Jimin oppa

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It's been a huge week for us. We are preparing for our last concert as well as the award functions. We all were really tired and exhausted. I directly went to my room to sleep. After a few minutes I turned side to side to get some sleep. I tossed out from the bed and slowly tip toped out of the room without disturbing Kookie. I went outside and went down to the hall.
I thought if eating something do I went to the kitchen.

I stopped in my tracks as I suddenly heard some noise. I looked over and sae someone digging up in the fridge. I went closer and looked at the person. Aish ...What is Jimin oppa doing here. I went slowly and tapped his shoulder. He looked back and was about to scream. I put my hand on his mouth and told me not to shout.

"Kapjaga" Jimin oppa said as he sighed with relief.
I just chuckled.
"What are you doing here oppa. Digging the fridge this late night" I asked..
"Huh...I just casually did it" he said.
"What are you doing here" he asked.
"I was not getting sleep. Do I came out of the bed. I feel bored now and thought of eating something but I see some small mochi too came up to eat something secretly at this time.e of night" u said and teased him.
He smacked my head. I just rubbed my forehead.

"Here you go" he said and gave me a sausage.
I took it and ate it.
"Oppa let's sneak out" I said.
"Huh what ??" He asked a bit confused.
"I said let's sneak out from the house" I said.
"What in this time. Are you gone mad. What if the boys will get to know" he said.
"Oppa please. Ntg will happen. Let's sneak out . Please. Come" I said and dragged him. His one hand was caught by me and the other had the packet sausages.

"Ok let's go" he said and we sneak out.
"Huhhh finally" I said and stretched my arms. The nights cold breeze was blowing up. It was really good whether. It was really calm and only the moon's light was visible. The sky was really beautiful. I just stared at it.
"Anna come on let's sit on that bench" Jimin oppa.said and dragged me. We went there are saw the beautiful sky.

"It looks so beautiful right" I said and looked at the sky.
"Ne it's really calm and so amazing" he said.
"We really had made so far like those stars" I said
"Ne we became famous now" he said.
"Oppa have you ever thought that this love by our army's will not fit for us" I asked him as I looked at him.
"Ne I sometimes think that the live given by them was like we don't deserve that much love. They had supported us a lot. I think that we are really grateful for this love and the army's who support.us everytime " he said.
"Ne it's just really grateful" I said.

"Oppa I guess you guys should not stress yourself. You stress yourself a lot. You guys should also get break. You avoid me to get stressed while you guys get more pressure on yourself. I just don't like that. O am too capable . You guys do know it. I just want you guys to be happy. I don't want to see you guys stressed out and pressurised yourself" I said and held his hand.
"Anna that's what life is. For working hard we need to do whatever is possible. We can't just back off everything. I feel my voice is not suitable for this group. I often think my voice is not compatible or just cracks whever I sing. All of us has this insecurities inside us. I just feel I am not fit for this group" he said and looked at the sky.

"Oppa please never ever say that. You are really good at singing as well as dancing. I am really greatful that a mochi has come into this group. Never listen to the haters. Your voice is really fabulous. Just don't think negatively. I and all the boys are there for you to support you. We support each other if we have problems. Just don't ever say that you are not capable of doing this. Just be happy. We all are there for you. Specifically army is there for you to protect you and support you. Everything will be fine" I said and hugged him by his waist as my head was on his shoulders.

"Thanks Anna. You truly are really helpful. Thanks for coming into our group. It changed a lot. Thanks for my cute little sister" he said and pinched my cheeks.
"Jimin oppa I am not a kid now. I am a grown up women" I said and hit his arm.
"Ne heh now you got a boyfriend too" he said and teased me. I just smiled at him.
We stayed for a while.
"I guess we need go. It's late already" he said. We got up and went to our dorm. We allow tip toed and went inside.
"Bye good night see you tomorrow" Jimin oppa whispered.
"Ne bye. See you tomorrow" I said and went towards my room.

Thank god we didn't get caught or else we will surely be sued by these boys. I went to my room and went to sleep. Back to Dreamland again.😪😴

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