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For two weeks, we were on vacation. It was less, but it was worthwhile. I pulled my fluffy, blue blanket all the way to the bed. My Netflix account was set up to play the movie I wanted to see. With a few snacks at my side, I sat on the bed while being covered by the blanket. The boys operated independently. Some were at their studio, in the dorm, or in the group, or they were either bored to sleep or in the dorm.

I was paying close attention to the film. I jerked back in response to the sudden sound as the door opened."God, oh God. You absolutely freaked me "I cried out.

Jimin barged in. He was dressed in a cozy, puffy sweatshirt. His adorable little hands made a fist in the paws of the sweater.

He chuckled before climbing into bed.

I stepped aside to give him some room. In order to get beneath the blanket, he shoved the snacks aside.

"What are you doing?? I am so bored. I don't know what to do" he whined as he brought his legs together.

"I am watching a movie. Wanna watch.." I offered. He nodded excitedly and sat down comfortably next to me.

We were getting so involved in the story.

"I need cuddles." I pout and spoke out of blue and looked at Jimin .

"Why the rapid change? You being adorable is not something you usually do "The sudden alteration in conduct made him laugh.

"I haven't hugged somebody in a very long time. I need some solace "I timidly rubbed my back.He crooned, "Aw..this cutey wants cuddles from the big oppa." I struck the man in the chest.

 His hand snuggled around my waist catching it firmly. I snuggled closer as my hand gripped on the sheets .

We sat together and chatted for a bit after the movie.

"You doing great right?" He asked while caressing my palms.

"Why are you asking all of a sudden??" I asked in curiosity.

"Simply. You grew up so much. And we all stopped having the adult talks. It was only during breaks we talk our worries. So need to know how you doing Anna??" He asked looking down at me.

"Omo. you being so emo right now>>" I teased. He pinched my arm and glared at me playfully.

"I am absolutely fine. After all, I have a big baby mochi on my side to take care" I giggled and stuck out my tongue.

He crossed his arms and scoffed.We had a long conversation. friends having fun together.I grinned at how enjoyable the day had been.


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