Dawon Unnie

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We were just chilling out in the hall while suddenly hobi oppa came running from the room.
"Guys my noona is coming to dorm. I am excited. I will meet her after a long time" he said smiling.
"Really. I miss her a lot oppa. Glad she is coming. We will have fun" i said to him.
"Ne it's been a long time we had see noona . It will be fun" RM oppa said.
"And guess what her friend Yunhee is also coming to dorm" Joni oppa said.
"Good. It's amazing. We will truly have fun today" Suga oppa said.

"Yunhee noona is coming. Wow daebak it's been so many years I had seen her. I miss her as lot. She is so funny to be with" Jimin oppa said. The maknae line started to talk about Yunhee. I never see her till now. I heard that she was really close with BTS same as Dawon unnie.
I really missed unnie a lot. It feels like Eliza is here with me .
Hope I make good friends with Yunhee unnie.

We were just talking about stuff and we heard the bell ring.
"I guess they are here" Yoongi oppa said.
"Ne I will take the door" hobi oppa said while we were just following them.
Hobi oppa went and took the door.
"Anneyonghaseyo nonna" he said and hugged Dawon unnie. I really missed her a lot. It makes me feel like I had my Eliza back.
"How are you unnie" I said and hugged her.
"I am fine. You have grown a lot. " She said and patted my back.
"Ne I am really happy today that you are here. I feel like Eliza is here with me" i said and smiled at her.
"Ne I will always be your unnie." She said and patted my back. She greeted everyone and I saw Yunhee her friend.

"Oh anneyonghaseyo . Anna ibinida" I said and bowed to her.
"Oh I am Yunhee dawons friend" she said and bowed. I looked at her. She just introduced and turned her attention to maknae line. I guess they are really close. Whenever I see her she gives me bad vibes. She eyes me when I talk with unnie.

"You have grown up a lot" Dawon unnie said.
"Ne and you are getting old now" hobi oppa said. They started bickering . It was fun to see them both having their siblings moment. I chuckled a bit.
"Nonna now stop it. You are acting like maknae line. Now I should deal with you guys" Jin oppa said.
Unnie just pouted.
"Ok now let's go eat. Just am hungry' RM oppa said.
"Ne" we said.

I was about to sit next to unnie and jungkook but Yunhee came up.
"Huh if you don't mind" she said innocently.
"Ne Sure" I said. I sat beside Yoongi oppa and Jin oppa.
We started eating.
Yunhee was Flirting with jungkook. I could notice that. When I looked at them she glared at me.
"Unnie how is your work going on" I asked .
"It's going great. I am having fun" she said.
"Hobi oppa is using your style basically coping it" I said and smiled evishly.
"Hahh" hobi oppa said and head locked me.
"Now leave me oppa I can't breathe" I said and pushed him away. We all were laughing out.
I looked at Yunhee and she was glaring at me. I just shrugged it off and ate my lunch.

"Hey guys I read a article about a 21yr old women who was a model before. She died like 4yrs ago" Yunhee said. I stopped in my tracks and I heard it attentively. I guess this sounds familiar.
"And you know what she was like the best model in new York. But she died in a car accident. It's actually good you know" Yunhee said.
We gasped.

"Why you telling like that" Jimin oppa asked..
"Oh well there is a reason behind it. She is so horrible. I read that her name was Eliza Stanley" Yunhee said.
I stopped eating. I was gripping my chopsticks tightly. I can't loose my temper. She was bad mouthing about my sister and I am doing nothing.

No Anna don't cry. You can't be weak. You can't show it too her.

The whole room was silent. Each of them looked at me. My head was down. My hand which was resting on the other side of my lap was turned into a fist. I was digging my nails inside my palm.

Don't lose your cool

Yoongi oppa who sat beside me hold my fist to make me calm.i looked at him. He was just giving a sad smile.
"And I read that she slept with a lot of models in her company. There were so many cases saying that she was not eligible for modelling but got accepted because she slept with the manager or something. She is such a bitch and a slut. Oh my god. Taking advantage of each and everyone. I guess how her parents are now. What type of a daughter they had given birth too. So it was a nice thing she died. She shouldn't be here. She deserves it" Yunhee said and looked at me and smirked.

She did this all because she is jealous. I couldn't control anymore. If I would have been a bit more longer I would have blasted out. I was controlling my self. Calling my sister as slut???. She is such an asshole and a fame whore. How could she do it. I couldn't hold it anymore.
The whole table was quite. Dawon unnie looked at me. She was giving an apologetic look to me. I just smiled sadly.
"Huhh I completed. I will go to my room. I have some work. You guys eat and enjoy" I said and picked up my plate. My hands were trembling. I couldn't control my emotions at all. How can she talk about my sister like that. She literally means everything . She knows that I am her sister. She broke the ice inside me. How pathetic she is.

Jin oppa held my hand and assured me everything is fine. I just gave him a smile.
"Wait---" Tae oppa said but I quickly went to my room.
I locked the room and bursted out crying. I didn't cry loudly. I just covered my mouth and sobbed. Eliza was precious to me and she is still my sister no matter what happens. And that so called witch called her mean names. I couldn't raise my voice cause she was unnies friend and I don't want to make things complicated between me and unnie or hobi oppa and unnie. I know unnie understands me. She treats me like her own sister.

I took the pic from the side table where me and Eliza were posing a peace sign. I looked at it and smiled. I cried for a log time and I didn't realize that it has gotten worse then before.

BTS pov
Anna went off to her room. Yunhee was talking about her sister and she couldn't control it. She is really sensitive to this topic.
"Yunhee are you gone nuts. What have you done" Dawon noona yelled at her.
"What did I do. I didn't do anything" Yunhee said.
"Nonna it's ok. Now calm down we will talk about this calmly" taehyung said.
"You just talked about Eliza. You know that. And and BECAUSE of you Anna went to her room" nonna yelled.
"What have I done. I don't know the reason why she went. And what about Eliza. I don't get it" Yunhee said.
"Hub actually The one Eliza you talked was Anna's sister" Jin said.
"What I don't know about it. I didn't know about it. If I would have known I would never tell it Infront of her" Yunhee said.
"Tsk tsk such acting" Yoongi said.

"What hyung" Jimin asked while looking at her.
"Ntg" Yoongi said.
"Now what will Anna be doing. Will she be fine" nonna asked.
"I don't know. She maybe crying in her room" jungkook said.
"I am sorry I didn't know it. I didn't mean it" Yunhee said.
"Yeah but she will surely be depressed" RM said sadly.
"You should go and tell sorry to her. She is surely depressed of what you said" nonna said.
"Hope she is good. She is really sensitive towards this topic. She gets depressed easily " jhope said.
"Yeah I know. But she will be fine. As Yunhee will say sorry. She didn't know about Eliza. She may understand" taehyung said.
"Hope she is good. I don't want her to be sad and upset" Yoongi said and glared at Yunhee.
"She will be fine. We will talk to her. Let her have some time" Jin said.

"Hey she will be fine. I will tell her sorry. I hope she will forgive me. "Yunhee said and caressed jungkooks hand. Jimin saw it and looked at her.

What a drama today. Hope Anna is good. She will be so upset and depressed. She is really sensitive towards this topic. Hope she is good.

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