Part 36 - Happy Birthday Eleanor! (Part 1)

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Saturday, 11 of May, 6pm, At Dave's house
It was Saturday afternoon and Theodore was getting worried....
It was Eleanor's birthday tomorrow and the pet cat they bought still hadn't arrived yet
Theodore went upstairs and knocked on Alvin and Brittany's bedroom door
"Hello?" Asked Brittany
"Hey, it's only me....Theodore" called Theodore in a worried voice
After a few seconds, the bedroom door opened and Brittany let Theodore in
"What's wrong?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"The cat were paid hasn't come yet" replied Theodore in a sad voice
Brittany gave Theodore a hug "Don't worry Theodore, the cat will come on time....I'm sure of it" explained Brittany
Just then Alvin came in the bedroom
"Oh, hey Theodore" called Alvin
"Hi you think the cat we got Eleanor will come on time?" Asked Theodore
"Yes, I'm sure it bro" replied Alvin in a happy voice
There was a silence between the three of them for a few minutes...
Just then the door bell went...DING! DONG!
Theodore left the bedroom and run downstairs to the door. Alvin followed Theodore downstairs and went into the living room, to keep Eleanor distracted if it was the cat been delivered...
"Hello, I have a package for Theodore" said the delivery man
"That's me!" Called Theodore in an excited voice
"Ok, here is the cat you ordered a few days ago" called the delivery man
Theodore nodded at the delivery man and asked him to put the cat upstairs
After the cat was put upstairs, Theodore said bye to the delivery man and run back upstairs
"Brittany, the cat came on time" called Theodore in a happy and excited voice
"Wow, that's great.....I'm sure Eleanor will like her presents when she see's and opens them tomorrow" explained Brittany with a smile
After the delivery man had come, nothing else exciting really went off. The Chipmunks and Chipettes had tea and all went to bed early for a change
Sunday, 12th of May, 8am, At Dave's house
In Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor's bedroom
It was finally Eleanor's birthday and Theodore had set the alarm clock to go off at 8am this morning to wake Eleanor up
He wanted to get her up early so she could open all her presents as soon as possible (he was so excited to see her reaction)
As the alarm clock went off, Eleanor woke up and groaned. Once the alarm clock was off, she looked around the bedroom and saw Theodore sat up in bed
"Theodore?" Asked Eleanor
"Morning Eleanor! Happy Birthday!" Called Theodore in a happy voice
Eleanor smiled to herself "Aw thanks Theodore" called Eleanor in a happy voice
"What's all the noise?" Asked Simon just waking up
"It's Eleanor's birthday today" replied Theodore
Jeanette woke up too and put her glasses on "Happy Birthday sister" called Jeanette in a happy voice
"Yea, Happy Birthday" called Simon putting his glasses on too
"Thanks sister and thanks Simon" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Shall we all go downstairs? There might be something for you downstairs Eleanor" suggested Theodore
Everyone nodded and got out of bed
"I will go and get Alvin and Brittany up, hopefully they will come downstairs too" called Simon
"No Simon, it's ok...I will get them up" Jeanette said quickly
"Are you sure?" Asked Simon
"I'm positive, now you go downstairs with Theodore and Eleanor" replied Jeanette with a smile
Simon Theodore and Eleanor all went downstairs and Jeanette knocked on Alvin and Brittany's bedroom
There was no answer
"That doesn't surprise me, Alvin and Brittany don't normally get up till 9:30 at the weekend" Jeanette thought to herself
Jeanette tried the door handle but it was locked
"Alvin! Brittany!" Called Jeanette
Still no answer
Jeanette shook her head and went to get Dave up
Luckily, Dave had his bedroom door open so Jeanette entered with no problem
Jeanette jumped on the bed and called Dave's name a few times and he woke up
"Jeanette? What's wrong?.......Do you know what time it is?" Asked Dave in a tired voice
"It's Eleanor's birthday today Dave....we are going downstairs now to watch her open her presents" explained Jeanette
"Oh right, I will be down I a second, is everyone else up then?" Asked Dave
"Everyone except Alvin and Brittany" replied Jeanette
"Doesn't surprise me" Dave said to himself with a small laugh afterwards
"I will get them up in a couple of minutes, will see you all downstairs very soon" called Dave
With that, Jeanette left the bedroom and went downstairs to join everyone else
"Where is everyone, I want to open my presents off Theodore! I'm so excited!" Called Eleanor in an excited voice
"I'm not sure, but they should be here very soon" replied Simon
Jeanette then came into the living room too
"Finally your here, is everyone else coming downstairs too?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea Dave is just getting Alvin and Brittany up, then the three of them will be downstairs" explained Jeanette
About 10 minutes later, Dave Alvin Brittany and their 5 baby chipmunks were now in the living room
"Eleanor, now we are all here you can open your presents" called Theodore with a smile
Eleanor squeaked in excitement and started opening one of her presents
"I bought a few surprise presents the other day as well as what we bought last weekend" Theodore whispered to Alvin and Brittany
Eleanor opened her first present and couldn't stop smiling
"Theodore, I love these dresses! The colours and the patterns are amazing! They are perfect!" Explained Eleanor in a happy voice
"Am glad you like them, I just hope I got the right size....I think I did...." Replied Theodore
Eleanor checked the tag inside the dresses and nodded
"Yea, they are the right size" replied Eleanor
Eleanor opened the rest of her presents from Theodore and she had got: a box of chocolate, flowers, a few smelly soaps and a few bags of sweets
"Thanks for all the presents Theodore, they are amazing! I love them all!" Called Eleanor in an excited voice
Eleanor went over to Theodore and gave him a hug and a kiss
After the kiss, Theodore spoke up
"It's no problem Eleanor, I love you....and I am your boyfriend by the way..." Explained Theodore
After a few seconds, Theodore let go of Eleanor and went upstairs. He come back down and pulled in a bigger size present
"There is the last present for you but it's from me and Dave this one" explained Theodore
Eleanor opened the big present and jumped backwards. She was shocked, surprised and happy at the same time
"OMG! You bought me a cat! You bought me a cat! I asked you for one but I didn't think you would get me one!" Squeaked Eleanor in a surprised voice
Eleanor gave Theodore another hug and kiss and Dave spoke up
"Wait a minute? Where did you get the cat from?" Asked Dave
"We bought it from the pet shop last week" replied Alvin
"You did what? How much did it cost?" Asked Dave in an angry voice
Brittany and Jeanette looked worried
" be honest....the cat cost £350..." Replied Alvin nervously
Dave went bright red and stormed out of the living room
"Oh boy.....I think we are in a lot of trouble now" called Theodore
"Jeanette! Was you asleep or something when Theodore bought the cat last week?" Asked Simon in a shocked voice
"No, me and Brittany said it was fine...." Replied Jeanette in a worried voice
"Fine! You let Theodore spend £350!" Shouted Simon in an angry voice
"Simon, don't shout at Jeanette!" Shouted Brittany
"You are just as bad! What where you two thinking?" Asked Simon
"Excuse me! Me and Jeanette haven't done anything wrong....we explained to Theodore what the consequences could be and he still wanted to buy the cat! If you think you are so perfect and that it is acceptable to shout at girls....then LEAVE! Get out of this room right NOW!" Shouted Brittany in an annoyed voice
"How dare you! Dave let you and your sisters stop and live with us after your foster mother passed away and this is how you treat us!" Simon fired back
"Brittany! Simon! Please stop fighting" called Alvin
Brittany left the living room and went upstairs and Simon left the living room and went into the kitchen
Eleanor then started crying and Theodore rubbed her back and comforted her
"I'm sorry about this Eleanor....I didn't mean for all this anger and arguments....I was just trying to make you happy" called Theodore in a worried and nervous voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. How do you think everyone will solve these arguments and be a happy family again? Do you think Brittany and Simon will need to be alone for a while to calm down? Do you think Dave will talk to Brittany and Jeanette about the pet cat once Brittany has calmed down?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Bit of a spoiler everyone just going to let you know, Eleanor's birthday will get better/more positive later in the day. Eleanor's birthday has just got off to a rough start but things will be better by the afternoon and the evening 😉
Anyway, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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