Part 22 - Oh Man! Why Can't We Play Football Outside?

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Tuesday, 30th of April (What happened last night after everyone had their Tea/Dinner)
After everyone had their salad last night, they all played a game of monopoly with Dave. Since the game was only designed for 4 people, they played in teams. Alvin with Brittany, Simon with Jeanette, Theodore with Eleanor and himself. After the game of monopoly, the chipmunks and chipettes went to bed after everything that had happened with Theodore and Eleanor and Dave coming home late from work....
Wednesday, 1st of May, The Next Day, 10am, At School
Alvin, Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor were coming out of the Science classroom and Simon and Jeanette were waiting for them
"Hey you two" called Brittany
"Hi how was the lesson?" Asked Jeanette
"It was ok thanks" replied Brittany
"Are we ready to go to R.E.?" Asked Theodore
"Yea we are going now..." Called Eleanor with a giggle
Brittany turned around and looked at Alvin "See you later Alvin....I wish you was in my R.E. lesson" called Brittany in a sad voice
"Aw, I know me too....but I will see you at break" called Alvin trying to cheer Brittany up
"Bye Simon....enjoy your P.E. lesson" joked Jeanette with a giggle
Simon sighed, shook his head and started walking away "I better go and calm him down....see you later everyone" called Alvin going after Simon
"Ok....Bye you two!" Called Theodore and Eleanor
With that, Brittany Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor all started walking to there R.E. lesson, while Alvin went after Simon in the other direction
"Simon! Wait up bro!" Shouted Alvin running after Simon
Alvin caught up with Simon and were now walking at the same pace to P.E.
"Simon, Jeanette was only joking you know....she knows you don't like P.E." Explained Alvin
"I know....but she embarrassed me in front of you all" replied Simon in a grumpy voice
"Simon, we are all family and a little joke with just us six isn't a big deal" called Alvin
"I guess your right....I just wish she wouldn't do it" complained Simon
"She is a girl Simon! Girls like to have a little fun with and around their's kinda how they show others they love their partner. Brittany does little jokes like that with me all the time" explained Alvin
"I know that....I guess I'm just worried about what you all think of us...." Replied Simon
"We don't judge you two in a negative way.....anyway let's forget about this and focus on our P.E. lesson" called Alvin ending the talk
At the School Gym
Alvin and Simon were now at the School Gym and were going in for there 2nd lesson P.E.
While Alvin loved P.E. Simon hated it and his brothers and the chipettes knew it
Simon was hoping to go inside soon though as it was starting to rain heavy
"Ok everyone! Come inside and get changed!" Shouted the P.E. Teacher
Everyone went inside the gym and Alvin and Simon made there way to the boys changing room
"What do you think we will be doing today in P.E.?" Asked Alvin
"I'm not sure....but I hope it's not baseball again, that was really boring last week" replied Simon
"I hope it's football, I'm good at that" called Alvin
Once Alvin and Simon were in their kit, they went into the hall and joined everyone else
"Ok, I'm going to do a quick register to see who is here and then I will explain what you will be doing" explained the P.E. Teacher in a grumpy voice
After a few minutes,mine register was done and the P.E. Teacher spoke up
"So, this week the boys are going to do football and the girls are going to do badminton" called the P.E. Teacher
"Yes! Yeah! We haven't done football outside on the pitch in ages!" Called Alvin in an excited voice
"Alvin! We are doing football inside today in this hall, the girls will be going in the room next door and doing badminton in there" explained the P.E. Teacher
"What? Why can't we play football outside?" Asked Alvin in a confused voice
"Because it's raining outside and the pitch will be wet and muddy" replied the P.E. Teacher
"So..." Called Alvin
"So there is a higher chance of someone getting injured with it been slippy" replied the P.E. Teacher in a grumpy voice
"That's stupid! I want to play football outside! It doesn't matter if it's raining or not!" Shouted Alvin in an annoyed voice
"Alvin...please calm down and walk away" called Simon in a worried voice
"No Simon, let go...I want to play football outside and no one us stopping me" replied Alvin
The P.E. Teacher looked annoyed
"Alvin! I have told you why we are not playing football outside and if you complain about it one more time, I will give you a detention after school! Understand!" Called the P.E. Teacher in an angry voice
Alvin was about to speak up, but he thought about his actions and stopped. Instead he turned around and walked away. Simon followed Alvin to one of the walls of the gym and sat down next to him
"Alvin, you should never argue with a teacher, you are going to get in trouble one day" explained Simon
"I don't care Simon, I'm really annoyed that we can't play football outside!" Replied Alvin in an angry voice
"If....if you want, we can play football outside.....when we get home? Me you and Theodore against the chipettes?" Suggested Simon
"Thanks for the offer Simon but no thanks" replied Alvin
"Alvin! Simon! Come and join the group so we can pick teams" called the P.E. Teacher
Alvin and Simon then walked back to the group with the other boys and Alvin spoke up
"Can't I go and play badminton with the girls next door?" Asked Alvin
" are a boy Alvin and you will play boy sports with the other boys" replied the P.E. Teacher
Alvin left it at that and the P.E. Teacher choose two boys to start picking teams
After the teams were sorted, the team Alvin and Simon were both on stopped and looked at Alvin
"What? I'm not the captain" Called Alvin in a confused voice
"You have great ideas for who should stand where should be our captain, Ned....our captain....doesn't really know what he is doing" called Harry, one of the boys
"Ok....I can help with positions then" replied Alvin with a smile
Alvin gave everyone a position and the P.E. Teacher called Alvin over
"Oh....what now!" Alvin thought to himself
"Alvin, you are not the captain, could you stop telling people where to stand?" Asked the P.E. Teacher
"But I was just....yea I will do, sorry for trying to help!" Replied Alvin
Alvin joined the others and the match began
45 minutes later...
"Ok everyone, the match is over! The red team won!" Called the P.E. Teacher
"Hooray!" Called Alvin and Simon on the red team
"G-Great team W-Work....You Guys" called Ned in a nervous voice
"You don't need to be nervous Ned" called Simon
"I-I know....but...but...I need Coffee! Quickly! Too much Pressure!" Called Ned in a nervous voice again
"You can all go and get changed now for break!" Called the P.E. Teacher
Everyone went to the changing room and started getting changed
As Alvin and Simon were getting changed, Simon noticed Ned was shaking
"Alvin, should we look after Ned a while....he looks terrible, shaking and stuff" suggested Simon
"You can Simon....I'm going to find Brittany and the others" replied Alvin
Once Alvin was changed he called Simon but Simon was talking to Ned
"See you later then bro..." Called Alvin leaving the changing room
"Alvin...." Called Simon
It was too late, Alvin had left the Changing room
"Don't worry Ned, we can go and get a Coffee and then I am going to have to leave see my friends ok?" Explained Simon
"W-Wow...Thanks S-So much...." Called Ned with a smile, still shaking a little
With that Simon and Ned left the changing room and were making there way to the cafe
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Alvin will calm down and cheer up once he has seen Brittany at break time? If so, do you think Alvin will tell Brittany about what happened in P.E. that they couldn't play football outside because of the rain?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Also, what did you think to the new character I added "Ned"? Did you like him or not? I felt that I needed a few more school kids involved with the chipmunks and chipettes so I added Ned to see what you all thought...🤔 If you didn't like Ned, don't worry....just let me know and I will write him off in the next part/few parts. Just let me know your opinion on him in the comments below 👇
Thanks Everyone 🤗🎉
Also quick notice, I'm sorry it took me like 3-4 days to upload this's mainly because the Wi-Fi has been really bad at my house these past few days. But now it's up and running again so that's a positive 👍😋
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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