Part 65 - A Visitor Comes To The Park

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Sunday, 28th of July, 1pm, At Dave's House
It was a nice warm and sunny day today and Dave suggested going to the park
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all seemed happy with the idea and were now upstairs getting changed into some different clothes
Once the six of them were changed and all together in the hallway, Alvin and Brittany put their baby chipmunks in the pram and Dave spoke up
"Ok, is everyone ready to go?" Asked Dave
"We are ready" called Simon
"Us too" called Alvin
"We are ready too" said Eleanor
Dave then opened the door and everyone left the house and started walking down to the park
"We have not been to the park in quite a while" Alvin pointed out
"Yea I know, it was like a month or two ago and I was sick last time we came" replied Brittany
"Let's hope you are not sick again" said Alvin with a small laugh
"Mummy.....sick..." Said Coco in a sad voice
"Don't worry Coco, I won't be sick today" Brittany told her daughter
"Wow, it's so hot Simon" said Jeanette waving a fan
"Yea I know, good thing we don't need sun cream on though" said Simon
"That's true....we shouldn't stay in the sun too long though, we don't want sun stroke" explained Jeanette
"It's not that hot Jeanette....but it's better to be safe then sorry" replied Simon
"We did we pack all this food again?" Asked Theodore
"So that we can all have something to eat at the park if we get hungry" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Don't they sell hot dogs or balloons at the park?" Asked Theodore
"No...I don't think so, you might be thinking of the circus" explained Eleanor
"You might be would be nice if the ice cream man comes around later" said Theodore in a happy voice
Eleanor giggled and continued walking with Theodore and the others
At The Park
The Chipmunks, Chipettes and Dave had all arrived at the park and saw other families there too
"Lots of people liked the idea of going to the park today too Dave" said Alvin with a small laugh
"Your right Alvin" said Dave
"Shall we all sit at that table over there?" Asked Dave
"Yea sure" replied the Chipettes
The Chipmunks nodded and followed the Chipettes and Dave to the wooden table
Once everyone was sat, they all sat still and were enjoying the warm sun shine on them
After a few minutes of sitting and enjoying the sun, they heard a noise
The noise was more of a tune and the Chipmunks and Chipettes knew what it was
"Guys, that's the ice cream truck coming by" called Theodore in an excited voice
"Can we get one Dave?" Asked Alvin
Dave gave a small laugh and smiled
"Yea, sure you can get an ice cream...after all you have all passed your exams and today is a hot day" replied Dave
"So who wants what ice cream?" Asked Alvin
"Can I have a chocolate ice cream please?" Asked Theodore
"A strawberry ice cream please" called Eleanor
"I don't want one but thanks anyway Dave" said Simon
"Me neither but thanks for offering Dave" called Jeanette
"Can I have a strawberry ice cream too Alvin?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure, ok...Dave four of us want ice cream" said Alvin in an excited voice
Dave got out the money but Brittany stood up
"I will get the ice cream Alvin, it's not a problem" Brittany jumped in
"Are you sure? I will get them if you want?" Asked Alvin
"Don't worry Alvin, it's fine....what ice cream do you want?" Asked Brittany
"I would like a chocolate one please but I will go with you Brittany, so we can carry two ice cream back each" said Alvin
"Ok, come on then" said Brittany with a giggle
Alvin and Brittany walked towards the ice cream truck and saw a line of people
They joined the line and waited
Just then, a teenage boy approached Alvin and Brittany and spoke up
"Hello Brittany, didn't expect seeing you here" said the boy
Brittany froze in shock. She knew that voice and turned around to face him
"Kenny? I-I didn't was out already..." Said Brittany in a worried voice
"Well, I'm out of jail now Brittany....wasted two years of my life there after what YOU told the police that night" explained Kenny
Alvin then turned around to see who Brittany was talking too and listened in to the rest of the conversation
"" Said Brittany lost for words
"You can't think of anything to say can you?" Asked Kenny in a cold voice
Alvin then felt anger rise and was getting annoyed with this guy. He was upsetting Brittany and making her feel uncomfortable
Kenny then looked over at Alvin
"Who is this then?" Asked Kenny
"This is Alvin" replied Brittany quickly and simply
"So you made friends with even more boys....that's not surprising" called Kenny
"Actually, I'm Brittany's boyfriend" Alvin pointed out
"Boyfriend?" Asked Kenny in a surprised voice
"Yea, we have been together a year and a half now" explained Alvin trying to keep calm
"I never knew you had another boyfriend Brittany, can't believe you moved on so quickly" called Kenny
"Well I" Said Brittany in a nervous voice
"Who is this guy? Who does he think he is? I won't just let him come up to me and Brittany and make Brittany feel like crap for having a boyfriend!" Alvin thought to himself
"Look! I don't know who you are, but if you don't leave me and Brittany alone soon you will regret it! So back off!" Shouted Alvin getting a bit annoyed
" have picked a very protective boyfriend this time Brittany....well I better be off, don't want to cause any problems" explained Kenny walking away
Alvin clenched his fist. He was about to go after Kenny, but went against it since Kenny had left them alone
Alvin then turned to Brittany
"Are you ok? Who was that guy?" Asked Alvin in a caring voice
"He is called Kenny.....and he is just a boy I knew in the early years of high school, before me and my sisters met you and your brothers" explained Brittany
"Are you feeling ok now he has gone?" Asked Alvin
"Yea...I'm just worried he will come back for me" replied Brittany
"Why would he come back after haven't done anything wrong to him, have you?" Asked Alvin
"No, of course I haven't..." Lied Brittany
"So you have nothing to worry about and if Kenny does come after you, he will have to deal with me first" explained Alvin in a serious voice
"Thanks Alvin, I just hope he doesn't do anything to us or our kids" called Brittany in a worried voice
"He won't don't worry...I won't let him" said Alvin in a serious voice
Alvin then ordered four ice creams and gave two to Brittany to carry back for Theodore and Eleanor
Once Alvin and Brittany were back at the table, Brittany passed Theodore and Eleanor their ice creams
"Thanks Brittany" said Theodore
"Thanks sister" called Eleanor
Alvin then passed Brittany her ice cream and the four of them started eating away
"I don't know what to do....I can't tell Alvin the truth....I just can't....what happened with me and Kenny in the past has to stay between us and only us....even my sisters don't know....I'm sure Kenny will come after me though, when Alvin isn't around...what will he do to me...I'm so scared right now..." Brittany thought to herself
Brittany then started to cry and Jeanette and Eleanor noticed
Eleanor passed her ice cream to Simon and her and Jeanette went to Brittany
"What's wrong sister?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Nothing....I'm fine..." Replied Brittany in a sad voice
"Your not ok sister, please tell us what's wrong" begged Eleanor
"That god dam kid! he has really got to Brittany" Alvin said aloud
"What kid?" Asked Jeanette
"This boy come and started talking to Brittany but he was horrible to her, I think he was jealous or something" explained Alvin
"Just forget about him now Brittany, he has gone now" said Eleanor in a caring voice
Jeanette and Eleanor then stood up at the same time to go and sit back down
Jeanette sat down with Simon and Eleanor walked over to Alvin
"Come and talk to me later please" Eleanor whispered to Alvin
Eleanor then sat down with Theodore and finished her ice cream
After the four of them had eaten there ice cream and had spent an hour or so more in the park, Dave decided to take everyone back home
However, Brittany wouldn't settle down after seeing Kenny again and it worried Alvin Jeanette and Eleanor a lot...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Kenny has really spooked and scared Brittany, seeing her in person.
What do you think happened with Brittany and Kenny in the past? Do you think Kenny will come after Brittany when she is alone?
Also, do you think Brittany will talk to Alvin or her sisters about her past with Kenny, since no one knows what has happened?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, the full story behind Brittany and Kenny will be explained/answered in the final part in this book, part 68
It's sad to think this book only has 3 more parts left 😢 but have had a great time writing this book and is definitely the longest "Alvin and the Chipmunks" book I have made so far 😉
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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