Part 61 - We Did Amazing! We Still Got It!

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Friday, 28th of June, 1am
In Brittany's Dream
Brittany saw herself in school again, but this time it was dark outside....night time instead of daytime
She walked down the hallway at school alone, scared and lost....until she came across a classroom
As she entered a classroom, a cloud of fog flooded the floor
"Alvin? Jeanette? Eleanor?" Called Brittany in fear
Brittany took a few more steps forward into the classroom and looked around
The classroom appeared empty, till Brittany looked over at the back of the classroom and saw a person in a black robe with there face covered up
"Hello? Who are you? I need help..." Called Brittany in a worried voice
The person walked closer to Brittany but still kept there face hidden
Brittany started to shake in fear, until the person stopped walking
"Um...Alvin? that you?" Asked Brittany
"'s someone else..." Replied the person
"Who? Who are you?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
The person dropped the hood and it was a teenage boy, about the same age as Brittany
"Kenny? No! Not you! Anyone but you!" Shouted Brittany in fear
"Don't worry Brittany....I will be out of jail soon and then, back after you!" Shouted Kenny
Kenny launched himself at Brittany and the dream was over
Friday, 28th of June, Same Day, 8:30am, In Alvin and Brittany's hotel room
Brittany sat up in bed and screamed
Alvin woke up immediately and looked over at Brittany
"Brittany!" Called Alvin in a worried voice
Alvin sat up and put his arm around Brittany who was now crying
"Brittany! What's wrong? What happened?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany brushed some tears off her face and spoke up
"I...I just had a bad dream that's all....I'm so sorry for scaring you Alvin...I...I didn't mean to scream" replied Brittany in a sad voice
"Aw, Brittany don't worry I'm here now and dreams can't hurt you....I'm just glad your ok" replied Alvin in a caring voice
"So do you want to talk about the dream with me? I don't mind if you don't want" asked Alvin in a serious voice
Brittany took a few seconds to reply but she shook her head
"No, I'm sorry Alvin...I don't want to talk about my dream...I just...I just don't want too" replied Brittany
"That's ok, don't worry about it....why don't you go and have a quick wash in the shower before we go downstairs to Dave and the others?" Suggested Alvin
"Yea...I will do that" replied Brittany getting out of bed
Brittany took off her pyjamas, grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom
"That dream I felt so real...and that sentence I was told, felt like a message....maybe even a can't be true though....he can't be coming out of jail yet.." Brittany thought to herself
At Reception, 9:30am
Alvin and Brittany had just arrived at reception with their baby chipmunks in the pram
After a few minutes of waiting, Theodore and Eleanor appeared
"Morning you two" called Eleanor with a smile
"Morning Eleanor, morning Theodore" replied Alvin
Brittany was stood still and was silent
"Brittany? Are you ok?" Asked Eleanor
"Oh...yea, hi are you?" Asked Brittany
"I'm ok thanks, shall we go to find a table for breakfast?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure" replied Brittany
Alvin Brittany Theodore and Eleanor all went into the cafe and sat at a table, waiting for Simon Jeanette and Dave
"Can't we go and get something for breakfast while we are waiting?" Asked Theodore
"No, we have to wait for the others Theodore, they won't be long now" replied Eleanor
"No it's fine three go and get breakfast and I will stay at the table so we don't lose it" explained Brittany
"Yay...breakfast, here I come" called Theodore jumping out of his seat
"Hold up bro, there is no need to run" said Alvin with a small laugh
Eleanor got up and followed Alvin and Theodore to the food
While Alvin was getting him beans and sausage sandwich, Eleanor spoke to him
"Alvin, do you know what's wrong with Brittany? She is acting very different this morning" asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"No I don't really know what's wrong....I mean she had a bad dream and woke up this morning screaming, since then she has been acting very quiet and zoned out" explained Alvin 
"Oh god, I know Brittany had a few bad dreams when we lived with Miss Hobnob....but she has never been like this before" replied Eleanor
"Don't worry, we will keep an eye on her and make sure she is ok" called Alvin
Once Alvin got his beans and sausage sandwich, him and Eleanor went back to the table
Theodore was already at the table and was eating away at his pancakes
"Hey Brittany, we are all back now you can go and get your breakfast if you want?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure, be back in a few minutes" said Brittany leaving the table
After Brittany left the table, Simon Jeanette and Dave arrived
"Morning everyone" greeted Dave
"Morning Dave" Alvin Theodore and Eleanor replied
"I see you all got breakfast before we came today" Simon pointed out
"Yea....because Theodore was hungry" joked Eleanor
"Us three will get our breakfast now too, if that's ok?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea that's fine with us, Brittany is getting her breakfast now too" replied Alvin
After a few minutes, Brittany Simon Jeanette and Dave were back at the table and discussing what they were going to sing tonight
"Any ideas on what we will all be singing tonight?" Asked Simon
"I have a few ideas for us...not the Chipettes though" replied Alvin
"Brittany do you have any ideas for you and your sisters?" Asked Simon
"Ideas for what?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"The music act we have been asked to do tonight? Songs for you and your sisters" replied Simon
"Oh right....yea I have a few ideas...sorry I missed the question" explained Brittany
"Well after everyone has eaten breakfast, I'm taking you all to the music studio so you can all practice for tonight" Dave jumped in
"That's a great idea, thanks Dave" called Jeanette
After the Chipmunks Chipettes and Dave had eaten breakfast, they all got in the taxi Dave had booked and went to the music studio to practice
Friday, 28th of June, Same Day, 7:30pm, Inside 'UNDER St. Mark's Theatre'
After a few hours of practice, the Chipmunks and Chipettes felt ready to go on stage, to sing and preform
"Omg, I can't believe this is happening! Are we all ready?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea I'm ready" called Eleanor
"Me too, do you all remember the song we are going to sing" asked Brittany
"Yea of course we do" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Ok, Simon don't be too serious and boring, otherwise people won't like us" joked Alvin
"Ha ha, that's very funny Alvin" replied Simon
"Just remember the lines to the song and have fun on stage" called Alvin
"I always do that" replied Theodore
"Ok everyone, we have two special groups coming on stage tonight. First up, make a warm welcome to the Chipmunks!" Called the announcer
"Good luck guys" called the Chipettes
"Thanks girls" replied Alvin with a smile
The Chipmunks went on stage and Alvin spoke in the microphone
"Ok everyone, we are going to sing 'The Lazy Song' hope you all enjoy it" explained Alvin

After the song was done, the audience clapped and cheered
"Thank you everyone!" Called the Chipmunks as they walked off the stage
"Ok thank you Chipmunks, now the next group on stage will be the Chipettes!" Called the announcer
"Good luck girls! I'm sure you will do great!" Called the Chipmunks as the Chipettes walked passed them
"Hi everyone, me and my sisters are going to sing 'Last Friday Night' hope you all enjoy it!" Called Brittany in a happy voice

After the Chipettes had done singing, the crowd clapped and cheered for them
"Yes! We did it Girls!" Called Brittany in a happy voice
"Thank you everyone!" Called the Chipettes as they left the stage
The Chipettes met the Chipmunks again and they all had a group hug
"We did amazing! We still got it everyone!" Called Alvin
"Well done everyone, I'm so proud of you all!" Called Dave in a happy voice
"Let's go and get a special meal to celebrate, then sadly we are all going home tomorrow morning" explained Dave
"Not a problem Dave, we have all had a great time in New York and we did an amazing job singing tonight" replied Alvin
With that, the Chipmunks and Chipettes followed Dave out of the building and were on there way to a restaurant for a special meal
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will do tomorrow, when they get back home? Do you think they will relax at home? Or do you think they will go out somewhere like the park or the cinema?
Also, what did you all think of Brittany's dream? Who do you think Kenny is? How do you think Kenny is involved with Brittany?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, I will explain more about Kenny over the next few parts, not all in one part as there is no build up or anything to his character. Trust me it will all make sense as you read on 😉
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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