Problems cause of me

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I woke in the morning having a blank face. I just didn't know what was happening to me right now. I feel so upset on myself. I woke up years rolling down my cheeks. I went to the bathroom and looked at my face at how pathetic I was. I recalled what happened yesterday in the dorm.
I can't be weak. I need to be strong.

I just freshened up and went down with a blank face. I may suffer from depression again. I don't know what is happy to me right now. I am just blank and nothing is going on in my brain. I feel hurt but I can't just control my emotions.
I saw pdnim Appa with a sad smile. He greeted me and I bowed to him. He prepared some breakfast and I sat in front of the plate staring at it blankly.

"Anna eat" he said. I looked at him and then the plate. I didn't had any appetit. I just took slow bites and ate a little.
"Anna tell me what happened. Did something bad happened.??! Did you guys fight or something. Please tell me why were you crying yesterday" he asked. I just looked at me. My eyes were a bit glassy. I just didn't tell him anything and looked down. He just sighed.
"Ok I get it. Let's go to dorm. You rest ok. I will talk to the boys" he said Nd helped to stand up. I slightly nodded and went with him to the car. We drove to dorm.

Will they be happy to see me. Did they even care about me after I went away??? Am I a burden to them??.

Flashback yesterday.
BTS pov
Anna went running in the dark from the dorm.
"Anna wait"taehyung said but she didn't listen to him.
What happened to her. By is she acting like this. Did Yunhee hurt her. Why isn't she telling anything.!!!!!!
"What happened to her.?why is she not telling us.? Something is bothering her. She is not telling us at all" RM said
"I bet that Yunhee had done something to her. First she insulted Anna's sister and then this drama. Yunhee is truly a bitch man. I am going to kill her if something happens to Anna" Yoongi yelled. He was so angry. He looked like he might kill Yunhee .

"Yoongi calm down. I can understand. There must be a reason behind it. Anna wouldn't do it. We all know. Just calm down. If we get to know Yunhee was behind this then she will be punished for that. But first let us go search Anna. It's not safe for her to roam on the streets crying and being in that state. Let's go now" Jin said. Being the eldest of the group he should take care of them. He was really angry in the person That made his princesses to cry her heart out.

We went outside the dorm and searched for her.
"Ok see guys let's paired up too and go in different directions. Ok" RM said. We nodded and headed in different directions.
"Anna.....' taehyung screamed.
"Where are you Anna.???? "Jin screamed.
All 4were searching for Anna.
"Guys did you find her" taehyung asked.
"No we didn't" Jin said. Yoongi got so angry he kicked the dustbin on the sidewalk.

"Yoongi hyung calm down. Please . Let's call her" RM said. They tried calling her but she couldn't lift her phone.
"Now what do we do. I am really worried" Jin said.
"Let's call pdnim and tell him about it" RM said.
"Noo RM hyung. He will get upset. We can't do it. " Taehyung said.
"No taehyung RM is right let him call pdnim so we can search for a solution" Yoongi said as he balled his fist.
RM called pdnim and they talked for a while.
"What did he say?" Jin asked.
RM sighed.
"I told him Anna was missing and he told that Anna came to his house crying" RM said.
"What she is fine right..?? She is safe" Yoongi said.
"Ne she is but her condition is not. She slept crying and she has got nightmares. Pdnim said she was crying a lot. He is really upset on us" RM said and looked down.

"Yeah it's ok. We will talk to him tomorrow. He will listen to us. Now let's go to the dorm. Let Anna be there with pdnim. She might not willing to come to the dorm after what happened to her" Jin said patted Namjoons back.

"Hope she is good. I don't want he RTO get hurt. She was hurt everytime because of us. I don't want Anna to get hurt again" taehyung said and he quietly sobbed.
"Taehyung-ah don't cry. Everything will be fine. I promise. She will be fine. She will come soon. She is strong like you. Be strong for Anna" Yoongi said and caressed his back. Taehyung wiped his tears and hugged his hyung.

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