Part 54 - The Leavers Assembly :(

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Wednesday, 19th of June, 10:30am, At School
Dave had an email sent to him over the weekend letting him know when the school leavers assembly was
After Dave had red the email he told the Chipmunks and Chipettes but to his surprise, they already knew
Now Wednesday 19th of June had come round, Dave had just dropped the Chipmunks and Chipettes off at school and they all went through the school doors and towards the hall
"Oh man....I can't believe we have to come back here again, especially after we have done the exams" complained Alvin
"Don't worry Alvin, we won't have to come back here after this leavers assembly" said Brittany calming Alvin down
"Sorry to disappoint you two....but we have to come back here in six weeks time on results day" called Simon
Jeanette slapped Simon and shook her head. Simon got the message and didn't say anything else about results day
"You guys, what actually happens at this leavers assembly?" Asked Theodore
"I'm not sure, but I think it will just be like a good bye talk for us all from the teachers" replied Alvin
"I hope they don't put any videos on or play any sad music, I will start to cry" called Eleanor
"Me too, I get upset listening to sad music and leaving places" Jeanette admitted
The Chipmunks and Chipettes were now outside the hall and Mr Parry was standing outside
"Mr Parry? What are you doing here?" Asked Brittany
"A few teachers were asked to come in for the leavers assembly, so I volunteered as one of them" replied Mr Parry
"Oh cool" called Brittany in a surprised voice
"Excuse Parry was it? Can you tell us what is going to happen in the leavers assembly?" Asked Jeanette
"It is basically a talk and a presentation about you lot that are leaving school, from when you first came to school to when you are all leaving" explained Mr Parry
"Oh...ok..." Called Eleanor in a worried voice
As the six of them went into the hall, Eleanor whispered to Theodore
"Theodore...I'm probably going to start crying in this assembly you know, I'm not very good with sad moments" whispered Eleanor
"Don't worry Eleanor, I will look after you and make sure you are ok" called Theodore in a caring voice
The Chipmunks and Chipettes found a place to sit and waited for everyone to arrive
Once everyone had arrived in the hall, the doors closed and the head teacher took place in front of everyone
"Hello everyone, as you all know this is your leavers assembly and sadly the last time you will all be together in school" explained the head teacher
"So to start this assembly off, I will play this short video with all of your school photos from year 7" called the head teacher
Everyone sighed in disappointment
"Oh no, I'm worried about some people seeing a photo of me nearly five years ago" called Jeanette in a worried voice
"Why? It's only a photo" replied Simon
"Because it's a little embarrassing to me" called Jeanette
The video started and while the video was playing, lots of people were saying to there friends "Omg, look at me five years ago" and "ha ha, you looked funny back then"
After the video was over the head teacher spoke again
"I am now going to read off a list of things you have all done while you have been at this school" explained the head teacher
"Well we have done quite a lot at school over these past five years" Brittany whispered to Alvin
"Yea I know....I have been with you most of them five years, and have really enjoyed been with you and your sisters" Alvin whispered back
"Aw thanks Alvin, I have enjoyed these five years with you at school too, your an amazing person" Brittany whispered back blushing a little
"Ok here are a few things I have wrote down what I remember you all doing: Sports days, World book day, Start of enrichment classes, New School Uniform and History and Geography trips through year 7 to year 9" explained the head teacher
After the head teacher had finished reading the list, everyone started chatting among themselves
"I remember sports day, I did the relay run" called Eleanor
"Oh yea, I remember sports day was a fun day" replied Theodore
"The world book day was a great day at school, we was reading so many books that remember that day don't you Simon?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea I remember that day, it was actually a good day at school" replied Simon in a happy voice
"The teachers deciding to start enrichment classes was one of the best things that ever happened, the teachers let us have a fun hour to play games in lesson time" called Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea I liked the enrichment classes too....I just wish we got them before year 10" said Brittany with a smile
"Me too, seems like a missed opportunity..." Replied Alvin
"Ok everyone, to end this leavers assembly, I will put on the leavers song and let you out of the fire exit door so you can all go home. However on the way out of school, I will pass you a school leavers book so you can all remember your memories here at this school" explained the head teacher
The head teach put the song on and everyone listened to the leavers song

After the song was done, the fire exit doors were opened by the head teacher
Mr Parry and Miss Myles stood at the door while a pile of school leavers books, ready to pass to people on the way out
Kids were now leaving there seats and making there way towards the fire exit and leaving the school building
"Ok, come on Brittany" said Alvin rubbing his eyes
Brittany sat still for a few seconds and then looked at Alvin
"Have you been crying?" Asked Alvin in a caring voice
"Yea....only a little, have you?" Asked Brittany
"No....of course not...ok, yea only a little" Alvin admitted whispering the last part
Alvin helped Brittany up and they both walked down the stairs together and waited for the others before leaving
"Jeanette, are you ready to go?" Asked Simon
"Yea...(sniff)...just give me...a second" called Jeanette in a sad voice
"Don't worry about crying Jeanette, it's normal for people to cry at sad times like this" explained Simon helping Jeanette get down the stairs
"Eleanor? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Asked Theodore in a confused voice
"Be...Because that was....a sad song" replied Eleanor in a sad voice
"Oh...I guess it was a little sad" called Theodore
Theodore and Eleanor went down the stairs too and joined the others
"Everyone ready to go?" Asked Simon
Everyone nodded and followed Simon and Jeanette towards the fire exit door
Mr Parry gave Simon and Jeanette a school leavers book each, then Alvin and Brittany and Theodore and Eleanor last
Now the six of them had a school leavers book each and were leaving the school
The six of them sat on the wall outside school and looked rather sad
"You know much as I wanted to leave school and never go back....I have to admit I will definitely miss school" said Alvin in a serious voice
"Wow, that's something I never expected Alvin to say" joked Simon
The Chipmunks and Chipettes looked up. It was Dave beeping them in his car
"Guys, Dave is here" called Theodore
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all got up and went across the road to Dave's car
They all got in the car and Dave started driving home
"Hey everyone, how was the leavers assembly?" Asked Dave
"It was really sad...I feel weird knowing I won't be seeing anyone from school again" called Brittany
"Are you girls ok? You look a bit upset" Dave pointed out
"Yea...we are fine Dave" replied Eleanor
"It was just really sad the assembly" replied Jeanette
With that, Dave drove the Chipmunks and Chipettes home and put them a film on later that night
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. The School Prom will be coming up very soon in this book. Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will enjoy the school Prom? Do you think that the Chipmunks will be nervous to ask the Chipettes out to the Prom? Do you think Alvin will talk to Theodore about what to do with Eleanor at the Prom? Finally, will Simon talk to Alvin about been nervous on asking Jeanette to the prom and what to say to her?
Also, what did you all think of the leavers song, I found and wanted to share with you all? Did you like it or not?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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