Part 43 - Alvin's injury...

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Wednesday, 15th of May, 11:10am, At School
It was break time and the Chipmunks and Chipettes all sat at a table together in the cafe
Ever since the fight with Ned and Harry yesterday, everyone has been talking about how Ned was a hero and took down Harry for hitting a girl. People have been asking Ned about the fight all morning but the Chipmunks and Chipettes pretended not to know about the fight and didn't talk about it.....until they was told about it
Simon and Jeanette were talking to each other about there science lesson and Theodore and Eleanor were talking about the cooking lesson they was going to have later in the afternoon
However, Alvin was telling Brittany about something that was happening today and what he was looking forward too
"Hey Brittany, did I tell you what I'm doing at dinner time today?" Asked Alvin
"No, I don't think so....please tell me" replied Brittany with a smile
"I am playing a football game!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Oh wow, that's amazing!" Replied Brittany giving Alvin a hug
"Will you come and watch me play?" Asked Alvin
Brittany giggled at the silly question "Don't be silly Alvin, of course I will come and watch you play football" replied Brittany
"Aw thanks, your an amazing girlfriend to have" replied Alvin in a happy voice
"Shall I ask the others if they want to come too?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure" called Alvin
Brittany stood up and gave a loud cough to get everyone's attention (on there table)
"Alvin has just let me know he is playing football at dinner time today, you four are free to come and watch" explained Brittany
"Oh I will come" called Theodore
"Me too" said Eleanor with a giggle
"Me and Jeanette have got revision sadly" called Simon
Brittany looked over at Alvin and then back at Simon and Jeanette "Oh....ok then" replied Brittany
Jeanette glared at Simon and looked over at Brittany with a smile
"Don't worry Brittany me and Simon will come and watch Alvin too" called Jeanette quickly
"Wow, thanks everyone! Am so glad you are all coming to watch me play football today!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
Just then Ned came to the table and joined the Chipmunks and Chipettes
"Hey everyone, you won't believe it" called Ned in a surprised voice
"What? Please don't tell me anything bad has happened..." Called Simon
"No, something amazing has happened....Harry has not turned up for school today" explained Ned
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all pretended to be surprised and all put on surprised faces
"Really? I'm guessing he lost the fight then...or something?" Asked Brittany
"Yea he lost the fight all right! He brought some friends but me and a group of superhero's...The Coon and Friends, beat up his friends and Harry was even knocked out!" Explained Ned
"Oh wow, that sounds amazing" said Alvin with a smile
"I wish we was there to watch the fight....I bet Alvin...." Started Theodore before he was cut off
"Theodore, Alvin wasn't there, it was Ned and a group of superhero's" Eleanor jumped in quickly
"I wish I was at the fight though Theodore, it sounds like an amazing fight took place" said Alvin playing along
"Anyway, I have to go....Wendy said she had something she wanted to talk to me about" said Ned in a happy voice
"Ok you two have fun" joked Jeanette
"By the way, Alvin is playing football at dinner time, you two are free to come and watch if you want" called Brittany
"Oh yea, definitely....will see you all there later" called Ned on his way out of the cafe
"We should be going soon too guys....we have a lesson in 5 minutes" called Simon
"Oh wow, break time has gone fast!" Called Alvin in a shocked voice
"Ok, off to lesson then" called Brittany
With that, the Chipmunks and Chipettes went off to there music lesson. They were all together in that lesson which was a bonus and it definitely made the lesson more enjoyable
Same day, 12:30, At School
At the football pitch
Simon Theodore Brittany Jeanette and Eleanor were all sat together at the few benches that were placed near the football pitch
Brittany was so excited, she hadn't seen a football game in person before....and she was watching Alvin play in one today!
"Brittany are you ok?" Asked Jeanette
"Yes! I'm just so excited!" Replied Brittany in an excited voice
"You do know it's Alvin playing and not a real football game that won't be on TV" Simon pointed out
Brittany glared at Simon
"Simon! Can you please stop killing all the joy and happiness out of everyone! If I'm excited that my BOYFRIEND is playing football then I am excited!" Shouted Brittany
Silence broke between everyone, until Ned and Wendy arrived
"Hey everyone" called Ned
"Hi Ned, hi Wendy" called Eleanor
"Is it ok if we sit with you guys?" Asked Wendy
"Yea sure" replied Theodore
Ned and Wendy sat down behind Theodore and Eleanor and started talking to each other
"Ned, can I tell you something?" Asked Wendy
"Yea long as it's not embarrassing" replied Ned
"I saw you fight Harry yesterday.....and the group of superhero's with you, it was an amazing fight" explained Wendy
"Are you serious? You really saw me fight Harry?" Asked Ned in a surprised voice
"Yea of course I did....and your fighting style was brilliant" replied Wendy in a happy voice
"Aw thanks Wendy" replied Ned going red in embarrassment
Just then both teams came on the football pitch and the referee placed the football on the pitch
The referee blew the whistle and the match began
Alvin went after the ball and his team helped out a lot by getting in the way of the other players on the opposite team
As the game went on, Alvin and the other players on his team realised that the opposite team was quite good and was going to be a challenge to beat 
30 minutes later...
The football match had nearly finished. It was only going to last 45 minutes as dinner time was only 1 hour long
The score was equal at the moment '2-2' and Alvin was going for the finishing goal to win the match
"Go on Alvin! You can do it!" Shouted Brittany
Alvin run for the ball, he went to kick it into the net and was pushed aside by another player
"Oh no, that didn't look good" said Jeanette in a worried voice
Alvin got back up and wasn't about to give in
Alvin called Fred on his team to pass him the ball and Fred passed him the ball
Alvin got past a few of the enemy players and went for the goal
However, as Alvin went to kick the ball another player did on the other team. The other player missed the ball and ended up kicking Alvin's foot and falling onto him, with his boot crushing Alvin's foot
Alvin scored the goal but was in massive pain. He screamed in pain and everyone looked worried....Brittany the most
"Alvin!" Shouted Brittany in a worried voice
Brittany stood up and was about to run on to the pitch but Jeanette and Eleanor grabbed her
"Brittany you can't run onto the pitch" called Eleanor
"But I need to make sure Alvin is ok" replied Brittany
"We will just have to wait....I'm sorry Brittany...." Called Jeanette in a sad voice
One of the boys on Alvin's team went in to the school building and the school nurse came out
The nurse and the referee went inside with Alvin and everyone was scared and worried
"Oh no! Alvin is badly injured!" Brittany thought to herself
"I have to go with the nurse and see if he is ok!" Explained Brittany running after the nurse
The others did not stop Brittany this time, instead they all just hoped Alvin was ok...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading I hope you liked this part. What do you think has happened to Alvin? Do you think he will be ok? Will he get sent home early from school or sent to the hospital?
Also, how will Brittany cope with Alvin been injured? Will she take over Dave's role and look after him more then Dave?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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