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The boys were out for a dinner and drinks near the Entertainment. I decided to stay back and rest a little since I was really tried from the schedule.

I showered and wore my pajamas and laid on the bed. I drowsed off watching funny videos in my phone. I jolted up as the phone rang. I groaned and looked at the Id name. I was confused why was the driver calling at this time??


The driver coughed and started to speak.

"Hello Anna- ssi, I'm sorry for bothering you but can you help me with the boys?"

I was confused at the whole situation.

"Where are you? Did something happen?" I asked .

"I am outside---Namjoon-ssii, please stop pulling the handle. You will break it. I am outside the dorm and I can't handle them" He said annoyed. I could hear the shuffling sounds. 

I sighed and shook my head. I caressed my forehead and exhaled.

"Ok okay. I am coming down" I hung up,wore a cardigan and went down to see 4 passed out boys and the other three messing around in the back seat.

Jin notices me and jumps .

"Princess...,I loooooVVeee YooOOuu " He cooed drunkenly. I laugh and pull him into the dorm while the driver gets Namjoon and Yoongi.

 All the boys are in the dorm , sprawled on the ground and couch.

"Do you need help?? Handling them is so difficult" He scratched his nape.

"No thank you. I will handle them,you go rest" He nods and leaves ,closing the dorm door.

I turned around to the drunkly boys and sighed.

This is going to be a hell of a night

"Okay who's first??" I whispered  to myself. I just grab whoever was closest.

"Come on Oppa,Lets go rest" I say while grabbing Jin's hand and taking into his room.

"Noo, Seokjinnie wants to cuddle!!" He says cutely while pouting. He put his hands on his face and started doing cute faces.

" I promise ,we'll cuddle once I finish with all the boys . But you are a good lad. So now change your clothes and sleep" I say while giving his pajamas to change.

He slurped few words which were incoherent. He was soon knocked out. I shook my head and went out.

I took Jimin Oppa by his arm and lifted him up.

I took put his shoes and threw him on the bed.

Gosh I cant do it any more..

He was comfortable in his clothes so I left him on the bed to handle other people.

Yoongi oppa was the lightest. He slept so calmly and surprisingly he didn't wake up. I wiped his make up and placed his head on the pillow. He soon curled into a ball and drowsed off. I pulled a blanket over him and smiled at how care free he is sleeping when I have to go through this hell.

I curse them all in my head.

You guys should pay me back tomorrow.

I went down hurriedly. I looked at Hobi oppa who was now sitting on the couch dreamily.

"Hobi oppa,Its time to sleep" He looked at me and nodded. He got up and I helped him to be stable. I gave him his clothes and turned around to leave.

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