Graduating 1

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I woke up because of a phone call. I picked up my phone and answered it.
"Hello" I said.
"Hello . Is this Anna Stanley i am speaking" she asked. I sat upright.
"Yes it's Anna speaking. What is it" I asked.
"Mam your invited for the graduation of your school Saint Mary high school. Our graduation is on Tuesday. Hope you come" she said.
"Really thanks a lot. I will call you and tell you." I said.

I cut the call. I jumped on jungkook who was sleeping . I was really excited to go to graduation.
"Kookie I got a call they called me for the graduation of our college" I said and squealed.
He woke up shocked. "Omg Anna get up from me first" he said. I got up and told him sorry. He woke and asked me"what is it now"

"I got a call from the college telling I am invited to graduation which is this Tuesday" I said and smiled widely
"Really congrats you are getting graduated" he said and hugged.
"Come on get ready we will go tell them" I said and went to the bathroom to get a quick shower. I changed and went down. Jungkook was already down with members.

"Guys I have a good news" I said and smiled.
"Really what is it. You look so excited" v oppa asked.
"It's.....I am going to get graduated" I said and smiled at them. I was practically squealing.
"Really congrats. My Anna is becoming an adult girl" Jin oppa said as a proud eomma.
"Good girl congratulations" Suga oppa and jhope oppa said.
All of them hugged me and congratulated me.
"When is it. I am really excited" Jimin oppa asked.
"It's this Tuesday" I said.

"I guess we need to ask manager Nim. Cause we have award shows" RM oppa said.
I just stood there silent.
"It's ok he will allow up to go" jhope oppa said.
I smiled. We all sat in the living room while RM oppa was talking. I was biting my nails due to nervous. I really want to go to the graduation.
"It's ok he will allow you" v oppa said.

After the talk namjoon oppa came to us.
"What did he say" I asked.
"First came down sit down I will tell you" RM oppa said.
"What did he say hyung" jungkook asked.
"He said that...he accepted it. We can go to New York. He will book the tickets now" namjoon oppa said while smiling.
I sighed and hugged him. "Thank you" I said.

"Ok guys now let's get ready" Suga oppa said. We all went and packed our things. After a few hours manager Nim came.
"Good morning Everyone. And congrats on your graduating" he said and shook me hand.
"Thanks. Are you not coming" I asked.
"No we ahve some work here. Some staff unnies and the security for protecting you will come with you guys" he said.
"Thanks a lot manager Nim"Jin oppa said.
We bowed to him. He gave us the tickets. We got inside the car. I called Alice.

"Hello Alice." I said.
"Hello how are you" she asked.
"I am fine. Did you get the invitation" I asked.
"Yes I got it. I just talked with Michael and Sammy. They too got it. You coming right" she asked.
"Yesssssssss I am" I squealed so loudly.
All my members were just giggling how I was so happy for graduation.
"Good girl. I am excited. I will tell it to the boys. Are the boys coming with you" she asked.
"Yes they are coming. We will enjoy ourselves" I said.

I ended the call.
"You surely are excited girl" jhope oppa said.
"Ne I am really excited for this graduation" I said.
We all get down and went to the airport. Fans were also there.
"How do they know about this" jungkook asked.
"I have no idea" I said. I was close to the boys. Some of them were just pouncing on us.

I went to the immigration center because I am not a citizen.
"Guys I need to go that side. Be there ok. I will come after the formalities are completed" I said and went to the immigration center. I finished and went back to the boys.
"Let's go" I said.
We all went and went to the waiting room.

"We have so much time left" Jin oppa said.
"Ne what will we do" jhope oppa asked.
"I will sleep" Suga oppa said.
I face palmed my self.
"Ok come we will go somewhere" I said and dragged jhope oppa,Jimin oppa, jungkook and Tae oppa.
We went to music store. We bought some stuff. We went to the bakery and ate there.
"Let's go it's time" Jimin oppa said.
We all went . We boarded the plane. I sat beside Jimin oppa. We talked for a while and slept.

He looks so cute when he sleeps. I slept with him as my head was resting on his forehead. After few hours we landed in New York. We got down. All were sleepy because of jet lag. We directly went to hotel. Me and Suga oppa were sharing a room. We directly went inside. I threw my bag on the floor and slept. SuGA oppa too slept beside me.

Tomorrow will be a great day cause it's the graduation ceremony.

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