Part 63 - Anything Can Happen On This Crazy, Weird.....Possibly Cool Planet?

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(Continuing on from Part 62)
Sunday, 30th of June, Same Day, 2pm, WhamDoodle Planet
The Chipmunks and Chipettes continued to explore the planet made by Jeanette's drawings and were surprised at how good Jeanette really was at drawing
"I knew you drew a lot sister....but this is amazing!" Called Brittany
"You should become an artist when your older" called Eleanor with a giggle
"Aw thanks girls, but I don't think been an artist is the right job for me in the future" replied Jeanette
The Chipmunks and Chipettes then came to a stop when they saw a fun house
"Hey Jeanette did you draw that too?" Asked Theodore
"Yea I remember drawing that, not too sure what's inside though" replied Jeanette
"Let's go and find out, I think fun houses are amazing!" Called Alvin running for the fun house
Once Alvin went inside, he stood in shock
"This place is full of fairies and Princesses....what kind of fun house is this?" Alvin asked himself out loud
The others caught up and all had different reactions
Simon was embarrassed, Theodore and Eleanor were both smiling and happy with the place and Brittany was confused like Alvin
"Um...Jeanette, can you start explaining please?" Asked Brittany
"Sorry guys, I think princesses are cute and I like to draw them after we have all watched a Disney movie together" explained Jeanette
"Omg, this is so girlfriend likes drawing fairies and princesses" said Simon in a sad voice
"It's not that bad Simon" called Theodore trying to cheer Simon up
"Theodore, can we go and dance over there with them princesses?" Asked Eleanor
"Um...yea...sure, I will do if it will make you happy Eleanor" replied Theodore with a smile
Theodore and Eleanor then run over to the dance floor and started dancing together
Jeanette smiled in amazement "This place is amazing! I can't believe I drew this many fairies and princesses though..." Jeanette thought to herself
Alvin and Brittany sat down on a couple of chairs and waited till everyone was ready to leave
Just then, a talking burrito came over to Alvin and Brittany and spoke up
"Hey you two, I haven't seen you around here before" called the Burrito
"Yea...we was just passing by...that's all" replied Brittany quickly
"Oh, I hope you come back, this place is great!" Called the Burrito in a happy voice
Ice cream then dropped to the floor and the Burrito started laughing
"Opps.....sorry about that guys" called the Burrito
"Did you just?....Never mind...." started Alvin
"Yea he did Alvin, let's just not talk about that..." Brittany whispered to Alvin
"Anyway, will see you folks later..." Called the Burrito as it started walking away
After every four to five steps, ice cream would fall on the floor behind the Burrito and easily left a path for people to see where the talking Burrito had been walking
"Well, I officially think my sister Jeanette is crazy! At some point, she drew a talking Burrito that poo's Ice cream every few steps it takes!" Explained Brittany in a surprised voice
"I'm going outside and away from this place" said Brittany quickly
"Me too..." Replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany stood outside the fun house and Brittany closed her eyes and started taking deep breaths
"What's wrong?" Asked Alvin
"I am just trying to forget everything we have just seen in that fun house" replied Brittany
"I will have to try to forget at some point too" joked Alvin
Just then, something caught Alvin and Brittany's attention
A small blast of fire, not too far away
Alvin and Brittany run back inside the fun house
Alvin told Simon what he saw and Brittany told Jeanette the same
Jeanette then took Theodore and Eleanor off the dance floor, told them about what Brittany saw and then left the fun house
Once the six of them were outside they all looked at each other
"What are we going to do? We can't let anyone destroy this planet" called Jeanette in a worried voice
"I know, don't worry Jeanette...we will think of something" replied Simon
"I have an idea" called Alvin
"What?" Asked Eleanor
"Why don't we dress up in our superhero costumes again and stop whatever made that blast" suggested Alvin
"That's a great idea Alvin....but our superhero costumes are at home" replied Brittany
"Can't Jeanette just draw them on us?" Asked Theodore
"Yes! Theodore that's a great idea! Your amazing!" Replied Eleanor in a happy voice
"Jeanette, go and find some paper and a pencil and draw us quickly" called Brittany
The six of them run into a house and looked around for some paper and a pencil
After a few minutes of looking, Eleanor found a notebook and Simon found a pencil
"Ok, I will start drawing you five in your superhero costumes and then meet you after....I hope this works" explained Jeanette
"I'm sure it will Jeanette" replied Brittany in a happy voice
The Chipmunks Brittany and Eleanor all went to where the small blast of fire was and had a look around
"Hey guys, look it's them!" Called Simon
The five of them looked at what Simon was looking at and saw the Woodland Critters
"Aw, I liked we have to hurt them?" Asked Theodore
"We do if they are causing problems Theodore" replied Eleanor
The five of them stood in front of the five Woodland Critters
"Hey, it's them talking Chipmunks again" called Rabbity the Rabbit
"What are you all doing?" Asked Brittany
"We have just burned down the church and are about to open a portal up so our Lord and Saviour, Satan, can come from Hell to take over this planet" explained Beary the Bear
"Guys, we need to stop them, if Satan comes from Hell then he will burn this place in seconds" called Simon
"Is Satan another word for Devil?" Asked Alvin
"Yea that's right" replied Brittany
"We will use our powers to stop your interference" called Porcupiney the Porcupine
Just then, the Chipmunks Brittany and Eleanor started glowing
"What's happening?" Asked Theodore
"I don't it them?" Asked Simon
"Hang on, it might be Jeanette" called Eleanor
After a few seconds of glowing, the Chipmunks Brittany and Eleanor were all in their superhero costumes again
"Yes! It worked, go Jeanette!" Called Brittany
Beary the Bear then made a wall of fire appear and the five of them jumped to safety
"Let's take them down team!" Called Alvin
"You got it Coon!" Joked Brittany
"Are we seriously using our superhero names again?" Asked Simon
Theodore jumped forward and used his eye lasers on Deery the Deer sending her flying
"Great job Human Kite" called Eleanor
Foxy the Fox shoot a flame of fire at Theodore sending him backwards
Beary the Bear then made demon bats appear and attack Eleanor
"Coon! You go for the Bear, I will go for the fox" called Brittany
"You got it, Wonder Tweek" replied Alvin
Alvin clawed Beary the Bear and the Bear jumped backwards in pain
Brittany tossed ice cruces at Foxy the Fox and the Fox started slipping and sliding into the other Woodland Critters
Simon then pulled out a power drill and drilled the ground, making a crack in the ground sending Porcupiney the Porcupine flying
"Nice one, ToolShed" called Alvin
Eleanor then jumped in front of Rabbity the Rabbit and pulled out two selfie sticks. She hit Rabbity the Rabbit several times, before the Rabbit fell to the ground
"Awesome, Call Girl" said Brittany
"Oh gosh! These Chipmunks are too strong! We must leave immediately!" Called Beary the Bear
The Woodland Critters then made their retreat and the Chipmunks Brittany and Eleanor cheered
Jeanette then came over and joined the group
"Omg, it worked you guys! And we saved this planet! WhamDoodle planet!" Called Jeanette in a happy voice
"Yea I know, we did amazing!" called Alvin
"Ok, everyone....sadly I think it's time to go home" called Simon
"Yea...Simon is right" replied Jeanette
"Why did you say sadly? I didn't think you liked it here" asked Alvin
"Well...I was kind of getting used too it..." Simon admitted
"Don't worry Simon, if we have to come back again....I'm sure we will get brought back one way or another" called Jeanette
With that, the Chipmunks and Chipettes made there way back to the portal and returned back home to Dave...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes had enjoyed themselves at WhamDoodle planet? Do you think Jeanette will continue drawing and adding new things to her planet, now she knows it exists? What will the Chipmunks and Chipettes tell Dave if Dave noticed the Chipmunks and Chipettes were not at home?
Also, do you think they will see the Woodland Critters again? If so, do you think they will dress up as superhero's to defeat them?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Just want to let you all know, I have got 2K views on this book now! 😉🎉 Thanks so much to all of you for reading my book, I really appreciate it! 🤗
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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