Part 11 - Girls, Here is Our Drama Project idea, Let's Get To Work

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Thursday, 25th of April, Same Day, At school, 3pm
School had just finished and the chipmunks and chipettes were just making there way to Dave. Brittany had told her sisters about the idea of them all dressing up as superhero's and Jeanette and Eleanor said "that's a good idea and yea we will do it" and were both excited about it.
Brittany then let Alvin know that her sisters agreed on the idea and for Alvin to ask his brothers. However, Alvin had not asked Simon and Theodore yet if they wanted to play superhero's....
All six of them had just had there music lesson as there last lesson of the day and they had all really enjoyed it
"Wow, girls we did a great song together" called Brittany
"Yea I know!" Replied Eleanor in a happy voice
"I think we are getting better each time we practice" replied Jeanette
"Well....I think you girls did ok, but us boys did better" joked Alvin
"Oh no you didn't" Brittany joked back
"Oh yes we did" replied Alvin with a small laugh
"Hey, we are not at the pantomime you two" Simon jumped in
"Lighten up Simon, Alvin and Brittany are just having a bit of fun" said Theodore in a caring voice
The chipmunks and chipettes were now out of school and stood at the school gate looking for Dave. Once they saw Dave they all went to the car and were ready for the short car journey home
"Hey Simon, Theodore can I ask you two a question?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Simon
"Do you two want to dress up as superhero's with me, Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor? It's for the chipettes Drama project" explained Alvin
"Wow, that sounds fun! Yes I will do that Alvin!" Shouted Theodore in an excited voice
"I would say no as I don't find dressing up that fun....but because it's for the chipettes then I will do" replied Simon
"That's great, thanks everyone" called Brittany
"Girls, can I ask why you are dressing up as superhero's? Is this really something to do with school?" Asked Dave in confusion
"Yea Dave, it really is something we girls have to do for school, we need to make an exciting video of us to pass our Drama project" replied Brittany
"Ok, I trust you....I was just a little worried at first that's all, would you like me to be the camera man?" Asked Dave
"Yea please, thanks Dave" replied Eleanor with a giggle
Dave parked the car and him, the chipmunks and chipettes went in the house
Brittany went upstairs to her Alvin's bedroom. She grabbed the photos of the superhero's from the South Park that Alvin was secretly playing with her last night and brought them downstairs with her
She saw her sisters on the sofa across from Alvin, Simon and Theodore
"Jeanette! Eleanor!" Shouted Brittany
They both turned around and looked at Brittany
"Can I talk to you both?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure" replied Eleanor getting up with Jeanette and following Brittany into the kitchen
Once Brittany Jeanette and Eleanor were in the kitchen, Brittany spoke up
"Ok, here are the characters that we can use in our drama project. All of us will be dressing up into these different characters and me and Alvin have decided today at school, which character each of us will be best role playing as" explained Brittany handing over 6 photos to Jeanette and Eleanor
"Ok, I will read the list now and each photo is in order with the list so as I read a name you can look at the matching photo so, Alvin will be The Coon" started Brittany

 All of us will be dressing up into these different characters and me and Alvin have decided today at school, which character each of us will be best role playing as" explained Brittany handing over 6 photos to Jeanette and Eleanor "Ok, I will rea...

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