Part 47 - A Painful Walk Around School...

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Friday, 17th of May, 9am, At School
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had been dropped off at school 15 minutes ago by Dave
However walking into school, to the cafe and then to the form room....Alvin was in pain for a lot of that walk
His sprained ankle was better today then it was yesterday, but unlike yesterday when he was sat and resting most of the time, today he was up and doing a lot more walking around
If Alvin was in pain walking into school and to the form room, he was going to be terrible by the end of the school day...
All six of them were now in the form room waiting for Miss Wood to come into the classroom
"Hey Alvin, it's good to see you and Brittany back at school" called Theodore
"Yea I know, my ankle still hurts a little but I can at least walk around school with someone supporting me" explained Alvin
"I am so happy that you are at school today too Brittany" called Eleanor
"You make us worry when you are not at school....I mean with the amount of work you have missed" explained Jeanette
"I am still going to be with Alvin most of today anyway girls, he needs me to support him walking around school" called Brittany
Eleanor giggled "That's ok with us Brittany" called Eleanor
Just then Miss Wood come in the classroom and made an announcement
"Ok, listen up everyone! This is very important!" Called Miss Wood
Everyone went quiet and paid attention
"You all only have 2 more weeks of school left for revision and then on Monday the 3rd of June, your real exams will begin" explained Miss Wood
Everyone in the classroom looked either shocked or worried
"Oh no...I'm so worried...I don't know if I will pass or fail...." said Jeanette in a worried voice
"Don't worry Jeanette, you will do fine" called Simon rubbing her back trying to calm her down
Eleanor looked worried too but Theodore was a bit unsure why
"Eleanor? What are you worried about?" Asked Theodore in confusion
"I am just really worried about failing these exams, if we fail them Theodore it could mess our future up quite a bit....with getting a job and stuff" explained Eleanor
"Oh right, when you say it like that it does sound serious" replied Theodore in a surprised voice
Alvin and Brittany looked at each other and they both looked quite worried
"Alvin....the pressure is kicking in now....can't believe our exams are so soon" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Me neither but I'm not going to worry.....if I worry then I know I will mess something up in the exams" explained Alvin
"Yea, that makes sense....I will definitely try my best in the exams and try not to worry too much, but it will definitely be a challenge" called Brittany
10 minutes later...
"Ok class, it's now time for you all to go to your first lesson" called Miss Wood
As the class were leaving the Chipmunks and Chipettes all stayed seated so they were the last ones out
It's not that they didn't want to go to lesson, it's just they knew if they left in the crowd Alvin would definitely get pushed around and would probably fall over
As the Chipmunks and Chipettes left the classroom, Simon and Jeanette were at the front of the group, with Theodore and Eleanor not far behind them. But at the back of the group Alvin was been supported with his walking by Brittany and they were not going very fast
Eleanor noticed Alvin and Brittany going quite slow so she and Theodore stopped and walked at their speed
"Thanks for stopping and waiting for us" called Brittany in a happy voice
"No problem sister, plus we are in the same lesson anyway" replied Eleanor
"We have maths first right?" Asked Alvin
"Yea that's right" called Eleanor
"Theodore your not in our maths class, will you be ok walking in the classroom on your own?" Asked Brittany
"Yea of course I will, why wouldn't I be?" Replied Theodore
"Because I know if I walked into a classroom on our own, I would be a little embarrassed" explained Alvin
Brittany and Eleanor giggled but the four of them continued walking
After a minute or so of walking, Alvin hissed in pain and came to a stop
"Brittany I can't do it, my foot is killing me" called Alvin in a sad voice
"Shall we take you to medical?" Asked Eleanor
"No I will be ok....I hope so anyway" replied Alvin
Eleanor looked over at Theodore
"Theodore, you go to your lesson....I don't want you to be late, we have everything covered here" explained Eleanor
"Oh ok....hope you feel better soon Alvin" called Theodore going off to his lesson
After a few seconds Alvin spoke up
"Come on girls, we have to go..." Called Alvin
Brittany held and supported Alvin again and Eleanor followed
They were nearly at the classroom now, they just had to walk around the corner but Alvin hissed in pain again
"Alvin, are you sure you are up for school today? I mean been able to walk around school?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Yes Brittany, I'm sure I'm up for walking around school today" replied Alvin
Alvin looked down at his foot and it was bandaged up. He then looked forward and asked Brittany if they could continue walking
Finally, Alvin Brittany and Eleanor made it to the classroom
"There you three are, where have you been? Why are you late?" Asked Mr Paul
"Sorry we are late, it was my fault....I asked Brittany and Eleanor to help and support me while I'm know because I sprained my ankle" explained Alvin
"Don't punish the girls, just punish me for making the three of us late" begged Alvin
Brittany and Eleanor were surprised at what Alvin had just told Mr Paul
"I can't believe Alvin is taking the blame for been us three been late....that's a surprise even for me..." Brittany thought to herself
"Wow, Alvin is taking the blame for us been late....Brittany getting pregnant and having baby chipmunks with Alvin has really helped Alvin to grow up and mature..." Eleanor thought to herself
"Ok Alvin, I will give you a detention at break time today but I will let Brittany and Eleanor off this time, just don't be late to my lesson on Monday" explained Mr Paul
"We are sorry for been late and won't be late Monday" said Brittany and Eleanor
Alvin Brittany and Eleanor all sat down and got out their maths books/note books from their bags
The three of them started writing the questions off the whiteboard down and started answering them
After a few minutes had passed, Mr Paul went through the answers and surprisingly Brittany got all the questions right
"Wow, Alvin I got all 10 questions right some how" called Brittany in a happy but surprised voice
"That's amazing! I didn't think you were that good at maths but you have even surprised me" replied Alvin
"What did you get?" Asked Brittany
"I got 8 out if the 10 questions right and that's quite good for me" explained Alvin
Mr Paul then did some Trigonometry example questions on the whiteboard and handed out a work sheet with Trigonometry questions on
"I want you all to complete these questions before you leave the classroom everyone. If you get stuck ask someone on your table for help" called Mr Paul
After Mr Paul had finished handing the worksheets out, he sat down at his desk and started marking another classes work
"Oh wow these are quite hard to do..." Brittany said to herself in a sad voice
"Don't worry Brittany, I will help you out with them....I'm not the best at these types of questions but I'm sure we will do ok working together" explained Eleanor
As Brittany and Eleanor were working through the questions, Alvin spoke up
"Brittany, Eleanor, can I work with you two on these questions too?" Asked Alvin
"Yea of course you can" called Eleanor with a giggle
"Alvin, I want to say thanks for earlier too, you taking the blame for us been late" called Brittany
"Aw no problem Brittany, it was my fault really though....I asked you two to help and support me so that's what made you two late" replied Alvin
"Well we was making sure you was ok, getting here and stuff..." Called Brittany blushing a little
With that, Alvin Brittany and Eleanor all worked together on the Trigonometry maths questions and made there way though the worksheet...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Alvin's sprained ankle has put him in pain today at school. Do you think his brothers and the Chipettes will sort something out for Alvin? Getting him pain killers or taking him to medical? Do you think Brittany will get a wheelchair to borrow for Alvin, while they are at school?
Also, do you think Alvin did the right thing him taking all the blame for making himself Brittany and Eleanor late for there maths lesson?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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