Part 46 - Stay in Bed and I Will Get Everything You Need (Part 2)

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Thursday, 16th of May, 1:30pm, At Dave's house
Brittany had attempted and finished the practice English paper that Mr Parry had given her and she was feeling more confident about the exam now
Alvin had just woke up from his sleep too and after been awake a few minutes he called Brittany getting her attention
"Brittany" called Alvin
"Yea" replied Brittany
"I was just wondering if we could watch a film together...that's all?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure that's fine with me" replied Brittany
Brittany went in a cupboard under the TV and looked at the two piles of DVD's
"Wow, there is a lot to pick from" Brittany said to herself
Brittany then turned to Alvin
"What film do you want us to watch?" Asked Brittany
"I don't mind..." Replied Alvin
Brittany started looking through the two piles and Alvin gave a suggestion
"I do like them superhero films though, they are good" suggested Alvin
"Oh, you boys and your violence" joked Brittany with a giggle
Brittany looked through the DVD's and found 'Spider-Man Homecoming'
"I found Spider-Man Homecoming if you would like me to put that on for you?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure that would be great" called Alvin
Brittany put the DVD in and sat in bed with Alvin
"Before the film starts do you want me to bring you anything?" Asked Brittany
"No I'm fine but thanks for the offer" replied Alvin with a smile
Brittany pressed play and the film started
"Hey Brittany, I think your an amazing mum" called Alvin
Brittany giggled "What do you mean? I'm not your mum silly" replied Brittany
"I know that...I mean, I think you do a great job looking after me as a mum and I think you will be an amazing mum to our baby chipmunks when they grow up" explained Alvin
"Aw thanks Alvin" replied Brittany blushing a little "I think you will be an amazing dad to our baby chipmunks too" called Brittany
"Thanks am glad you think that..." Called Alvin
"Anyway the film is starting" said Brittany in an excited voice
2 hours later...
The film had just finished and both Alvin and Brittany enjoyed it
"Wow that was an amazing film" called Brittany
"Yea I know....don't know if it's my favourite Spider-Man film though" replied Alvin
"That's the door bell, I bet everyone is back home now from school" said Brittany leaving the bedroom
Brittany opened the door and Dave Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor entered the house
"Hey Sister" called Eleanor
"Hi Eleanor, how has your day been?" Asked Brittany
"Not very good, we have had lots of work to do today" replied Eleanor
"Oh no, that doesn't sound least you can rest tonight now" called Brittany
"Oh yea, I'm definitely doing that, me and Theodore are going to watch the cooking show at 4pm" replied Eleanor
Jeanette then put her school bag on the ground and pulled out a pile of work
"Brittany, we spoke to the teachers after ever lesson had finished too and got some work for you and Alvin to do, you know so you won't fall behind or anything" explained Jeanette handing Brittany a pile of work
Brittany took the pile of work off Jeanette and put on a fake smile
"Thanks so much you two for thinking about me" said Brittany trying to sound happy
"No problem sister, we both care about you a lot" called Eleanor
"We wouldn't have asked for work for you, if it wasn't the right thing to do" called Jeanette
"I know...." Said Brittany in a sad voice
"Trust me Brittany, by doing this work it will benefit you and help you with your exams" explained Jeanette
"Thanks again you two, see you both later" said Brittany walking back upstairs
"Omg, I can't believe me and Alvin have all this work to do....this is crap, everyone will be doing what they want tonight while me and Alvin are doing work" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany went back into her and Alvin's bedroom and put the pile of work on the floor
"What's all that?" Asked Alvin
"My sisters got us some work to do from every lesson today, so we have a lot of work to do and catch up on" replied Brittany
"No kidding, it looks like there is a few practice papers in that pile too" called Alvin
Just then there was a knock at the bedroom door
Brittany opened the door and Eleanor was there
"Oh hi Eleanor, what brings you here" called Brittany in a surprised voice
"Can I have a quick talk with you alone?" Asked Eleanor
Brittany was worried "Um...Yea sure" replied Brittany slowly
Brittany followed Eleanor into her bedroom and Eleanor closed the door
", I need to ask you something very important and it's serious" started Eleanor
"Ok, I'm listening and I will try to help you out if I can" said Brittany
"Why have you had today off school? You are definitely not ill so what's your excuse?" Asked Eleanor
"Who does she think she is? What's my excuse?" Brittany thought to herself
"Yea I know I'm not ill but Alvin is ill...well injured...and I asked Dave if I could stop at home and look after him" replied Brittany
"What? You asked Dave if you could have the day off school so you could look after Alvin? I'm not buying it" called Eleanor getting a little annoyed
Brittany suddenly felt anger fly up her body
"Well it's true! Whether you like it or not, I have the day off school to look after Alvin!" Shouted Brittany
"I can't believe you did that! Do you not realise your exams are in about 4 or 5 weeks? You missed a full day of revision at school so you could look after Alvin!" Eleanor shouted back
"I do realise my exams are very soon and I have done some revision actually! I have done a practice English paper" Brittany fired back
"Oh wow, we have done five practice papers today and you think one is acceptable?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I do, I have been looking after Alvin today as well don't forget!" Replied Brittany 
Eleanor shook her head in disgust
"You need to get your priorities straight..." Started Eleanor before she was cut off
"Don't tell me what to do Eleanor! I am the oldest sister out of the three of us! And with you been the youngest, I would expect you to respect me and not try to boss me around!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Eleanor then started to cry, she couldn't take it anymore
"Brittany, please calm down....I'm sorry for what I said" said Eleanor in a sad voice
Brittany's anger then turned to guilt, she had upset her sister
Brittany walked over to Eleanor and gave her a hug "Eleanor I'm so sorry for shouting....I totally understand what you mean with the exams, I know they are important..." Said Brittany starting to cry herself
"I'm sorry for shouting too Brittany, I guess I let my anger and emotions get the best of me....I just care about you a lot and wouldn't want to see you fail your exams" explained Eleanor
"It's ok sister, I forgive you....I just couldn't leave Alvin on his own this morning...I wanted to help" explained Brittany
"I know, that makes sense....I would probably do the same for Theodore" called Eleanor
"I think we should put this behind us now sister..." called Brittany
"Yea sure....will you please come to school tomorrow though? I don't want you to miss anymore days off school" asked Eleanor
"Yes I promise and if Alvin is feeling better then he can come too, I mean he has been a lot better today then he was yesterday, so I think he will be fine tomorrow" explained Brittany
"So you think Alvin will be well enough for school tomorrow?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I personally do" called Brittany
"Anyway, now we have things will let you go back to doing your revision" called Eleanor
"Thanks sister, am glad things are sorted between us, I hate it when we fight and argue" explained Brittany
"Yea me too....anyway, will see you later sister" said Eleanor in a happier voice leaving the bedroom with Brittany
With that, Eleanor went downstairs and Brittany went back to her and Alvin's bedroom...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Alvin will be to go to school tomorrow? Do you think he will be able to walk on his own tomorrow? Or do you think he will need someone to support him all day?
Also, do you think Alvin and Brittany will get all the work they missed, done at the weekend? After all they both know it will benefit them both
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, 5K views and 110 votes on my first book I ever wrote "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story" 😱 thanks so much everyone, I can't thank you all enough, I really appreciate you all reading and supporting my book 🎉
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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