Part 24 - Alvin and Brittany Get Some Relaxing Time Together

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Wednesday, 1st of May, Same Day, 8:30pm, At Dave's house
The chipmunks and chipettes had been home from school a few hours now but they had been doing revision for the mok exams they had next week. The six of them were worried about the mok exams but they all were serious about passing there exams so that's why they have been trying so hard at school...
The chipmunks and chipettes were now in the living room, relaxing and taking a break from school work and revision
"Ok everyone, don't forget you all have to go to bed at 9pm" called Dave
"We know..." Replied Eleanor with a yawn
"Someone seems tired" joked Jeanette
"I am tired, aren't you?" Asked Eleanor
"No...(yawn)...ok yes, a little" replied Jeanette
"Jeanette, if you don't mind I'm going to bed...I'm really tired" called Simon
"No I don't mind....I will come with you" replied Jeanette
Simon and Jeanette said "Good Night" to everyone, left the living room and made there way upstairs
"Wow, Simon and Jeanette have gone to bed early" explained Alvin
"I know, that's not normally like them" replied Brittany
"Theodore, are you ready for bed too? Are do you want another snack before bed?" Asked Eleanor with a giggle
Theodore didn't reply. Eleanor turned her head and looked at Theodore and he was asleep
Eleanor nudged Theodore and woke him up
"What?" Asked Theodore
"I think it's time for bed" called Eleanor
"Yea...ok" replied Theodore with a yawn
Theodore and Eleanor said "Good Night" to Alvin, Brittany and Dave and they went upstairs to bed too
"Um...Theodore, do you like Ned...that nervous boy at school?" Asked Eleanor
"No not really...well he is ok, he acts a little strange, shaking and making noises" replied Theodore
"Why do you?" Asked Theodore
"No, I don't like him much neither...I just wanted to know your honest opinion on him that's all" replied Eleanor
"Do you think he will be with us all the time?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
"I'm not sure...I hope not" replied Eleanor
"Me too, he just doesn't seem to fit in with us....aside from Simon" explained Theodore
In the bedroom
Simon and Jeanette has been in the bedroom a few minutes now and were talking to each other about today at school
"Simon....I know I asked you something similar earlier but I was just wondering if you had an answer..." started Jeanette
"An answer to what?" Asked Simon in confusion
"An answer to Ned....I mean if you will be with him or us at school" finished Jeanette
"Jeanette, please tell me what you don't like about Ned, he is just a worried and nervous kid....he has done nothing wrong but you seem to hate him so much" replied Simon in an annoyed voice
"I...I'm just...worried that you will choose him over me....and will leave me out at school to be with some random kid" explained Jeanette in a serious voice
"Jeanette, I would never do that....your are my girlfriend and I would never replace you with another kid at school" replied Simon in a surprised voice
" glad he has admitted that, it has saved me worrying about the worst, at least" Jeanette thought to herself
"That's ok then Simon....I'm sorry I was horrible to you and Ned today, I was just worried....I hope you understand" explained Jeanette
Simon smiled at Jeanette "of course I understand, now you know how I feel and that I would put you before Ned you can calm down now....and be happy again" replied Simon
"Thanks Sexy Simon, your the best" called Jeanette with a giggle
"Anyway, we should get to sleep I'm tired" called Simon turning over
"Ok...night Simon" replied Jeanette
After a few minutes, Theodore and Eleanor went into the bedroom and they both put in their pyjamas quietly, not waking up Simon or Jeanette
They then got in their separate beds and went to sleep
Downstairs in the living room
Dave looked over at Alvin and Brittany
"Ok you two, I'm going to bed....don't you two be too long" called Dave
"Wait? You are going to bed and leaving me and Brittany downstairs on our own?" Asked Alvin in a shocked voice
"Yes, I'm letting you two stop up a bit longer on your own because I trust you both" replied Dave
Alvin and Brittany looked at each other with shocked faces and then back at Dave
"Look, you two are growing up and need some responsibility yourselves, I'm trusting you two....night, see you two tomorrow morning, just don't make it too late coming to bed" explained Dave before leaving the living room
Alvin looked at Brittany "Am I dreaming this? Dave is letting us two stop up on our own?" Asked Alvin in a surprised voice
"I don't think your dreaming Alvin...." Started Brittany
Brittany then turned onto her side and put her head on Alvin's chest
"But if we are dreaming this, it's a dream come true" finished Brittany in a happy voice
Alvin smiled at Brittany and brushed his hand through Brittany's hair
"Your hair is so soft....did I ever tell you that?" Asked Alvin
"No, but you have now" replied Brittany with a giggle
Brittany wrapped her arms around Alvin's waist and pulled herself closer to him
"You can't get much closer you know" joked Alvin
"I know silly....but I love to feel the heat from your warm body" replied Brittany
"Aw, I love your touch too Brittany.....when your body is with mine I feel complete" explained Alvin in a happy voice
"Aw, that's so sweet thanks Alvin" replied Brittany
After a few minutes, Brittany let go of Alvin and looked at him
"What's wrong?" Asked Alvin
"I'm a little cold....I think we should put the fireplace on and warm the room up a little" suggested Brittany
"Are you sure? What if Dave...." started Alvin before he was cut off 
"Alvin, you are with me right now and Dave won't find out, don't worry....just put the fireplace on please, for me" begged Brittany with a smile
Alvin got up and put on the fireplace on and Brittany smiled
"Thanks Alvin, your the best" called Brittany
"Anything for you my dear" replied Alvin
After 5-10 minutes of silence, Alvin spoke up
"Brittany, it's getting quite warm in here...." called Alvin
"I know, I'm starting to warm up now too....the heat from your body and the fireplace is getting me...Hot!" explained Brittany
"I'm going to turn off the fireplace, I'm too warm now" called Alvin
Brittany pushed Alvin back in his seat
"Alvin, instead of turning the fireplace off, why don't you take your clothes off to cool down?" Asked Brittany
"What? Brittany no, I can't do that down here" replied Alvin
"Why not? The others won't know, they are in bed" explained Brittany
"Yea's wrong, we can't have 'it' down here" replied Alvin
"Yea I know we can't have 'it' downstairs silly....just watch me and follow my drift" called Brittany with a giggle
Brittany took off her clothes (aside from her bra and panties) and sat back down next to Alvin
"Wow, your so beautiful Brittany....I tell you that all the time, with or without clothes on" called Alvin with a smile
"Thanks Alvin, I love your body too....take your clothes off too" called Brittany
Alvin took off his clothes too (aside from his pants) and Alvin got closer to Brittany
"The heat from the fireplace and your sexy body presence has got me...worked up" explained Alvin in a happy voice
"That was the idea...." Called Brittany with a giggle
"I love you Alvin, let's have this cute and close romantic moment together" explained Brittany
Alvin grabbed hold of Brittany and pulled her closer. They both hugged each other and held each other tight, with neither of them wanting to let go
Brittany pulled Alvin's head closer to hers and they kissed each other. As the hug and kisses went on, the heat from the fireplace continued to rise and eventually, Alvin and Brittany drifted off asleep....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Alvin and Brittany got a little distracted by their Love for each other and left the fireplace on overnight...
What do you think will happen in the morning? Do you think Dave will be annoyed to find Alvin and Brittany asleep downstairs with not much clothes on? The living room will be boiling with the fireplace been left on overnight, what will Dave say about that?
Also, what do you think Simon, Jeanette, Theodore and Eleanor will say? How do you think they will react?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I personally love to write these cute, romantic parts with Alvin and Brittany. I think it helps you all as readers understand Alvin and Brittany a little more as characters and the things Alvin and Brittany get up too, help break the book up from been all about school and exams.
Let me know how you all feel about these cute romantic parts with Alvin and Brittany. Do you like the cute, romantic parts when I include them in the book?
Let me know in the comments below too 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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