Part 19 - Theodore and Eleanor's Secret Date

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Tuesday, 30th of April, 6:50pm, Same Day, At Dave's House
Dave was still not back from work yet, so that meant that the chipmunks and chipettes had not had there tea yet. Everyone was quite happy watching TV together in the living room.....except Eleanor. From 6pm onwards, Eleanor had been upstairs in the bedroom, preparing the bedroom for her date with Theodore.
Theodore was now making his way upstairs to the bedroom since Eleanor told him to meet her at 7pm in the bedroom
Once Theodore got to the bedroom, he knocked on the door and called for Eleanor
"Hey, Eleanor...It's only me" called Theodore
"Come on in" called Eleanor in an excited voice
Theodore entered the bedroom and was surprised at what he saw. Eleanor had put up a table and chairs in the bedroom and instead of having lights on in the room, a few candles were lit around the room, including a candle that was lit on the table
"Don't look so surprised Theodore, just walk us to our table" called Eleanor with a giggle
Theodore grabbed Eleanor's hand and they both walked to the table. Theodore then sat down at the table and Eleanor crossed her arms
"What?" Asked Theodore looking confused at Eleanor
Eleanor looked at her chair and Theodore took the hint. He stood up and pulled out Eleanor's chair. Once Eleanor was seated Theodore then went around the table and sat back down again
"I have got a list of food that we could have, I will let you pick something for us" explained Eleanor giving Theodore the sheet of paper
Theodore had a read through the sheet of paper. There was mainly healthy food to pick from, but Theodore wasn't that surprised.....after all, Eleanor likes to try and keep fit and athletic
After a few minutes he saw something he liked and asked Eleanor about it
"It says we could order soup? Who cooks it and brings it us?" Asked Theodore
"I also got that covered" whispered Eleanor
"Oh...ok, can we have the soup then?...and some bread with it?" Asked Theodore
"Yea sure, I will go to the cook and order now" called Eleanor
Eleanor left the bedroom and went downstairs. She went in the kitchen and opened two tins of soup. She put them in two bowls and then in the microwave for 8 minutes each. Once the soup was cooked, Eleanor grabbed a few slices of bread and went back upstairs to the bedroom
"Wow, I'm surprised no one heard me using the microwave....or if they did hear me, why no one has come in the kitchen to see what I was doing. I am doing a great job keeping our date a secret" Eleanor thought to herself on her way to the bedroom
Eleanor made it back to the bedroom and opened the door. She then placed the bowls of soup on the table and closed the bedroom door again
"Here you go Theodore, the cook got our food ready as soon as I ordered" explained Eleanor with a giggle
"Wow, you hired a cook? How much did that cost?" Asked Theodore
Eleanor giggled to herself "Aw, he is so cute and funny, I can't believe he hasn't figured out it was me that cooked the food for us, but been cute and funny is probably why I love him so much" Eleanor thought to herself
"Oh...the cook didn't cost me too fact it didn't cost anything at all" replied Eleanor
"Wow, where do you find great cooks for free?" Asked Theodore in a surprised voice
Eleanor giggled again "Theodore, you just look at me and I'm your answer" replied Eleanor
"Wait? You cooked the soup? Your cooking is amazing!" Called Theodore
"Aw thanks Theodore" replied Eleanor with a smile
Theodore and Eleanor both sat at the table and started eating their bowls of soup
"So Theodore.....anything you want to tell me?" Asked Eleanor starting conversation
"What do you mean?" Asked Theodore continuing to eat his soup
"I mean...anything you want to tell me, like feelings for me maybe, that you haven't told me before" replied Eleanor
"You all ready know how I feel about you, I loved you lots when I met you and got to know you and I still love you lots now" replied Theodore in a caring voice
"Aw thanks Theodore, I feel exactly the same, I love you lots too" replied Eleanor with a smile
"But no new feelings for me....I mean....never mind" said Eleanor stopping herself from going too far
"Are you sure? You can continue if you want?" Asked Theodore
Eleanor was about to reply but the bedroom door opened and Jeanette entered
"Theodore? Eleanor? What's going on in here?" Asked Jeanette in a confused voice
"" Called Eleanor
"We were just having a date" replied Theodore
Jeanette smiled and covered her mouth. Eleanor saw her Jeanette's face and reaction and put her face in her hands
Jeanette left the bedroom and went downstairs to the others
Once she was downstairs, she started laughing to herself about what Theodore just told her
"What's wrong with you?" Asked Brittany
"Theodore and Eleanor are having a date" whispered Jeanette
"What?" Asked Brittany in shock
"What's wrong girls?" Asked Alvin
Jeanette walked towards Alvin and Simon and whispered to them "Theodore and Eleanor are having a date"
Alvin and Simon looked as shocked as Brittany
"Did I just hear you right?" Asked Alvin
"Yes, you guy's keep it down, we can't embarrass them when they are trying to have a little bit of fun, it's not fair on them" explained Jeanette in a serious voice
"Jeanette in right, Alvin Brittany I know what you two are like, promise me not to tease or annoy Theodore and Eleanor about this. Otherwise we will have to tell Dave" explained Simon in a serious voice
"Ok we promise" replied Alvin and Brittany together
Back upstairs in the bedroom
"Theodore, how could you embarrass me like that?" Asked Eleanor in an annoyed voice
"What do you mean? I just answered Jeanette's question" replied Theodore in a worried voice
"Yea but you told her what was actually happening, now the others know and we will get made fun of, by our siblings" explained Eleanor in an angry voice
"I'm sorry Eleanor....I....I was..." Started Theodore
"Save it Theodore, I don't want to talk to you! We tried to have a date like normal couples but you couldn't even do that right, without my help!" Shouted Eleanor
"This date is officially over and I don't want to talk or see you again!" Finished Eleanor before walking out of the bedroom closing the door behind her
Theodore sat on the chair and was very confused
"What's Eleanor talking about? I thought our date was going great? I just told Jeanette the truth too, I don't think she will make fun of us. She doesn't seem like that kind of person to me. Maybe it's me.....maybe I don't understand something. I should talk to Alvin, he will know what to do" Theodore thought to himself
Theodore put the bedroom light on and blew out the candles. He then opened the bedroom door and started his search for Alvin knowing he was somewhere in the house
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Quite a few things went wrong in Theodore and Eleanor's date unfortunately not making it the way Eleanor wanted/planned
Let me know what you noticed went wrong in the date? What types of things did Theodore and/or Eleanor do wrong? Also, what will happen with Theodore and Eleanor now? Do you think they will get back together after a bit of time apart? Will Theodore seeing one of his brothers and Eleanor seeing one of her sisters help them both out?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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