvin, then nodded in shame
Alvin then felt anger rise in his body
"You lied to me and kept this huge story a secret! Brittany, when we got in this relationship, we agreed that we would never lie or keep secrets from each other! And you have broke both them rules!" Shouted Alvin in an angry voice
"Alvin....I'm wasn't supposed to find out....this story was supposed to remain secret in the past" replied Brittany in a sad voice
"I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe you would do something like that to me Brittany! I trusted you, that day in school when you told me you was pregnant with me and you only ever had 'it' with lied you had 'it' with someone else before" explained Alvin in a surprised voice
"Alvin please stop shouting....I said I am sorry and have told you that you wasn't supposed to find out...what else do you want me to do?" Asked Brittany I'm a sad voice
"I want you to leave!" Replied Alvin
"What? No can't be serious" said Brittany in a worried voice
"I am Brittany, our relationship is over! I hate people that lie! And I hate people that keep secrets! I'm sorry it's over....after everything we have been through I will definitely miss you, but it has to be this way.....goodbye Brittany..." Said Alvin in a serious voice
Alvin grabbed the keys off Kenny and left the warehouse
Once Alvin had left the warehouse, he started to cry to himself and rubbed tears off his face. He was heartbroken
Brittany grabbed the pram and run outside the warehouse
She looked both ways for Alvin and saw him walk off alone
Brittany called Alvin's name but he didn't respond back, just kept walking away...
With Theodore and Eleanor
Theodore had been following the stranger for around 20 minutes now and had managed to follow but not be seen
The person then went in a garage and Eleanor continued to call for help but it was no use
Theodore looked through the window and kept an eye on what was happening
The person then took off the trench coat and was actually an Alien
"Omg, your an Alien!" Called Eleanor in a surprised voice
The Alien nodded and then whistled
"This is too creepy for me....someone please help!" Shouted Eleanor in a worried voice
Two more Aliens came out from the back of the garage and one of them was holding Eleanor's pet cat
"Hey! That's my cat! Give Daisy back!" Called Eleanor
The Alien gave Eleanor her pet cat back and said sorry
"Why did you have my cat? And what did you bring me here for?" Asked Eleanor
"We want to find smartest creature on Earth" replied one of the Aliens
"Isn't that humans?" Asked Eleanor in a surprised voice
"No, not humans...or cats..." Replied another Alien
A beeping noise came from a device on the table
One of the Aliens picked up the device and made a funny noise
"What's wrong?" Asked Eleanor
"We found the smartest creature on this planet" replied one of the Aliens
The three Aliens left the garage and Eleanor and her cat were free to go
"That was very unexpected" Eleanor said to herself
Eleanor left the warehouse and Theodore gave her a hug
"I am so happy you are ok" said Theodore in a caring voice
"Aw thanks Theodore, I'm happy too....and I found Daisy too" replied Eleanor in a happy voice
"What did them Aliens want?" Asked Theodore
"They just wanted to know what the smartest creature on Earth is, shall we follow them and see what they believe is the smartest creature?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure" replied Theodore
Theodore and Eleanor run after the Aliens and finally caught up with them
The Aliens all stopped walking when they got to a field
"There, that's the smartest creature on Earth" said one of the Aliens pointing to a cow
"Are they serious? They think cow's are the smartest creatures on Earth?" Asked Eleanor with sarcasm
"Yea I think that's what they are getting at" Replied Theodore
After the Aliens finished talking, then pressed a button on a remote and a spaceship came and teleported the Aliens inside
"Well, I have seen some crazy things....that planet made from Jeanette's drawings and now Aliens thinking cow's are smart creatures" explained Eleanor
"Should we head back home now then?" Asked Theodore
"Yea we better, otherwise it will go dark before we are home" replied Eleanor
Theodore and Eleanor then started walking back home with Eleanor's pet cat Daisy
With Brittany and her and Alvin's kids
It was now 7pm and Brittany was now sat on a bench at the park with the kids in the pram next to her
"I have lost everything....I have lost boyfriend, lover, carer, father to our kids....gone! Just because I didn't share a secret with him....I really regret not been honest and telling him...." Brittany thought to herself
Brittany sat still in silence and stared at the ground
Tears fell to the ground and Brittany felt weak and sad
Just then, Alvin walked over to the Brittany and sat on the bench next to her
They sat in silence for a few minutes, till Alvin spoke up
"Brittany....I'm sorry about earlier....about what I said to you" said Alvin
"Y-You are?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Yea....I'm so sorry for telling you it's over....that I am finishing our relationship" said Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany looked over at Alvin
"So what made you come back?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"A long hard though thought about our relationship. I asked myself if I'm going to just turn away and give you up over a big secret then I don't really love you....anyone that loves someone will talk about their problems and will try to fix them together" explained Alvin
"So it's not over? You want me back?" Asked Brittany in a surprised voice
"Of course it's not over Brittany, I do want you back....I love you. We have a family together now and I'm not going to give that up" replied Alvin with a smile
"Aw thanks Alvin, I'm just sorry you had to hear that story..." Explained Brittany
"Don't worry about it Brittany, we are back together now and that's all that matters" explained Alvin
Just then, Kenny appeared
"How does it feel Brittany! To not feel loved anymore!" Shouted Kenny
"Actually I am loved Kenny, Alvin has took me back and what ever happens to us, we will never break up! We will have arguments but we will always love and care about each other" explained Brittany
Kenny looked surprised
"I thought the story about our past would break you two up!" Called Kenny in a surprised voice
Kenny approached Alvin and was about to punch him....till something fell from the sky
A canister fell from the Alien spaceship and hit Kenny on the head, causing him to walk backwards, scream in pain and fall onto the floor
"Omg, they killed Kenny!" Called Brittany in a surprised voice
"Wow, thank you....who ever it was" said Alvin quickly
Two Aliens beamed down and grabbed Kenny, then went back up onto their spaceship with him
"Was that Aliens we just saw?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I think so....oh well at least they have Kenny now" Replied Brittany
"Should we go back home to Dave and the others?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"By the way, I will tell my sisters about the story that you heard from Kenny....I think they should know too" explained Brittany
"Are you sure?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I'm sure" replied Brittany with a smile
With that, Alvin and Brittany walked back home to Dave and the others...
On the Alien spaceship
The Aliens had put Kenny on a bed and were trying to treat him but it was no use
"Any luck on treating him?" Asked one of the Aliens
"No the transformation is already's too late" replied another Alien
Kenny then woke up and looked around, he was now very green and a little deformed
"wo bin ich? erzähl mir, du verrückter Kerl, ich will nach Hause gehen" said Kenny
"Oh no! He is now a German Zombie!" Called one of the Aliens
"lass mich dein Fleisch essen!" Shouted Kenny getting off the bed
Kenny went after the Aliens but the Aliens stunned him
"What shall we do with him now?" Asked one of the Aliens
"Sadly we will have to keep him locked up on this spaceship, we can't control German Zombies" replied one of the Aliens
With that, the Aliens were flying away and back home while Alvin and Brittany were on their way back to Dave Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think Dave will say when Alvin and Brittany return home quite late? Do you think he will be mad at them? What do you think Jeanette and Eleanor will say and do when Brittany tells them about the story she had in the past?
Also, what do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will do now over the rest of the summer? Do you think Dave will take them away on holiday again?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I know this part is like 600 words longer then the other parts, I just got a little carried away when writing it. Also, sorry for the very random and crazy ending with Aliens and stuff....I just wanted something a bit different and a way to write Kenny off but not kill him
Also, this is the final part in this book sadly everyone, I hope you have enjoyed reading this book and I really appreciate all the support I have had from you all as readers, throughout the book 🤗 thanks so much everyone 🎉
I will be starting my next Alvin and the Chipmunks book very soon too everyone. It's called "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Look Brittany our Kids are growing up!" I hope you all stay around for that book and hope you like it as much as this one 😋
Also, If you liked this final part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone and thanks for all your support for this book 🤗🎉

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