Part 67 - 200

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Saturday, 3rd of August, 4pm, At Dave's House
It was a cloudy and dull day outside and everyone was inside relaxing incase it rained outside
There was silence in the living with Alvin Brittany Simon Jeanette Theodore and Dave
Everyone had been sitting back and relaxing for a few hours watching TV
However, it was now 4pm and Alvin knew he would have to go with Brittany and their kids down to the warehouse to see Kenny before 5pm
He wasn't sure how he would tell Brittany they had to go but he had to say something soon to her
Just then, Eleanor run into the living room and had a worried look on her face
"Guys, do you know where Daisy is?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"Who?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"My pet cat Daisy, the one Theodore got me for my birthday" replied Eleanor
"No we haven't seen her since this morning" said Alvin
"I let her out around 11am and she normally comes back after 1 hour but she hasn't come back yet" explained Eleanor
"Do you think she got lost?" Asked Theodore
"I don't know, but I think we should go and look around the neighbourhood to try and find her" suggested Jeanette
"Yea she can't have gone too far" called Simon
The Simon Jeanette Theodore Eleanor and Dave left the living room while Alvin and Brittany were sat down
"We should go and help too Alvin, I hope my sisters cat is ok" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Me too....I know why don't we go and search down that road with the cookie shop on it" suggested Alvin
"Yea we can check down there...that road has the warehouse on it too doesn't it?" Asked Brittany
Alvin nodded "Next to the cookie shop" replied Alvin
"Ok we will tell Eleanor and the others so we don't all go and look down there" called Brittany
Alvin and Brittany left the living room and Dave spoke up before opening the door
"Ok everyone, we will only search places that are don't go walking away for hours" explained Dave
"Don't worry we won't Dave" said Jeanette
"What time shall we all come back home?" Asked Simon
"6:30pm at the latest" replied Dave
"Guys, me and Brittany will look down that road with the cookie shop on it" Alvin jumped in
"Ok Alvin, me and Theodore will check the park" said Eleanor
"And me and Jeanette will check them two side roads" said Simon
"Ok, see you all back here later" said Dave opening the door
"Brittany, can we take our kids out with us while we look?" Asked Alvin
"Why?" Asked Brittany
"Because a bit of fresh air will be good for them and I think they will enjoy a trip out" replied Alvin quickly
"Ok, let's go and get them in the pram then" called Brittany
Alvin and Brittany went upstairs into their bedroom. Alvin got the pram out and Brittany put the baby chipmunks in it
"Ok let's go" called Brittany
Alvin and Brittany went downstairs and left the house before Dave locked up
Dave then walked in a different direction to Alvin and Brittany and each pair went to look in different places
Simon and Jeanette had a good look around while checking the side roads and couldn't find Eleanor's cat
Theodore and Eleanor were walking towards the park but were still keeping an eye out for Daisy along the way
Alvin and Brittany had been walking a few minutes now towards the road with the cookie shop and had been asking people along the way, if they had seen black and white cat
Dave was knocking on people's doors and also asking if anyone had see Eleanor's pet cat but no one had seen the cat
With Simon and Jeanette
"Where could the could Daisy be?" Asked Jeanette
"Not sure, the cat could be anywhere" replied Simon
Simon looked over fences and looked over at people's gardens and couldn't see Daisy
Jeanette looked under cars and in bushes but still no cat
"Didn't see her" said Simon
"I hope the others are having better luck" called Jeanette in a worried voice
With Theodore and Eleanor
The two of them had just arrived at the park and were looking around everywhere
Theodore checked under the slide and near the seesaw
Eleanor checked under the benches and in the climbing thing what kids used
"Didn't find the cat" said Theodore
"Me neither....I hope she is ok though and no one has hurt her" called Eleanor
"Shall we go and look around them trees near the football ground?" Asked Theodore
"Yea sure, shout me if you find her and I will do the same if I find her" explained Eleanor
"Ok will do" replied Theodore
With Alvin and Brittany
Alvin and Brittany were now on the road with the cookie shop and were looking around for Daisy
Brittany pushed the pram and looked in trees and bushes nearby
Alvin walked towards the cookie shop and saw the warehouse next to it
"How do I tell Brittany that we have to go in there?" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin then thought of something and called Brittany
"Brittany! Shall we check the warehouse? Daisy might have wondered off in there" asked Alvin
"I don't know if Daisy will be in there but we can have a look" replied Brittany walking towards Alvin
Alvin and Brittany then walked into the warehouse and there was a light on and table and two chairs set up
"Who would come in here?" Asked Brittany
"I don't know, this is quite odd....I thought this place was empty and abandoned" replied Alvin
As Alvin and Brittany walked further into the warehouse the doors shut behind them
"Alvin! Someone is here! And they have trapped us inside!" Called Brittany in a worried voice
"Don't worry Brittany, I'm sure we can still get out....I will find us a window or something" said Alvin quickly
"Hello you nice of you to drop by" called Kenny walking towards the table under the light
"Kenny? What are you doing in here?" Asked Brittany
"I'm going to settle some business with you Brittany" replied Kenny
"Let us out of here" called Alvin
"If you didn't want to come in, then you shouldn't have brought yourself and Brittany here in the first place" called Kenny
Brittany then looked over at Alvin
"Did you know about this? Did you bring me and our kids here on purpose?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice
"Brittany....I knew....I'm sorry....but he threatened to kill us if I didn't bring you and our kids..." Replied Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany then looked over at Kenny and glared at him
"You monster! You threatened Alvin to bring me here! What do you want from ME!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
"Just to discuss something personal....then I will let you both go, after all the door is locked now so your options are limited" replied Kenny with a small laugh
"I'm not going to sit and listen to you! Let us out!" Shouted Brittany
"Come and sit down while I talk to you both a few minutes, then I will let you go" explained Kenny
Brittany growled in anger and her and Alvin sat down on the chairs at the table
With Theodore and Eleanor
Theodore and Eleanor had been looking around under the trees about 20 minutes now and decided it was time to start heading back home
Eleanor was about to shout Theodore to tell him it's time to start heading back home, but someone grabbed her from behind
"THEODORE! HELP! HELP!" Shouted Eleanor in a worried voice
Theodore run towards Eleanor's voice and saw someone in a trench coat carrying Eleanor
Theodore started to shake in fear, he didn't know what to do
He then decided to follow the person in the trench coat but not get noticed by him
Where ever the person was taking Eleanor, Theodore followed so he didn't lose sight of Eleanor
With that, Dave Simon and Jeanette were just on there way back home from looking for Eleanor's cat Daisy, Alvin and Brittany were locked in a warehouse listening to Kenny and Theodore was following someone who had kidnapped Eleanor...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part. Do you think Alvin regrets taking himself, Brittany and their kids to the warehouse? Do you think Kenny will do anything bad to Alvin and Brittany? Or do you think he will just talk to them and let them go?
Also, who do you think has kidnapped Eleanor? Do you think it's someone the Chipmunks and Chipettes know? Or do you think it's a stranger?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Sadly, the next part in this book, part 68, is the final part in this book 😢 it's so sad to think this book is nearly over
Also, if you are all wondering why this part is titled '200' it's because this is my 200th part in my Alvin and the Chipmunks books
Alvin and Brittany love story (40 parts, not including MARCH UPDATE 2018)
Alvin and Brittany love story - book 2 (40 parts)
Alvin and Brittany love story - book 3 (40 parts, not including the 2 A/N's)
Alvin and the chipmunks meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (13 parts, not including the 'Intro' and 'thanks for reading' ending)
Adding up all them parts makes 133 parts in total and the 66 parts in this book and this part (part 67) added on makes it 200 parts
Can't believe I have made so many parts/chapters in my "Alvin and the Chipmunks" books
I thank you all so much for reading my "Alvin and the Chipmunks" books, sharing and giving me ideas and supporting me along the way 🎉
You are all amazing people and I can't thank you all enough 🤗
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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