Part 37 - Happy Birthday Eleanor! (Part 2)

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Sunday, 12th of May, 10:30am, At Dave's house
An atmosphere was still going off at Dave's house after Dave found out the price for the cat Theodore got Eleanor, and the argument between Brittany and Simon
Simon was sat in the kitchen, looking down at the table and Dave walked over to him
"Simon? What's wrong? You look sad" asked Dave in a worried voice
"I'm just a little upset that Brittany and Jeanette let Theodore buy the cat..." Replied Simon
"I know I'm a little annoyed with them too, but I'm sure they had a good reason for it" called Dave
Simon turned around and looked up at Dave
"What? You think they have a reason? They will have just been careless and just told Theodore 'here is the money go buy the cat' you can't trust them with money Dave" explained Simon in an angry voice
"Simon, you know that's not true....Brittany and Jeanette are better then that, I think you are just a little sad and confused right now.....just have some quiet time on your own to calm down" suggested Dave
Simon shook his head and looked down at the table again
"Do I need to remind you that one of the girls, Jeanette, is your girlfriend?" Asked Dave
Simon stayed silent for a few seconds and then replied
"Your right Dave, I think I did let my anger and emotions blind me from who I was talking too....Jeanette is my girlfriend and I'm sure her and Brittany would have a reason why they bought the cat" explained Simon in a more calm voice
"Anyway, I still think you need a bit of time alone to cool off, then apologise to Brittany and Jeanette if you did anything wrong" suggested Dave
"Yea....I did do wrong, I shouted at Brittany and Jeanette and got in an argument with Brittany afterwards....I will apologise to them later...I promise" explained Simon in a serious voice
"Ok feel free to apologise to them later once you have calmed down a little....I am going to have a quick chat with them both myself now anyway" replied Dave walking out of the kitchen
Dave walked into the living room and saw Jeanette crying and Alvin talking to her and Theodore was cheering up Eleanor who didn't look 100% happy
"Hey you know where Brittany has gone?" Asked Dave
"I think she will have gone our bedroom" replied Alvin quickly
"Thanks Alvin" replied Dave
Dave then walked over to Alvin and Jeanette and talked quietly and calmly to Jeanette
"Um it ok if I talk to you and Brittany for a few minutes?" Asked Dave
Jeanette brushed tears off her face and nodded
"Yea....sure..." Replied Jeanette slowly
Dave and Jeanette then left the living room and made there way upstairs
Dave knocked on Alvin and Brittany's bedroom door and hoped Brittany would answer
"Simon, if that's you wanting to talk and apologise to me, then go AWAY!" Shouted Brittany
"Brittany, it's only me...Dave...and Jeanette, I hope it is ok if me you and Jeanette have a quick talk?....I won't shout or anything, I promise" asked Dave in a caring voice
After about 30 seconds, Brittany opened the door
"Ok, we can have a quick talk...." Called Brittany in a worried voice
Dave and Jeanette went in the bedroom and Dave shut the door behind him and locked it. Brittany and Jeanette sat on the bed and Dave stood against the wall
Dave was ready to talk to the two girls but he didn't know how to start the conversation with them
" I realise that you two allowed Theodore to buy a cat for Eleanor..." Started Dave
Brittany and Jeanette nodded slowly
"I was just wondering, what the reason was behind it....I mean, I know what you Chipettes are like, you are all smart and cute girls....I know you wouldn't spend £350 at once without a good reason behind it" explained Dave
Brittany and Jeanette calmed down and were a little shocked at what Dave said
"Do you mean that Dave? You think me and my sisters are smart and cute?" Asked Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yes I do, I can see why the boys fell for you and why you six all became really close friends" explained Dave in a serious voice
"Wow, we never knew..." Called Jeanette
"I just thought you....never mind" started Brittany
"No it's ok, you can say what you like....I don't mind" called Dave
Brittany looked at Jeanette and then back at Dave
"Please, don't take this in a horrible way.....but I thought you took me and my sisters in because we liked the Chipmunks and you didn't want to see us three on the streets" explained Brittany in a worried voice
Dave looked surprised
"What? No I do care about you three, you girls are amazing and of course I love you three and care about you all....I just might not show it that well....I don't know where I would be without the Chipmunks and you three, your my family!" Explained Dave with a smile
"Aw thanks Dave, your an amazing dad! Even though you might not be the best at showing it" replied Brittany with a giggle
"Thanks if it's ok with you two, do you mind explaining the reason why you got the cat?" Asked Dave in a calm voice
Brittany and Jeanette looked at each other and Jeanette spoke up
"Well...we asked Theodore what Eleanor wanted and he told us clothes and a cat, so we bought the clothes first then we went to the pet shop..." Jeanette started explaining
"When we got to the pet shop we saw the cat and we told Theodore no....but then Theodore got a bit upset and me and Jeanette felt we agreed with each other that we would let Theodore buy the cat.....but if any problems happened, us two would be responsible, not Theodore" Brittany finished
"Thanks so much for telling me girls, I really appreciate it when you tell me the truth.....just so you know I'm not mad, I was a little mad this morning but more shocked and surprised. All I am going to say is I trust you wouldn't spend that much money at once, ever again.....and we will draw a line under this and I will let you two off" explained Dave
"Oh wow, thanks Dave" called Brittany with a smile
"We promise not to spend that much again....and if we do spend quite a large amount in the future, we will tell you straight away" replied Jeanette in a serious voice
"Thanks for listening to me you two and I'm glad you understand, you can come downstairs when your ready" finished Dave leaving the bedroom
After Dave left Brittany spoke up
"Dave thinks us two and Eleanor are smart and cute!" Called Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea I know, it makes me feel good inside...anyway, shall we go downstairs the others?" Asked Jeanette
"Sure" replied Brittany
Brittany and Jeanette then went downstairs and into the living room
The two of them were happy to see that Eleanor had cheered up again and was happy with the presents she had got. Eleanor and Theodore were stroking and hugging the cat now and it made Brittany and Jeanette smile
"Hey Eleanor, hope your ok now....sorry about the bad vibes and negative atmosphere was our fault for not telling Dave about the cat we bought you" explained Jeanette
"It's ok, I guessed that but I forgive you wanted it to be a surprise for me and it was" replied Eleanor in an excited voice
Simon and Dave came into the living room and Dave spoke up
"Simon would just like to make an announcement everyone!" Shouted Dave
"Oh boy....this better not be something about homework or revision" called Alvin
", since me Alvin Brittany and Jeanette didn't give you any presents for your birthday, we all put money together for something else we hope you like! A surprise party tonight!" Called Simon in a happy voice
Eleanor squeaked in excitement
"Aw that's amazing, thanks so much for the surprise party everyone!" Called Eleanor in a happy voice
"No problem sister, your the best" called Brittany
"Ok everyone, I will go and make us some early lunch, a few cheese sandwiches and a few ham sandwiches, will call you all in the kitchen when they are done" explained Dave
"Yay! Thanks Dave" called all the Chipmunks and Chipettes
With that, Dave went into the kitchen and started making cheese sandwiches and ham sandwiches while everyone else talked to Eleanor about what songs she liked and what she would like to happen at this surprise party
(Simon had planned things for the party but everyone wanted to know what Eleanor wanted, to see if they guessed right...)
Hi Everyone, Thanks for reading, I hope you liked this part. Thank god everything is near enough sorted out now. Dave knows why Brittany and Jeanette bought the pet cat and was ok with it. Simon just needs to apologise to Brittany and Jeanette for shouting at them both.....but I'm sure he will do that at the party 😉
What kind of things do you think Simon will have arranged/got at Eleanor's birthday party? Do you think he will have got a lot of the things Eleanor wants/likes at a party? 🎉
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, I felt like I developed Dave's character a little in this part too, saying and showing feelings for the Chipettes. I feel I showed Dave as a caring father character not just an adult that looks after the Chipmunks and Chipettes and shouts at them all the time 😉
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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