Vlive with Vocal line

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We just completed our concert and we're in our respected rooms. I took a quick shower and layed on the bed for a while.

I didn't feel like sleeping. I was not that tired. I order food and ate it in my room. I talked with Alex for a while. I went to other rooms to see what they were doing cause I was so bored.

I knocked on Suga oppas door,and obviously he didn't open it. I guess he is sleeping. I just sighed and went to namjoon oppas room cause Hoseok oppa messaged in the group not to disturb him cause he is going to sleep now.

I chuckled and knocked on Namjoon oppas room. He opened lazily.
"Oh hi,Anna. What you doing here" he said while closing his door behind him.
"Well CAme to see what you doing cause I was getting bored' I said while I sat on the sofa near his bed.
"What you doing oppa" I asked while sitting crossed legged.
"Well I was reading a comic. And that's when you came in" he said while scrolling through his phone.

"Well bye then. Enjoy reading. I guess no time for me" I said while pouting.
He laughed out. "I will hang out tomorrow ok. Now go sleep" he said while ruffling my hair.

I went out of the room,in search of Jungkooks room. I guess he is going to be free. I went and knocked on the door. Jimin oppa opened it.
"Woah what you doing here?" I asked while he started laughing.

I went inside to see Jin oppa,Tae oppa and Jungkook were doing vlive along with Jimin oppa.
"Ohh you guys doing vlive. Good" I said while I went to jungkook.
"I guess we should call everyone" Jimin oppa said while laughing.
"How did you guys end up?" I asked.

"Well me and jimin were doing Eat Jin. While jungkook came in the end and started it again. We thought of going but Jimin stayed. While me and taehyung came later" Jin oppa said while laughing.
"Ohh" I giggled.

"Oh army's..hi everyone. Today is vocal line special" I said while kneeling down beside jungkook who was sitting on the chair. I waved at the camera.
"Woah oppa,see those muscles.." I said while poking my arm on Tae oppas muscle.
"That was the first thing I said when he came in" jungkook said.
Taehyung oppa became shy while I nudged him in his ribs.

"Well me and jungkook just went to work out and I stayed for a long time today. By the way why are you here??" He asked.
"Cause I was getting bored, I went to the hyung line rooms . Suga oppa and Hoseok oppa are sleeping while Namjoon oppa is reading a comic. So I thought of coming to jungkooks room cause he is jobless usually" I said while looking at him.

"Woah,so mean.." jungkook said while hitting me on the head.
"Army's, you see they bully me like this. They are so mean" I said while pouting.
Jimin oppa came and back hugged me.
"Well I am not like that right.." he wiggled his eyes,while I nudged him in the stomach.

"Yah jungkook,what is this your underwear?"taehyung oppa said while looking at it. I laughed out.
"Oh that yeah"he said while scratching his nape.
He got out from his seat and handed over the phone to Jimin oppa.
"Where are my panties.." jungkook said .
"What the...this kid doesn't have any manners. It's going live over here" Jimin oppa yelled.

"Sorry' he said while putting his underwear somewhere else.
"You didnt see it did you" Jin oppa asked,while I gave him a disgusted look.
"I didn't ,don't worry. No interest too" I said while looking away.
"I am embarrassed" jungkook said .
"It's no big deal. I have seen you guys in boxers a lot ok. No hard feelings. Just stop being so embarrassed and perverts" I said while frowning.

"We just joking.." taehyung oppa said while head locking.
"We will be going. You continue with your vlive.." Jimin oppa said
"Why...I will miss you" I said while hugging his arm.
"What is wrong with you?? Your mood swings are up and down,I say" Jin oppa said while he flicked my head.

"Army's ,they are bullying me again" I faked cried.
"Yahh...don't say that. Army's don't worry,we are taking care of this precious little lad." Taehyung oppa said while patting my head .
"Bye guys,,.." they both said while going.
Jungkook was sitting on the sofa and handling the camera.

"Yah boya!!. All you have is black..so interested in black" Jin oppa joked as he picked up jungkooks t-shirt and put it on himself.
"Andae,don't take it. Put it there."jungkook said while getting up.
Jimin oppa took and put it on taehyung oppa.
"Woah it fits perfectly. It looks so comfortable"he said while folding it.

"By the way,we should get going Jimin- Sii" Jin oppa said while he dragged Jimin oppa out. I bid them bye. Now I am with vkook.
"So what else." I asked,army's while kneeling down again.
Nonna I want to see more tattoos,your tattoos taste is amazing..
It read.
"Oh yeah,what about the tattoos"jungkook asked.

"Well I planed off,but no time for going and getting it. Sorry guys. I really wanted one on my arm and leg. Because of busy schedules and I am a bit tired too ,so couldn't go to a tattoo shop." I said while pouting sadly

"We can go tomorrow you know. We are free tomorrow' taehyung oppa said. I smiled and nodded. We were just talking. Jungkook and Taehyung oppa were having a stating competition with army's
"You know if you are like that staring at them not moving and showing your handsomeness,army's are going to faint" I said from the other side.

They laughed out. I bent down again to the screen. We were just taking random stuff about concert.
"You know you should do those steps again during mikrokosmos. It was amazing" jungkook said .
So basically I just swayed my whole body side to side .
I laughed and hid my face in my palms.

"She was so embarrassed after that.." taehyung oppa said while laughing. We were still talking about the concert and how army's supported and all.
"So what you guys going to do next after vlive" I asked,while sitting crossed legged.
"Well I am tired,I am going to sleep."Taehyung oppa said.
"Well I need to take a shower,so you guys get out" jungkook said while taking his clothes.

"That's so mean.." I said while crossing my arms.
"Aigo,are you not sleepy.." taehyung oppa asked while petting my head.
"I am sleep deprived I guess. Nowadays not getting sleep even after a long lasting tiring day" I said while getting up.
I tied my hair up in a ponytail and brushed my locks.

"Oh. Just see some movies or something. Just don't think so hard about stuff" jungkook said while I nodded.
"Army's don't be worried about me,I am usually like that. No health issues. It's only boys bullying me so much" I joked while giggling.
"Yah..when did we even bully you" taehyung oppa said while taking out the hair band on my hair and pulled my hair a bit.

"See this is what you guys do." I faked cried. He petted my hair again and tied it up in a ponytail.
"I was just joking army. Don't take it seriously" i said.
"Fine,let's just go now oppa. He needs to take a shower" I said while dragging taehyung oppa out. I went out of the room waiting for oppa.

The vlive soon ended and we both went to our rooms. I just watched few episode of the drama and tried to sleep. And which I did.

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