Part 21 - Theodore and Eleanor Have a Talk and Dave Gives Out a Punishment

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Tuesday, 30th of April, Same Day, 8pm, At Dave's House
After Alvin had talked to Theodore and Brittany had talked to Eleanor, Theodore and Eleanor had calmed down and cheered up a lot. However, they still needed to see each other and sort things out between them...
Alvin Brittany Simon and Jeanette were all talking in the kitchen, explaining to each other what they had told Theodore and Eleanor
Theodore was in the living room watching TV and thinking of what to say to Eleanor. Eleanor was upstairs in the bedroom thinking what to say to Theodore
Just then there was a knock at the door. Everyone looked at each other and Alvin spoke up
"I will get it" called Alvin
Alvin answered the door and it was Dave
"Dave!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Hi Alvin, sorry I'm late home" replied Dave
Dave went into the kitchen and got the same response from the others
"Dave!" Called Brittany Simon and Jeanette
"Hi everyone, sorry I'm so late home tonight.....didn't expect to be working till 7:30pm" called Dave in a sad voice
"Aw, don't worry Dave, you can't help working late if you have to work late" called Jeanette
"We have all missed you though" replied Simon with a smile
Dave then counted everyone and only counted to 4
"Where are Theodore and Eleanor?" Asked Dave
"Theodore is watching TV and Eleanor is in the bedroom" replied Brittany quickly
"Oh right.....why aren't they with you guys?" Asked Dave
"They just don't feel like it....I don't know..." Replied Alvin
"I think Eleanor said something about homework" lied Jeanette
"That's probably it, them two are always together so Eleanor must have homework for her and Theodore to not be in the same room" called Dave
"Yea that's right" called Alvin quickly
"Well I will cook us something for tea" called Dave walking to the cupboard
Upstairs in the bedroom
Eleanor had been sat in here for the past 30 minutes and she finally felt ready to talk to Theodore. She walked downstairs and saw the others at the kitchen table so she went into the living room
Eleanor looked around the living room and saw Theodore on the sofa
Eleanor jumped up onto the sofa and approached Theodore
"Hi Theodore....can I talk to you please?" Asked Eleanor
"Um...yea...sure" replied Theodore nervously
"Please don't be worried Theodore, I'm not going to hurt you or shout at you, I just want to talk about our date tonight and things I....just expected and wanted to happen without thinking it through" explained Eleanor
Theodore then looked at Eleanor
"Ok...well I'm sorry too Eleanor....I know nothing about dates and messed ours up tonight" called Theodore
"No, don't be silly Theodore, you didn't mess our date was my fault...not yours" replied Eleanor
"What do you mean?" Asked Theodore in confusion
"I mean, I expected you to know about dates and you didn't....that's not a problem...just something you haven't come across how I expected to have a date with you when you didn't know what one was" explained Eleanor
"I forced you into a date and you didn't know what or how dates worked....I'm sorry Theodore" apologised Eleanor in a sad voice
Theodore stood up and hugged Eleanor
"Don't be sorry, I don't mind" called Theodore in a calm voice
"Don't mind what?" Asked Eleanor in confusion
"I don't mind what you did, you didn't really do anything wrong in my eyes....just made my role in a date hard because I didn't know what I was doing but it's not a problem Eleanor, I forgive you" replied Theodore in a happy voice
"Thanks Theodore, your the best....we will keep our relationship going from here onwards and I will try not to rush anything with you....dates and stuff" explained Eleanor
"I didn't know our relationship stopped" joked Theodore
"Aw, it didn't really....we just had a bit of time apart to calm down" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Do you want me to do anything for you Theodore?...I mean to make it up to you" asked Eleanor
"Eleanor, honestly it's fine and seeing you and talking with you means the world to me, I could never be mad at you no matter what" explained Theodore in a caring voice
"Aw thanks Theodore, I will buys us some cookies to share tomorrow at school" called Eleanor in a happy voice
"Oh man, Dave wants to talk to me again" called Theodore in a sad voice
"Wait, Dave is back home? When did he come back home?" Asked Eleanor
"I don't know but I better go and see him" replied Theodore in a sad voice
Dave was in the kitchen and Alvin and Brittany were on the side waiting for him to talk
"You called us?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I did, just wait for Theodore and then I will talk to the three of you" replied Dave
Theodore and Eleanor came into the kitchen and Theodore went to Dave while Eleanor went to the kitchen table and sat with the others
"There you are Theodore" called Dave
"Hi Dave, when did you get back?" Asked Theodore
"Not long ago....right now listen you three, you all need a punishment for sneaking out the other night" started Dave
"Oh no" called Alvin
"This doesn't sound good" called Brittany
"Please don't kill us" called Theodore in a worried voice
"I won't kill any of you, I, not like that....however for your punishment, I have decided that you will all be grounded for a week and no sweets this week when I go and do the weekly shop" explained Dave
The three of them nodded at Dave and Dave looked confused
"H-How come non of you are complaining?" Asked Dave in a worried voice
"Because we know we have done wrong and deserve to be punished" replied Theodore
"Yea like Theodore said" called Alvin
"Um...Dave, I'm not saying this to shorten out punishment but I am going to let you know that me and my sisters got 8 out of 10 for that video we did for Drama" explained Brittany
"You did? Wow that's amazing girls!" Called Dave in a happy voice
There was a small silence till Dave spoke again
"I think that for doing so well in your Drama project I will let you three still have sweets with the others this week....but you are still grounded all week, ok?" Asked Dave
"Yea Dave, we understand" called Brittany
"Thanks Dave" called Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea, thanks Dave, your the best adopted Dad ever!" Called Theodore in an excited voice
Dave smiled to himself after hearing them words. It made him proud "your the best adopted Dad ever!"
"Anyway, you three can join the others now if you want, we have discussed and agreed on your punishment" called Dave
The three of them nodded and went to the kitchen table and joined the others
"So what was that about?" Asked Eleanor
"It was about our punishment, you know from the other night when us three snuck out as superhero's" replied Theodore
"Oh god, was it bad?" Asked Jeanette
"No not really....we are just grounded for a week but we can live with that" replied Brittany
"We did do something wrong too, so we do deserve a punishment for it" called Alvin
"Anyway, did you all remember our week of mok exams start next week?" Asked Jeanette
"Oh god we have one every lesson?" Asked Brittany
"No, we have about 10 mok exams to do next week and we get the full time, as if they were the real exams" explained Simon
"So does that mean less school time?" Asked Alvin
"Kind of, we are only in for the mok exams next week so Monday for exam, we go in at 10am, do our Maths exam and after the hour and half, we have one more exam in the afternoon at 1pm but after that we go home" explained Simon
"Wow, school will be different next week then...." Called Eleanor in a surprised voice
After a few more minutes of talking, Dave come to the table and gave everyone a plate of salad each
"Thanks Dave" called the chipmunks and chipettes, all in happy voices
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Dave gave Alvin, Brittany and Theodore a fair punishment? Also, do you think that because they didn't complain, they are starting to mature and grow up a little?
How do you think the chipmunks and chipettes will cope this week knowing that they have a full week of mok exams next week? Do you think they will all get stressed out? Or do you think they will have calm and open minds?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Anyway, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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