Part 44 - Brittany is Sad, Worried and Feels Alvin's Pain :(

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(continuing on from Part 43)
Wednesday, 15th of May, Same Day, 1pm, At School
Brittany followed the nurse that was carrying Alvin, into the medical room
The nurse placed Alvin on the medical bed and let him rest
"Is h-he going to be o-ok?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Yes dear don't worry....we will do our best for him..." Replied the nurse
"Ok Alvin, I will take off your football boots and socks and take a look at your feet ok?" Asked the nurse
Alvin was in too much pain right now to reply so he nodded instead
While the nurse was taking off Alvin's shoes she spoke to Brittany
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what relation are you to Alvin? Are you his friend? or sister?" Asked the nurse
"I'm Alvin's girlfriend....but since the carer that was looking after me and my sisters...well...passed away, we have been living with Alvin and his brothers and there adopted father" explained Brittany
"Oh that's nice of them to take you and your sisters in....I just had to ask so I could put it in the medical notes that's all" replied the nurse
After the football boots were off, the nurse took off Alvin's socks and he screamed in pain again
"I'm so sorry Alvin, I just need to see if you have an injures that's all" explained the nurse
Brittany was worried about Alvin been in pain but she knew that the nurse was only trying to help
Once Alvin socks were off, the nurse looked a little shocked
"W-What's wrong?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Alvin has sprained his ankle and has lost a little bit of skin in the process" explained the nurse
"What do you mean, lost some skin?" Asked Brittany in a scared voice
"A few small patches of skin have been removed from his foot and he has also sprained his ankle" replied the nurse
Brittany looked at the ground in fear and panic. She had a horrible image in her head of what Alvin's foot/ankle looks like
"He will need to keep off his feet for at least the next 3 to 5 days" explained the nurse
"So are you saying he has to stop in bed for the next 3 days to recover?" Asked Brittany
"Yes...and no, he needs to rest his foot so it can recover but he still needs to walk around the house and help keep his muscles working, just not too much walking so he is in pain" explained the nurse
Brittany nodded to the nurse, jumped on the bed and talked to Alvin
"Don't worry Alvin, I will look after you" called Brittany in a sad but caring voice
Brittany didn't want to look at Alvin's foot/ankle so she just looked at his face and gave a warm friendly smile to him
Alvin smiled and tried to get up but Brittany gently pushed him back down
"Alvin, you can't walk right now, you need something on your foot" called Brittany
"I know, I just wanted to give you a hug" called Alvin
"I will put an ice pack on his sprained ankle and wrap a bandage round it to keep it in place, to help keep the pain down, but you must remove the ice pack after a few hours of use so the body can then start to recover" explained the nurse
"Ok, thanks nurse" replied Brittany with a smile
"I will call your guardian up and get him to pick Alvin up and take him home" called the nurse
"Can I go home and look after Alvin?" Asked Brittany
"I don't think so dear, you only get sent home when your ill or badly injured.....I'm afraid you will have to go back to lessons, once your guardian picks Alvin up at reception" replied the nurse
Brittany sighed in disappointment "Oh...ok then...thanks anyway" replied Brittany in a sad voice
On the way out of the medical room, Brittany spoke up
"Oh and nurse, thanks so much for helping out Alvin, making sure he is ok and stuff" called Brittany in a happy voice
"No problem dear, I will give you guardian a phone call now and he will be here shortly" finished the nurse
Alvin and Brittany went into reception and waited for Dave's arrival. Once Dave did arrive, Brittany explained what happened to Alvin, said bye to Dave and Alvin and gave Alvin a quick hug and kiss before he and Dave left....
Brittany then went off to her afternoon lessons but was too sad and worried about Alvin to even think about doing any work or revision this afternoon at school
In the English lesson, Same Day, 2:50pm, At School
As Brittany expected, she couldn't concentrate much at school this afternoon and her mind was elsewhere
Mr Parry had moved Simon next to Brittany, to help her out while Alvin was not around but it didn't make much difference
Plus, Brittany was still a little annoyed at Simon from earlier, for trying to take away everyone's happiness and enjoyment
" you attempted questions 5 and 6 yet?" Asked Simon quietly and calmly
"No...Simon...I know you are trying to help and encourage me and I appreciate that, I really do....but please don't talk to me right now, I'm sorry..." Replied Brittany in a sad voice
Simon was about to hug Brittany but stopped himself and came to realisation and remembered it was Brittany next to him and not Jeanette
"Don't worry Brittany, I am sure that Alvin will be ok..." Said Simon in a caring voice
"Thanks....I hope Alvin is ok too..." Replied Brittany
Once it got to 3pm, everyone packed up quickly and run out of the classroom....apart from Brittany and Simon
"Brittany can I have a quick talk?" Asked Mr Parry
"Yea sure...." replied Brittany
"I will wait downstairs at reception with the others" called Simon leaving the classroom
After Simon left, Mr Parry spoke up
"I can tell something bothering you, is it something to do with Alvin?" Asked Mr Parry
Brittany nodded "Yea, Alvin sprained his ankle at dinner time today playing football and now he has gone home....I'm just really worried about him" replied Brittany
"Don't worry too much I'm sure he will be ok, I do have a practice paper I would like you and Alvin to have a go at....but don't worry of you don't feel up to up it. I would just like you, as a teacher, to attempt this practice paper so I can help you out....well both you and Alvin" explained Mr Parry
"Yea...I mean I will help us out, I will see how I feel later....Alvin will probably get the practice paper done this weekend or something, when he is feeling more up to it" replied Brittany
"That's fine with me, if you both get some time to complete the practice paper this week, then you can pass them to me Monday and I will mark your work Monday night" explained Mr Parry
"Thank you, I will see what I can do" called Brittany leaving the classroom
"Oh and Brittany, I hope Alvin gets better soon" called Mr Parry
Brittany then went downstairs and to reception to meet up with everyone else
"Hey sister, are you ok?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I'm feeling better now" lied Brittany putting on a fake smile
"At least you are smiling again..." Said Jeanette in a happier voice
"Well seeing you guys has made me smile anyway" called Brittany
"Can we go now? I'm a little hungry and Dave is making chicken wings tonight" called Theodore in a happy voice
Everyone giggled at Theodore and Simon nodded and Simon and Theodore started walking out of school and towards Dave's car
The Chipettes followed and the five of them got in the car
"Hey everyone, how was your day at school today?" Asked Dave
"It has been terrible, it has been like a nightmare thinking about Alvin been at home in pain...." Brittany thought to herself
"Oh you know, the usual...we got to lessons and Simon was like 'Theodore do your work' and I was just too tired for doing work" replied Theodore making everyone laugh
"Hey, I don't sound like that" Simon pointed out
"Oh yes you do" joked Jeanette
Everyone laughed again and then Dave drove them all home
10 minutes later, At Dave's house
Dave had just got home and opened the house door. Everyone run inside but Brittany walked slowly and sadly upstairs
Brittany got to the top of the stairs and checked her sisters were not watching her
"I don't want Jeanette or Eleanor to know I am still feeling a little sad and down right now..." Brittany thought to herself
Brittany then walked down her and Alvin's bedroom and saw Alvin laid down on the bed asleep. Brittany was about to wake Alvin up and say hello but she looked over at the basket at her and Alvin's baby chipmunks and smiled instead
"Oh Alvin, I hope you get better soon....I feel the pain you are going through right now..." Brittany thought to herself
Brittany looked over at Alvin who was still sleeping and began to cry and tears ran down her face....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think will happen with Alvin and Brittany over the next few days? Do you think Brittany will stop at home and look after Alvin while he is recovering? Or do you think Dave will tell Brittany to go to school anyway and send her because of her exams starting soon? 🤒
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I am sorry for this sad and emotional part, I just wanted to get across to all you readers, how Brittany is feeling and what her emotions are like right now
Also, I have got 1k views on this book 😱🎉 thanks so much everyone, thanks for reading my book, you are all amazing people and really appreciate everyone that is reading this book
I couldn't have got this many views without all you readers 🤗🎉
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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