The 8th member

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I was a trainee in bighit for 2months. Suga oppa helped in rapping. I did get to know BTS but was not that close with them except Suga oppa. We just said hi and bye to each other or just hangout for a coffee when there is a break. I often saw them dancing to there songs. I IMPROVED A LOT IN RAPPING BY SUGA OPPAS HELP.

Dad went back to USA as he has the main base over there. He cancelled his trip for 1 yr to 2months. Now i am living alone by myself. Now i started calling PDnim as PDnim appa as i miss my dad so much.... He was really fine with it and sees me like his own child. I often share my worries with him just how i share with my dad. Its been a long time that i contacted mom and my brother. I miss them so much....

After 2 months:

i woke up lazily and got ready to go to bighit. I ate my fav pancakes . i wore this-

I went to bighit

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I went to bighit. The receptionist stopped me told me to go to PDnims office. I went inside.

"Good morning PDnim appa"i said as i hug him. I turned side wards to see BTS standing there so i said hi to them.


Jin: guys wake up we need to go to the company. PDnim called us for a meeting.

Gosh these boys won't wake up at all-thought jin. He went and woke them up.

They woke up, got ready and ate breakfast. THey went to the company and met PDnim.

V: why did PDnim call us for a meeting.

Jungkook: I have no idea maybe for discussing about new album.

V: ya think so lets go.

We reached the office and greeted him. He told us we need to meet up with someone and told us to settle down.

Anna's pov

" You called me PDnim appa" i asked him.

'YA Anna.. i wanted to discuss something related to yours and BTS life.NOW sit down."

He started off..."You know Anna that you have been working really hard , you also improved in your rapping skills So i thought why not make you debut in a group. So i thought of joining you as a 8TH member of Bts. BEcause you really fit in their group and have a good potential like them. So i thought of putting you in this group. Are you okay with it?" he said

Wait.. WHAT!! I GOING TO BE PART OF BTS. WHAT IS HE TALKING. IS THIS REALLY TRUE!!!!! I stared at him with my wide eyes and then stared at bts who were really shocked to here it.

"What the hell PD appa.. what i being in bts. what are you talking."i nearly shouted


"Okay i actually dont have any problem with it. But are you serious of me living with 7 boys in a group. What will their fans think? Seriously they are goona bash me up and will eventually kill me. And what about there group, wont i like spoil the whole group who lived together. I guess you should ask them PDNIM appa. I AM OKAY WITH IT AS LONG AS THEY ARE FINE WITH IT." i said and tooka deep breath and waited for there reaction.

RM: " We are absolutely fine with it. She really has a good poteintial" while smiling

Suga: ya i am fine with it as i know her for a long time. she really fits in the group


PDNIM APPA: Everything will be fine. You dont worry abt it

Every one was really happy that i was joining them but i saw jungkook not happy of me joining the group. He was really upset whereas others were really happy.

"And one more thing no dating between you guys. OK Anna"he said and glared at me

"YAh PDnim appa i wont date happy. It was like 2yrs back Jake and i were dating. Anyways he is a stupid asshole who left me for Sarah and left me when i was depressed because of my sister's death" i said and looked down to my feet while i was remembering about my sister Eliza. It then hit me that BTS was also there and were staring at me as i told abt my sister.

"ya i am sorry. I didnt mean it"pdnim appa apologised

"its ok appa"i said and smiled

"Now get to know each other and be free. Now i need to go bye . See you Anna and BTS" he said. I hugged him and bid a good bye. Bts also bid a goodbye.

" we need to introduce .... I know about you guys already.." I said and giggled. The boys smiled.

"i will go first. I am Anna Stanely from NEWYORK. I can sing,dance and rap . I can play guitar and i speak different languages like english,korean,french,spanish and japaneese. I have a younger brother" i said and smiled at them

"But you just mentioned about your sister now right" Jimin asked

I just stared blankly at him and touch my pendant that my sister gave me on my birthday. i really missed her so much . I WAS biting my lips really hard to not to cry.

"Its ok if you are uncomfortable with it then you just leave it." JIN said with concern eyes as he saw me.

"no its fine. I will tell you guys when the time comes."i said smiling a bit.

They introduced themselves. After a while their manager came in and greeted me.

"Hello Anna i am bts manager seijin. So apparently your manager to ." he said smiling at me

" oh hello nice to meet you manager nim"i said

"So get ready tommorow Anna as you are moving into their dorm. ANd you all bts you to get ready and pack luggages as you are moving to your new dorm" manager nim said

'YAH....' they were really happy. WE laughed and talked for a while and went back to our own ways.

Jungkook 's pov

What this girl is joing our group. First thing i have a phobia of girls and second is that she will take my position as the golden maknae.. WHAT IS this. This is not going to happen. Why did he ever accept a girl in the group. Now most of the parts will be taken by this so called Anna. AHHHHHHH.... I REALLY HATE THIS.- i thought as others were really happy and were getting close.

//Hope you like my story. Dont get it wrong . Jungkook is really good in nature and is my favourite. But the suspence is still there. So stay tuned and like my story. //

BTS 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now