Part 17 - Another Boring Revision Session After School :(

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Tuesday, 30th of April, 2:50pm, Same Day, At School
The science lesson was nearly over but Alvin knew he had a 1 hour revision lesson from 3pm till 4pm anyway.
"Theodore, what revision class are you going too, after this lesson?" Asked Alvin
"I'm going to English revision with Eleanor" replied Theodore  "Which are you going too?"
"I think I will go to English revision too, I'm sure Brittany will want to do that too" replied Alvin
"Ok class, if you haven't finished the 20 questions I gave you to do in this lesson, then I want you to do them for homework" explained Mr Bangs
Everyone nodded and Mr Bangs opened the classroom door
"I am letting you all go 10 minutes early today, since all of you have been well behaved and have done a lot of work too" explained Mr Bangs
Lots of the kids in the class, grabbed their bags and run straight past Mr Bangs and out of the classroom
Brittany and Eleanor waited and then got their bags after most of the class had left the room. Alvin and Theodore waited for Brittany and Eleanor and the four of them walked out of the classroom together
"See you later, Mr Bangs" called Brittany on her way out
"Bye everyone, see you soon" replied Mr Bangs
Brittany then went to talk to Alvin, who was behind her
"Alvin, which revision class are we going too tonight?" Asked Brittany
"I think we should go to the English one, since Theodore and Eleanor are going there too" replied Alvin
"Ok, that's fine with me" replied Brittany with a giggle
"Theodore, I need the toilet can you wait for me please?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure" replied Theodore with a smile
"Will see you two in 10 minutes or so..." Called Brittany
"Yea, see you soon sister" Eleanor called back
Alvin and Brittany went and sat in the cafe and were waiting 5 minutes there so they didn't have to stand outside the English classroom
"Alvin, I'm so happy I'm with you!" Called Brittany in a happy voice
"Aw thanks Brittany, I feel the same I love you so much! I don't know where I would be without you" replied Alvin with a smile
"Me neither....I hope this revision lesson goes quick, I want to go home and see our family" explained Brittany in a tired voice
"You want to see Dave?" Joked Alvin
"Ha ha, very funny! I mean our baby chipmunks, I miss them so much.....I wish we could take them to school with us" replied Brittany
"Me too, but I think it would be a bit too much for us to babysit and try to learn" explained Alvin
"Yea your right....Alvin, come closer a second I have to ask you something quietly" called Brittany
Alvin stood up a little and moved across the table and so did Brittany
"Do you think your brothers and my sisters will have baby chipmunks too?" Whispered Brittany
"Yea I do....I mean Theodore and Eleanor could be a while a way, like 10 years or so....but I'm sure Simon and Jeanette will in a few years after we have left school" replied Alvin
They both sat back down at the table and Brittany gave a sigh of relief
"What's wrong?" Asked Alvin
"I was worried that it would only be us having baby chipmunks....I just kinda panicked that my sisters wouldn't be mums like I am" replied Brittany
"No, don't worry Brittany I'm sure they will, I'm sure that my brothers and your sisters will make families of their own in the future" called Alvin in a happy voice
"Oh gosh, it's nearly time for the revision lesson to start, we better go!" Called Brittany in a worried voice
Alvin and Brittany went to the English classroom and sat down together in the classroom. They were sat a table behind Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor. Since this wasn't an actual English lesson on the timetable, everyone could sit where they wanted and with who they wanted.
"Ok everyone, I know I don't teach all of you in here, but I know that each English teacher will be teaching you all similar things so Today I will give you a practice English paper. Then, Tuesday next week at this next revision session, I can give you your results and tell you what to work on" explained Mr Parry
Mr Parry handed out practice papers around the classroom and it gave everyone a few minutes to finish talking to each other
"Alvin, Brittany" called Simon
"Yea?" Asked Alvin
"Did you two get the message in last lesson about Dave?" Asked Simon
"No, is he ok?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Yea he is fine....he just passed a message on to the teacher to me and Jeanette saying, he is working late tonight so we have to get the bus back home" explained Simon
"What? But me and Brittany don't have any money for the bus" replied Alvin in a shocked voice
"Ask reception at the end of this lesson and they should lend you both 80p each" replied Simon
"Ok everyone, now all the practice papers are out, you must all be in exam conditions and complete the exam in silence" explained Mr Parry
"You can start when your ready" finished Mr Parry
1 hour later....
The time for the practice paper had finished and Mr Parry told everyone time was up
"That's not fair, I haven't finished yet" complained Brittany
"Don't worry Brittany, you will all get 2 hours and 15 minutes to do this exam so you will have plenty of time to do it" explained Mr Parry
"What? 2 hours on an exam? With no break for food?" Asked Theodore
"Yes that's right but you will all do a week of mok exams very shortly, the week after next week you will have a full week of practice exams" explained Mr Parry
"Anyway, more of that will be explained in your lessons over this week and next week, bye everyone, have a safe journey home" finished Mr Parry letting people leave the classroom
The chipmunks and chipettes left the classroom and all made their way to reception
"Ok, anyone that needs to borrow money for the bus can ask reception now" explained Simon
Alvin and Brittany went to the women on reception but no one else followed them
"Wow, it must just be us that spent up" joked Alvin with a small laugh
"Yea, your right but at least we got some sweets from the shop at dinner time and skittles are my favourite" replied Brittany with a giggle
"Can I help you?" Asked the women on reception
" and Brittany would like to borrow £1.60 please so we can both get the bus home" replied Alvin
The women went in a draw and pulled out £2 and gave the money to Alvin
"We don't do exact numbers like that, we only give out full pounds" called the women
"Thanks, you have really helped us out" called Brittany in a happy voice
"No problem you two, just remember to bring £2 in tomorrow and pay the school back, otherwise school will have to phone your parents" explained the women
"Don't worry, we promise to bring you £2 tomorrow" replied Brittany with a smile
With that Alvin and Brittany left reception and joined the rest of the group
"Ok Simon....we are all ready to go now" called Alvin in a tired voice
"Ok then, come on everyone, to the bus stop" called Simon
With that, the chipmunks and chipettes left school and were now making there way to the bus stop to get the bus back home...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the chipmunks and chipettes will have a pleasant bus ride home? Or do you think it will be horrible filled with other school kids and smelly old people? Also, what time do you think Dave will get back from work? Do you think it will be early-ish like 5:30pm or even later at like 8pm?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I'm sorry not much happened plot/story wise in this part 😕 I just started writing it and the bus ride was supposed to be in this part but I spent a bit too much time with Alvin and Brittany talking in school instead lol 😂 I will make sure the story progresses in the next few parts don't worry 😉
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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