Part 15 - Oh No, We Are In Trouble Now...

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Tuesday, 30th of April, 7:20am, At Dave's house
"Alvin! Brittany! Time to get up for school!" Shouted Dave from outside the bedroom
Alvin turned over and looked at Brittany
"Come on Brittany...(yawn)...we have to get up.." Said Alvin in a tired voice
"Oh..not yet, in a couple more hours" replied Brittany
"Sorry Brittany, we can't do 'a couple of hours' today, school starts at 9am" replied Alvin
"But I'm tired! And you sound tired too!" Complained Brittany
"I am but if we don't get up soon, Dave will come in and shout at us" explained Alvin
Just then Lucas started crying and then the other four baby chipmunks started crying too
"Ok, fine....I will get up!" Shouted Brittany in an annoyed voice
Brittany sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. She felt terrible
"Alvin, can you go downstairs and get the baby food for them please? While I get in the shower and get ready?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure, but what about me...I mean, I need to get ready too" replied Alvin
"You can have a shower while I'm feeding the baby chipmunks" explained Brittany
"Oh...Ok, yea that makes sense. I will get the baby food now" replied Alvin going downstairs
Brittany grabbed a towel, took off her pyjamas and left them on the bed. She then wrapped the towel around her and made her way to the bathroom
Brittany switched on the shower and Eleanor came in
"Morning Brittany, how are you?" Greeted Eleanor in a happy voice
"Morning...(yawn)...I'm fine, well I'm tired but I will be fine" replied Brittany
"Oh, I'm sorry about that sister, did the baby chipmunks wake you up in the night again?" Asked Eleanor
"No....I just woke up and it took me a while to get back to sleep" replied Brittany quickly
"Oh right, don't and Jeanette will look after you at school if you want?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea please....thanks, I'm not ill you know" replied Brittany
"I know that silly....but as sisters we would like to make sure you are ok" replied Eleanor
"Anyway, I better get in the shower, don't want Dave shouting at us" called Brittany with a giggle
Eleanor used the toilet and then left the bathroom and Brittany then got in the shower
10 minutes later...
Brittany got out of the shower and went back to the bedroom. Alvin had brought the baby food upstairs and was nursing Peter and Emma.
"Alvin, I left the shower on for you want to get in now and I will get ready and feed them?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I will do" replied Alvin
On the way out, Alvin turned around and called Brittany
"What's wrong?" Asked Brittany
"Nothing.....I just want to tell you, I think that you are an amazing mum" called Alvin with a smile
Alvin went in the shower and was done in about 10 minutes as well
Once Alvin was out of the shower and dressed for school, Brittany had finished feeding the baby chipmunks and was just putting them back to sleep
Alvin and Brittany were on there way downstairs until they were stopped by Eleanor
"Alvin, can you try to get Theodore up and out of bed please? He seems very tired and isn't listening to me" explained Eleanor
"Yea sure, I will try..." Replied Alvin quickly
Alvin went in the other bedroom and saw Theodore asleep in bed
"Theodore, it's me Alvin. Can you get up and get ready for school please? We have to go soon" asked Alvin in a caring voice
"Oh...not now, I'm tired" complained Theodore
Alvin gave Theodore a shake and asked him to get up again
"For god sake! Fine! I will get up....I have had enough of you and Eleanor asking me to get up! I'm tired and don't feel like doing anything!" Shouted Theodore an annoyed voice
"Welcome to mine and Brittany's world. We feel the same" explained Alvin
Theodore got out of bed and started getting ready for school
"Thanks bro....I'm glad you listened to me otherwise Dave would have been super ticked off" explained Alvin before leaving the bedroom
"It's all cool now Eleanor, I have got Theodore up and he is getting ready for school" called Alvin
Eleanor run to Alvin and gave him a hug "Thanks for that Alvin" called Eleanor in a happy voice
Alvin looked at Brittany and she shrugged her shoulders
Eleanor then let go of Alvin and went downstairs
"Does she normally hug you, if you do something she is struggling to do?" Asked Alvin
"No...she doesn't hug anyone normally, aside from Theodore she hugs him a lot. She hugs me and Jeanette sometimes but not very often" replied Brittany
Alvin and Brittany went downstairs and sat at the table with Dave Simon Jeanette and Eleanor for breakfast
"Morning you two" called Dave
"Morning Dave" Alvin and Brittany both replied
"My god, you two look terrible....did you not get much sleep last night?" Asked Dave
"No, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep for a while" replied Brittany
"Same for me" replied Alvin
"You two will have to have an early night tonight then" suggested Dave
A few minutes later, Theodore arrived at the table
"Morning, Theodore what took you so long this morning? You and Eleanor are normally first up" asked Dave in a worried voice
"What?....oh right....yea....I just couldn't get up this morning...I still feel tired now" replied Theodore in a sad voice
Dave shook his head "Alvin, Brittany, Theodore" called Dave
"Yea?" they all replied
"Were you three all up in the night....playing on a game? or watching TV? or something? You all seem very tired" asked Dave
Alvin and Brittany froze and Theodore spoke up
"Well we did see each other for a while last night..." Called Theodore
Dave's happy face started to disappear
"What Theodore means and Brittany went downstairs for a snack in the night and Theodore went to the toilet and saw us so he had a snack with us too" Alvin jumped in quickly
"How long was you up?" Asked Dave
" was only an hour or so" lied Brittany
Dave's smile came back again
"You must have all had hot chocolate then, after you three have that, you are all awake for a bit of time afterwards" called Dave
"Yea that's right, no more hot chocolate for us at 2am in the morning" called Alvin with a small laugh
"Anyway, you lot hurry up, we are going in a few minutes" called Dave
Dave switched the TV on and put on the news while he had his coffee
"Guys, what really happened last night?" Asked Simon
"What we just told Dave, we all got up for hot chocolate" replied Brittany
"Are you sure? Something seems a little off that's all" called Jeanette
"Yea we are sure..." Called Alvin
Dave nearly chocked on his coffee when he heard the news
"Last night, two men tried to rob a toy store but three kids dressed up as superhero's stopped the men and the police managed to catch them. The kids names were 'The Coon' 'Human Kite' and 'Wonder Tweek' says one of the policemen at the scene"
"ALVIN!!! BRITTANY!!! THEODORE!!!" Shouted Dave in an angry voice
"Oh no, we are in trouble now" said Alvin in a worried voice
Dave came back to the table and glared at the three of them
"I hope that the three kids dressed up as superhero's, with the names of the superhero's in your video, were not you three that are tired this morning!" Shouted Dave
"What? wasn't us three Dave" lied Alvin
"Yea it was us but we had a ton of fun stopped them guys from getting away, we really are good superhero's Dave" explained Theodore in a happy voice
"THEODORE!!!" Shouted Alvin and Brittany in an angry voice
"What? Dave told us to never lie to him" replied Theodore in a cute and innocent voice
"Yea but we told you not to tell anyone neither!" Alvin fired back
"Alvin! Brittany! Theodore! You three are all grounded for the week! I will speak to you all after school today and if you have a decent explanation to why you all went out last night then you will be grounded for less then that! Understand!" Shouted Dave
"Yes Dave, we are sorry..." Alvin Brittany and Theodore replied in a sad voice
"I will talk to you all later..." Said Dave in an angry voice
Brittany walked away from the kitchen table and Alvin followed her...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think Alvin and Brittany will say to Dave about why they all went out last night? Do you think Alvin will take the blame since it was his idea in the first place? Or do you think Brittany will jump in and say it was her fault for telling Alvin they couldn't be superhero's and that's what made him sneak out?
Let me know your answers to these questions in the comments below 👇
Just so you know, I personally see Theodore and the cute and innocent chipmunk out of them all. I believe that he would tell Dave that it was them last night, because he would see the consequences but I think he would also see that telling lies to Dave is wrong too. So that's why I think Theodore would tell Dave the truth rather then try to lie his way out of it. (I am just letting you all know how I see Theodore as a character because I don't want you to think that I think Theodore is stupid that's all)
I hope you all understand what I mean....🤔
Anyway, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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