Part 50 - Why Are You Even With Him?

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Monday, 10th of June, 11:30am, At School
It was Monday morning/dinner time and the Chipmunks and Chipettes had come into school early today so they could do some revision for their next exam
Dave suggested before their 2nd maths exam this afternoon at 2pm, to do some revision and to feel comfortable before the exam
Everyone agreed with Dave and went into school at dinner time
This was so the six of them could have lunch today and all study together in the library
The Chipmunks and Chipettes were now sat in the cafe eating lunch
"Wow, that was delicious" called Theodore in a happy voice
"Yea I know...I like pasta and meatballs too" called Eleanor with a giggle
"Omg, have you two eaten your dinner all ready?" Asked Alvin in a shocked voice
"Yea...and sadly I'm still hungry" replied Theodore
Eleanor looked at everyone's plates and only her and Theodore had finished eating their dinner. Everyone else was about half way through their dinner
"Wow, we have eaten dinner pretty fast" called Eleanor with a giggle
"Brittany Eleanor, has the maths revision I did with you both at home over the weekend, helped?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea quite a bit, thanks Jeanette" replied Brittany
"Yea I feel a bit more confident at least" replied Eleanor
"I quite like maths and maths has never been a problem for me at school" explained Simon
"Yea but you are really smart, Simon" Alvin pointed out
Just then a group of girls came in the cafe and sat at a table across the room
"Hey I know they girls" called Eleanor
"You do?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea, they are from the cooking class that me and Theodore are in" explained Eleanor
"I don't know them" called Theodore
Eleanor giggled "Yes you do silly, if I say there names you will probably remember them" replied Eleanor
"The blonde one is called Rachel, the dark haired one is called Beth, the kinda chubby one is called Chelsea and the other girl is called Megan" explained Eleanor
"Oh right, yea I know go and talk to them sometimes" replied Theodore
Eleanor then looked at the Chipmunks and her sisters at the table
" it ok with everyone if I go over and say a quick hello to them?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure, it's fine with us" called Alvin
"Go ahead sister" called Jeanette
"You don't need to ask us if you can say hello to someone" called Brittany with a giggle
"Thanks everyone, won't be long" called Eleanor leaving the table
Eleanor went and sat at the table the girls were on
"Hey girls" greeted Eleanor
"Oh hi Eleanor, what are you doing here? The exam this afternoon is at 2pm" asked Chelsea
"I came with my sisters and the Chipmunks into school early so we could all do a bit of revision in the library" replied Eleanor
"Oh god, not another one that likes revision" called Beth looking over at Megan
Megan went red in embarrassment "Just cause I feel like revision helps me doesn't mean I'm weird..." Said Megan defending herself
"Anyway, how do you think the exams are going?" Asked Eleanor
"They are fine really....just not looking forward to the English exam on Wednesday, it's 2 hours and 15 minutes long!" Replied Rachel
"Wow is it really that long?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sadly..." Replied Beth
"Oh Eleanor, can I ask you something?" Asked Chelsea
"Yea that's fine with me" replied Eleanor
"Are you still in a relationship with Theodore?" Asked Chelsea
Eleanor was confused. Her and Theodore were fine and happy together and the way Chelsea asked made it sound like a bad thing...
" and Theodore are still in a relationship, why do you ask?" Asked Eleanor
Chelsea and the other three girls looked down at the ground and shook their heads
"What's wrong?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"You are still in a relationship with Theodore....that's what is wrong" called Megan
"Why are you even with him?" Asked Rachel
"Because Theodore is amazing to me, he is my perfect match" replied Eleanor
"But he is so stupid" Beth fired back
"Excuse me?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea, it takes him ages to learn something new" called Chelsea
"Please don't call my boyfriend stupid, Theodore is amazing to me and I love and care about him so much" explained Eleanor in a serious voice
"Ok ok....I feel sorry for you though Eleanor, you could be with somebody much better with your standards" called Megan
"Excuse me! Just because Theodore is a slow learner doesn't mean he is stupid! and no, I won't let you girls pick and choose who I want to be in a relationship with!" Called Eleanor in an angry voice
"Eleanor, we are sorry that we are saying these things to you, they probably sound negative to you for someone that cares about Theodore but we are just trying to help you" explained Chelsea
Eleanor was about to speak but Beth jumped in
"I hope you wasn't hoping to have a family with Theodore in the future, because when you both get to bed Theodore won't know what to do with you" Beth jumped in
"Enough! Leave Theodore alone!" Shouted Eleanor in an angry voice
"Eleanor, just a bit of advice....please listen to us, Theodore isn't right for you....he is just holding you back in life and is too simple and boring, he wants you to help him all the time, you only care about him because you wouldn't want to see him on his own struggling not because you love him.....please find another boyfriend" explained Rachel in a serious voice
Eleanor froze for a moment and started thinking to herself....
"Is Theodore really holding me back in life? Will he really want all my help and attention with everything?.....even in the future? Is he really too simple and boring for me? I love him a lot and really care about him, but right now I'm not sure what good qualities he has to give me....they might be right about if I want a family with Theodore too, he might not know what to do with me and I would like some baby chipmunks in the future...should I just move on?" Eleanor thought to herself
"Eleanor? Are you still there?" Asked Rachel a little concerned
Eleanor's thoughts came back to her and she responded
"Yea...sorry about that girls, I went for a minute.....I have to go now and join my sisters for revision.." Explained Eleanor leaving the table
"Ok, bye Eleanor....just think about what we told you" called Chelsea as Eleanor was walking away
Eleanor sat back down at the table with her sisters and the Chipmunks
Eleanor sat next to Theodore and put her hands on her face
"Eleanor? Is everything ok?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Is something wrong? Please talk to us" asked Jeanette in a worried voice
Eleanor removed her hands from her face and rubbed her eyes
" nothing is wrong sisters, I am just a little tired that's all" lied Eleanor
"Are you sure your ok? You wasn't tired earlier and he heard you shouting" asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Yes, I'm fine Jeanette....I promise I would tell you or Brittany any problems I have if I had any" explained Eleanor in a serious voice
"Eleanor, you can talk to me if you want? I will always listen to you" called Theodore in a caring voice
Eleanor didn't reply so Theodore gave Eleanor a hug
Eleanor showed not emotion to Theodore when he hugged her and it made everyone worry about her
"Something is definitely wrong with Eleanor...." Brittany whispered to Jeanette
"Yea I know....she is showing no signs of love or care for Theodore...her boyfriend....which is very odd for Eleanor" Jeanette whispered back to Brittany
Simon started clapping to get everyone's attention
"Ok everyone, now we have finished eating...shall we go to the library and start our revision for the exam this afternoon?" Asked Simon
"Yea sure" called Alvin
Theodore and the Chipettes stayed silent
"Come on guys....revision isn't that bad, now who is ready to go?" Asked Simon
Brittany and Jeanette nodded this time and stood up. Eleanor stood up afterwards and followed her sisters
Theodore sat at the table and was looking really sad
"Oh no, what have I done wrong? Why is Eleanor mad at me?....I don't remember doing or saying anything wrong..." Theodore thought to himself
Alvin tapped Theodore on the shoulder and held out his hand
"Come on Theodore, we are all going to the library" called Alvin
Theodore smiled at Alvin, grabbed hold of his hand to stand up. With that, Alvin and Theodore followed Simon and the Chipettes to the library
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think will happen between Theodore and Eleanor? Do you think they will stay together in a relationship? Or do you think Eleanor will move on? 😕😢
Also, what do you think Brittany and Jeanette will do? Do you think they will both go and talk to Eleanor later? To try to clear her mind of all these negative views on Theodore? Also, do you think Brittany and Jeanette will say something to the girls from the cooking class for what they have told Eleanor? 😡
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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