Birthday with boys

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Anna's pov..
I woke up in the morning with a huge pain in my neck. I groaned. I rubbed my eyes to see jungkook not in his bed. I just took a quick shower and went down while holding my neck.

"Good morning" I said.
"Oh good morning. Come let's eat.." jin oppa said.
We all sat down and we're eating. My neck was aching a lot I felt irritated so I just banged my head to the table.
"Woah.. what happened??"jhope oppa asked.
"My neck is aching a lot. I didn't sleep properly yesterday 😭" I said and sighed.
Tae oppa just chuckled.
"When we came to dorm we saw you sleeping in a awkward position with your bed. So you got this neck ache" he said.
"Huh...what has gotten over me" I said and sighed .
"It will be fine . Just eat for not I will do a massage to you" Jimin oppa said.
I nodded and we ate.

After a while Jimin oppa came with a ice pack and put it on my neck.
"Thanks a lot oppa" I said and closed my eyes.
"Yeah welcome. now just rest ok" he said and started to massage my neck. I slowly fell asleep.

After a while I woke up to see no one in the dorm. I looked for the boys but they were nowhere . In the hall I found a note.
Anna,we are going to the company. We have some work. So just don't wait for us and eat lunch. We don't know when we will be coming to dorm. Just take care of yourself....BTS

I just sighed and went to the kitchen. I ate my lunch in silence.
What has gotten over these guys???. Why are they going to the ent without me ??. They were avoiding me for a quite a time too. I thought of all uwanted things. I just shook of my thoughts . I went back to my room. I started reading the novel

After a few hours it was evening. So I decided to call the boys. I called jungkook first and the other boys. No one lifted my call. Are they avoiding me??? I tried calling them several times but they didn't pick up.

I just slept cause it was really late...

Next day...
My sleep got interupted by my phone. It was ringing.
"Hello"..I said.
"Happy Birthday Anna..." Mom,dad and Alex said. They were on the face time. I rubbed my eyes. I didn't even realize it is my bday today. I smiled at them.
"Thanks a lot ... Love you " I said and smiled .
"Take care of yourself...I miss you a lot" mom said.
"Ne I miss you too" I said and pouted.
"Miss coconut love you. Just don't be lazy ass today. Go enjoy. And get me something when you come back" he said smiling.
"Woahhhhh pig's your sister bday. Be kind to her at least today. " I said and chuckling.
"Yeah love you loads. I miss you. I have no one to irritate here" he said.
"I miss you too" I said.

"Happy birthday my sweetheart... Be good and good luck. Have a nice day. Enjoy with the boys" dad said.
"Thanks ms a lot dad. Love and guys and miss you a lot" I said.
"Ok now go sleep. It must be late night. Thanks again. Just take rest. Bye. Love you" I said and cut the call.
I went down to see boys getting ready.

"Hey guys... You remember what's today"I asked.
"Oh what is it Anna?? I don't remember anything though"jungkook said and played on his phone.
"Is something special today??"asked taehyung.
"Ani today will be a tiring day. We need to go to the company for recording and there is a meeting too"RM oppa said.
"Today will be tiring day..."Jin oppa said.
"I want too sleep the whole day."Suga oppa said who was sleeping on the couch
"Yeah now Anna go and get ready. We can't be late"Jimin oppa said.

I frowned. They don't remember what day it was today. I felt upset. I just sighed and went to my room. Unknowingly tears started rolling down my cheeks. I wiped my tears and thought maybe they are stressed out... I sighed and changed .

We all went to the ent . The boys went to their respective rooms while I head towards mine. I went and just sat down staring at the screen of my computer. I sighed again. After a few minutes..  there was a knock on the door. I looked to see stylist unnie near the door.
"Anna the staff wants to meet you. There is a meeting held up  so come " she said. I noticed and went with her.

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